DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, September 06, 2020
A Viewer Writes: Wicomico Teacher Assault Charges
I’m surprised there is nothing on the news about Wicomico County Teacher and newly appointed Dean Kevin Zaczkiewicz with felony assault charges! He was arrested and out on $10,000 bond. He does not need to be teaching our children or around them if he is physically abusive, always had drinking and driving years ago. Felony first degree assault, second degree assault and reckless endangerment. It’s all on case search as well to view as public record.
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Oh hush
he is 👌 perfect to teach your kids
Here at the Board of Education
we always promote losers....
Not the same person
he beat up his wife.wasnt the first time.and they are stil together.she must enjoy it!
There are several newly created positions and he was one of them. There are 6 new Dean positions at 3 middle schools and 3 high schools making that 2 at each school. "Dean of School Safety" WTF!! During a time when students aren't even in school.
Wicomico schools promote staff members for 2020-21
Jul 13th, 2020
Superintendent of Schools Dr. Donna C. Hanlin, Chief Academic Officer Dr. Frederick Briggs, and the Board of Education have announced school leadership changes for Wicomico County Public Schools, effective July 1.
The promotions, appointments and transfers reflect adjustments because of retirements, as well as the school system’s commitment to providing additional leadership staff to support school safety and student success.
With each of these announced changes, Wicomico County Public Schools strives to provide consistent, transformative leadership at the school level.
Following are the leadership promotions, appointments and transfers for the 2020-21 school year:
Promotion of Alexan “Aly” Dargan, currently Assistant Principal at Pinehurst Elementary, to Principal of Northwestern Elementary. (Northwestern Principal Deborah Emge is retiring.)
Promotion of Christina Stewart, currently Assistant Principal at Fruitland Intermediate, to Principal of Westside Intermediate. (Westside Intermediate Principal Christopher Nunzio is retiring.)
Promotion of Lavion Bratten, currently an Assistant Principal at Wicomico High, to Principal of the Newcomers Program (serving ELL students who are new to this country) and Evening High. (Current Evening High Principal David Harner will be further expanding his role as Supervisor of Special Programs.)
Promotion of Valerie Folsom to Assistant Principal of Fruitland Intermediate. Folsom is currently a 2nd-Grade teacher at Beaver Run Elementary.
Appointment of Clifford Owens as an Assistant Principal at Wicomico High. Owens is currently Principal of Eagle Academy PCS at Congress Heights and was the former Principal of Lake Forest South Elementary (Harrington), a National Blue Ribbon School.
Transfer of Lisa King, currently an Assistant Principal at Bennett Middle, to Assistant Principal of Pinehurst Elementary, where she began her teaching career in 2000.
Transfer of Genise Fleming, currently Dean of Students at Salisbury Middle, to the same position at East Salisbury Elementary. (Current Dean of Students Timothy Dickson is transferring to Westside Intermediate to be a Grade 5 teacher.)
Appointment of a second Dean of Students to support school safety at each of the school system’s three large middle schools:
Daniel Menear (Pittsville Elementary and Middle science teacher) joins Grady McGrew at Bennett Middle.
Carrie Reeve (Landsdowne Middle physical education teacher) and Russell Austin (North Caroline High assistant principal) will serve Salisbury Middle.
Erin Rosati (Delmar Elementary Special Education teacher) joins Tamyra Foreman at Wicomico Middle.
Appointment of a second Dean of Students at each of the school system’s three large high schools to support school safety:
Amy Rhodes (Wicomico High guidance counselor) joins Brent Lewis at James M. Bennett High.
Lisa McKinnon (Parkside High Math/Teacher Academy of Maryland teacher) joins Kesha Cook at Parkside High.
Kevin Zaczkiewicz (Parkside High Band Director) joins Tessa Gentzel at Wicomico High.
Appointment of Breonna Hopkins (East Salisbury Elementary 3rd-Grade teacher) as Dean of Students of Choices Academy
What school was he to be at?
If you check the wcboe websites, he has already been taken off. It wasn't put out there because it wasn't a school related or child involved incident. It was also in the summer. Trust me, he won't be around kids anymore.
Who did he assault
Nothing will happen because we have FOOL'S in charge. The corrupt judicial system in the State/County will give him probation before judgement. Just like Andy Harris helping his former aid now Md delegate Hornberger. Getting his wife off two felonies.
Falsifying Election documents.
Harvesting ballots.
Anonymous said...
Nothing will happen because we have FOOL'S in charge. The corrupt judicial system in the State/County will give him probation before judgement. Just like Andy Harris helping his former aid now Md delegate Hornberger. Getting his wife off two felonies.
Falsifying Election documents.
Harvesting ballots.
September 2, 2020 at 10:45 PM
I'm pretty sure Andy Harris didn't have anything to do with getting someone off a criminal case, but it's your silly story. Go with it since is keeps you off your meds today. Stupid LIBTARD!!!
Ok, can someone please tell me why Donna Hannlin is hiring/appointing 3 out of county people to be promoted to Assistant Principal and Dean of Students?? You can't tell me that Wicomico County doesn't have any qualified employees to be promoted within? This is definitely going to create some hatred for that woman.
The appointment of Clifford Owens as an Assistant Principal when he was a Principal at two different schools. Sounds like someone got fired and is getting a new start in a different county. Delaware school systems pay much better so I know something is fishy about this.
The real story is why in the Hell is the Teachers Union allowing this??
Appointment of Clifford Owens as an Assistant Principal at Wicomico High. Owens is currently Principal of Eagle Academy PCS at Congress Heights and was the former Principal of Lake Forest South Elementary (Harrington), a National Blue Ribbon School.
Carrie Reeve (Landsdowne Middle physical education teacher) and Russell Austin (North Caroline High assistant principal) will serve Salisbury Middle.
Anonymous said...
What school was he to be at?
September 2, 2020 at 8:50 PM
Read the post just above yours, @ September 2, 2020 at 8:33 PM
Donna Hanlin has created 6 new supervisory positions and no one on the Board of Education is batting an eye. Come on John Palmer, Mr. VOICE, you have some explaining to do.
So-called Republican Conservatives on the Wicomico County Board of Education:
1) John Palmer
2) Jean Malone
3) Ann Suthowski
4) Tonya Laird Lewis
Four so-called Conservatives and they allow Hanlin to increase the budget every year and increase the total positions in the system every year. Vote their lazy a$$es out of office, especially that John Palmer.
Yes, persecute people for the rest of their lives! It'll make you feel better about your miserable lives! A solid chunk of your kids have felony and assault charges. Who you kidding?
Hearing big incentives are being offered by the state to counties who open schools back up. Heard 9/28 is the date for Wicomico...
Rather unusual name.... isn't it?
Well just shows what a fool you are. I guess you think the world is still flat Einstein. See that's why are City, County, and State have become a SHITHOLE. Because of trained clueless sheep like yourself. WTF has Harris done for you MORON??? Nothing. But you're another shorebillie who only votes because they have an "R" by their name. I guess you think Hogan is wonderful you DIPSHIT?? Maybe you need some meds you mindless BAFFOON.
If he has anger problems, he should be allowed to seek help and still keep a job! If I were his boss he would have to attend classes. Yea without sin, cast the first stone!
Try Salisbury Christian School they have a guy that went from Janitor to Assistant Principal (after being fired from Wicomico schools) in like 3 years Because he buttered up to the principal... what a crock
@654 The earth is flat. If it weren't then a flight from Baltimore to LA would not take the same time in both directions as the earth is spinning at over 1000mph.
If you were magically locked into the spin then independent locomotion through the air would be impossible because as soon as you left the ground you'd be locked into the spin. You can not both be locked into a spin and not locked into the spin at the same time.
Sorry, but you have been brainwashed since kindergarten with a globe in the classroom to believe in a heliocentric lie whose sole creation was made to contradict the opening book of the bible. They knew if you people read a contradiction in that opening book most wouldn't read beyond that and disregard it as a falsehood.
I don’t have a job but I am a damorat. From the looks of above positions janitorial to head dude in charge, I may be ready to give up my free stuff and claim one of those money jobs. Please post one and I will sign up.
11:05 - what in the world are you talking about you flake? Go put your tin foil hat back on and try to focus on the topic of this post instead of your goofy garbage.
Does anyone know what actually happened? Odd nothing in any of the local news, even the police beats.
@12:04 You sound triggered dear. Go to your safe space and have a nice cup of tea. Maybe grab a coloring book and de-stress.
Innocent until proven guilty. I don't know the man...I know thy system.
Being charged is not the same as being found guilty. Huge difference.
Kevin Zaczkiewicz was the band director at Parkside High School for about 13 years and was the band director until this year.
It's right on the Md case search. He beat his wife.
Anger problems and beating your wife are two different things. He needs a job with a less volatile emotional environment. He needs to not be around kids who could trigger him.
So other people having crappy kids makes it okay for him to be a crappy adult? Fabulous logic there🙄
5:25 Hi Mrs Z ;)
2:49 & 4:43, you beat me to it! Everyone here is going off about having him fired! Have you flat earther, conspiracy theorists not ever been accused of anything that you didn't do? I'm not condoning spousal abuse by any means. If he did it, he should be locked up and let him be bubba's bitch. But let's not do it until he has had his due in court.
Typical Democrat! You won't work and expect government hand outs. You ARE the definition of a POS!
6:54am, you rail on about someone else's lack of intelligence, yet you can't figure out whether to use "are" or "our". Perhaps you should take a hard look in the mirror first.
2:21 - Nope, not triggered but seriously in need of scotch for stupid comments and conspiracy theories.
And you know that how?
As a former student of his, I can tell you that he has anger issues that comes put in a violent manner. Once he was mad at me and drove his jeep up next to me at around 40 mph, in a parking lot to catch up to me. He has thrown papers, thrown chairs, jumped up and down, yelling like a monkey and cussed at students and threatened them. Don't get me wrong, band was a favorite class for lots of students but it got to the point where my anxiety was so bad to go into that class, that I felt like I had to throw up and cried at the thought of it. He is NOT good for working qoth kids, he needs to choose a new profession. I am now in 12 grade and we have a new teacher. Thank god.
The charges were dropped. I don't know what happened, but that could have been you or I, caught in a situation of self defense and falsely accused. We don't know the details, and it's not right to assume "guilty until proven innocent." Give the guy a break, and hope that he has the same mercy on others as the court has had on him.
@ 1147 Judiciary case search has a trial date set. no charges dropped.
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