OK, see that Handicap Parking Space? That's the Randy Taylor parking space where he tells everyone it's not really a Handicap Spot, it's his personal spot and neighbors had been believing it. Until today, that is.
Today I watched Randy actually parking in a metered space because the word was out that I was on top of it and he's no longer breaking the law.
I travel through the City a few times a day and I'm going to continue to keep tabs on this parking space and take pictures of the white Suburban Randy drives and if it's in this spot I'm going to call the Police until we get the facts ironed out here. Just because you're a FOB doesn't mean you have the right to take advantage of a Handicap Parking Space. End of story.
Physically handicapped or mentally handicapped? If it's the latter then all FOB's should get the little blue tag for their rear view mirror!!
I think in order for it to be an enforcable handicapped space it has to have a sign.
Drvcrash, I think yer right. All the spaces I see now are painted in blue with a proper-like sign at the front. If'n my friend is correct, if the space ain't done correctly, it's legal t'park there.
Might be better t'find out if the handicap space is required in that location. I ain't up on such things, but location o' such a space may be determined by type or size or somesuch of the business that the spot goes with.
Fer whatever an ole dog's thoughts are worth these days.
Oh dog,
tell the truth u just want another sign put up for u to lift your leg on. :o)
there are 4 nice tires on the white suburban, how about them?
Was the sign take down illegally? I wouldn't count on the police department. They will tell you "You are not going to use the SPD to harass" . . . Randy Taylor. And really with all the shootings going on in the city, maybe you should just call the meter maid.
Hey Joe, since you're downtown every day, check out the alley next to the mason's building. Lots of "calligraphy" on the walls...
You are correct sbydave, the handicap space has to have a sign; also, it needs to either be 8' wide with a 5' clear space adjacent to it, or 8' for van accessible. There is an exception of sorts if the space is 11' or 12' wide but it's pretty rare to see that. Usually we will do an 8-5-8 arrangement (or 8-8-8 for vans.)
As far as the number of spaces, a lot requires 1 h/c space for a lot up to 25 total spaces, 2 h/c spaces for a lot up to 50 spaces, and 3 h/c spaces for a lot up to 100 spaces.
(I'm doing this from memory, my ADAAG book is at work. The federal guidelines are pretty close to the Maryland ones.)
Looking at the pic again, I'd be more concerned about accessible route if that were a handicapped space. Like the city needs another lawsuit.
PB, I knew a feller once who got sick 'n' tired o' cars speedin' by his house. Got himself a good camera, took pictures with license plates clear, put 'em up on a website and sent copies t' the cops.
Not sure what the cops did in follow up, but seems a couple of those he caught on film drove by slower after that.
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