Just click on the link above and enjoy. Be prepared to get really ticked off and also get a trash can to throw up in once you hear Randy Taylor!
Sorry it took so long to get out to everyone.
By the way Barrie, Mike & Gary, every time you lie, every time you cheat, we will be on you from here on out proving to the world just how crooked you are. You will forever regret you ever screwed with me and others from the very beginning. Technology is a wonderful thing!
VOTE for CJ Jannace for County Executive!!!!! That's How!
Actually, Iyeska, the male voice ya hear after Taylor is our very own "NoSweat." The boy done good! Mr. Suiter wasn't at the podium that night, but I heard him on WICO earlier in the week. Sounds like a stand-up guy.
Mr. A., ya done extra good! I wish every voter in Salisbury could hear this. It just knocks me off my paws.
Thanks CD!
Please spread the word on this Post. I'm going to leave it up for a while on the top even though there's a TON of additional news to be told. Tell ALL your friends to come to this Blog Site and listen to this before Barrie calls in the FBI for some kind of violation. By the way Folks, PACE is refusing to allow Charles to be a guest and speak at their Forum Tuesday. It's all over the News and everyone needs to boycott this meeting. Alessi has really gone over the top this time Folks and this is EXACTLY what we have been trying to prove to all of you about what this man is capable of!!!! And this guy tells everyone he's a gentleman? He's a sore loser and he's going to lose his race because of such said actions. People will rebel and now vote against him simply because he's a cheater and he's playing typical Salisbury Bully Politics and the man needs to go down for such. They refuse to state why they refuse to allow Charles to participate but considering they accepted him last night as a legitimate candidate, they're now breaking the law with the same decision makers refusing to allow him to participate. Here's what I have to say to all of you referencing this matter on a personal note, you get what you ask for. If you allow Alessi to get any further, you get what you wished for and everything will fall apart right in front of your eyes, just like the City of Salisbury. The voters did not get out and make the difference but they also didn't have much to choose from. It's time to get to the polls and show these people you will not be controlled by crooked politics.
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