Dagsboro– The Delaware State Police have charged 14-year-old Michaela Watson of Millville, DE, in connection with a school threat aimed at Indian River High School, located at 29772 Armory Road, Dagsboro, DE.
On March 9, 2020, the Delaware State Police was made aware by the Indian River School District that a student had made written threats aimed at the High School. Further investigation into this incident revealed that a 14-year-old Indian River High School student had made written threats in a journal specifically targeting the high school. The student had not been in attendance at the school since mid-January 2020.
On April 2, 2020, Watson responded to Troop 5 where she was charged with the following:
Attempted to Commit Assault First Degree Conduct Created Risk of Death Caused Serious Injury (Felony)
Terroristic Threatening
Watson was arraigned before the Justice of the Peace Court and released on $21,000.00 unsecured bond.
Who ya gonna shoot now? There's nobody home! Neither in the school or in your head, butthead!
Was this really the appropriate course of action? If the threats were no where else then in her own personal journal I would say she needs mental treatment before criminal charges.
Now,if we can just get Salisbury University to divulge the name of the perpetrator and have them charged as well.
Unsecured bond. Go figure!
Are Delaware schools still in session?
I sure hope shes guilty as her lawyer isn't present for the trial in the public.
I see some identity issues in that picture. Is "she" a born she, or a preference she? "She's" so confused.
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