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Friday, February 21, 2020

Take a peek at 'best known millionaire socialist' Bernie Sanders' three homes - one in D.C. and two in Vermont - after Mike Bloomberg mocked rival for his $2M property portfolio

Despite being a self-described socialist and a scourge of the elite classes, Bernie Sanders is in fact a millionaire with a property portfolio that includes three homes, which are pictured in exclusive photos.

The 78-year-old Vermont senator's property portfolio was mocked by presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg during Wednesday night's debate, as he remarked: 'The best known socialist in the country happens to be a millionaire with three houses. What did I miss?'

‘You missed that I work in Washington, house one,’ responded Sanders. ‘I live in Burlington, house two. And like thousands of other Vermonters, I do have a summer camp. Forgive me for that. Where is your home, which tax haven do you live in?’

Sanders, who has taken the lead in the recent national polls in the race, has had to defend his health, his ability to beat President Trump in November and now his estimated net worth of $2.5 million.



Anonymous said...

Comrade Bernie needs to man up and come out of the Communist Closet and admit he is a Communist.

Anonymous said...

Bernie lives in the fantasy land of Karl (Marx), Leon (Trotsky), and other extreme ideologists who espouse state run governments. This is totally against our democracy on which this country was founded. How can a sitting senator pledge allegiance to a nation and the constitution he does not support or agree with?

Anonymous said...

Yes Bernie is a Communist,he even spent his honeymoon in Moscow,FACT.

Jersey boy said...

Communism/socialism: take from the poor and give to Bernie.

Anonymous said...

Bernie. 3 homes. Never had a job until 40. Still hasn’t worked a day.
Amazing he’s managed to acquire that.
There are people in Fox Chase that live better, earned much more.
Simply put, his Socialist ideals have throttled his life.
Do you want a lifelong Communist taxpayer thief as President?
Or would you rather have a gregarious charismatic Capitalist that knows how to earn Billions?
Who has made better Finance decisions? Life decisions?

Anonymous said...

Hypocritical POS.

Anonymous said...

You will work for Bernie , not yourself and your family, if God forbid, he should win, which he won't, but just hypothetically speaking. Communism used to be a dreaded and feared thing, now the dumba** voters believe everything they hear on CNN and the ill informed malenials think they might get something for free and believe in Bernie's lying rhetoric . There ain't no free lunch for anyone other than Bernie if you even think of voting for that communist or any one of the other POS wannabes.

Anonymous said...

🖕Bernie I'm sensing some Chet pains coming. ❤️❤️❤️❤️