Joe (and Jennifer),
I spoke with Erica (Miller, vet) at Tristate this morning and have an update on the bald eagle, although it is not good news. The wrist was hanging because the elbow was out of joint on the right wing. They attempted surgery to repair the damage last night, and found that the elbow was completely out of socket (radius & ulna removed completely from humerus), the surface of the joint was already beginning to break down and become necrotic, meaning even if they could have gotten the elbow back in joint (which they could not) the bird would have had severe arthritis it’s entire life, therefore not being able to fly well and then not at all. The eagle had to, very unfortunately, be euthanized.
The injury was estimated to have been there for at least 4 to 5 days or longer, and to be able to successfully relocate any joint injury it has to be fixed within 24 to 48 hrs of dislocation. I am really very sorry there wasn’t more we could do for him, but from the people who first spotted him/her, to you and Jennifer capturing the eagle, to transporting and treating it, everyone did there very best to help that awesome bird.
Please take comfort that he/she received a really awesome last meal, safe place to sleep, and all the medical intervention possible to save him and in the end we still helped the eagle by ending his pain and suffering in the most peaceful, best way possible. He wasn’t doomed to sit in the woods in fear, starving, cold, and in pain, becoming further and further debilitated and suffering and starving till the end, and for me, even though we won’t release him in the woods, we released him from his pain and suffering, and that is a good thing.
I really would like to thank both you and Jennifer for all your help with this little guy/girl and I know the eagle thanks you as well. Sorry to be the bearer of the bad news…
Mother nature can be so unkind sometimes. but unlike mans mindless murdering, Nature has her reasons, we just don't always know them.
God bless you for your efforts.
Wow. I am so sorry this didn't have a happier ending.
Thank you for sharing this with us, though.
Mr. and Mrs. A., my heart goes out t'you and this bird.
Ya gave it a better end than Mother Nature would've.
I know it ain't no consolation, but ya got an ole dog's gratitude fer yer lovin' kindness.
It is a sad outcome, but my greatfull thanks to both of you for the fine effort.
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