DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, February 17, 2019
New Chesapeake Bay Bridge Draft shows five Southern Maryland possibilities
Lexington Park, Md- In 2005 The State of Maryland conducted a study to determine whether to upgrade the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, The Chesapeake Bay-Bridge Tunnel or create a new one. No definitive plans were made.
Fast forward to 2017, and a $5 million, 4-year study was again being conducted.
One year into the new study the Maryland Department of transportation has released its first “Draft”, and “Pre-Decisional and Deliberative” maps. Included in these maps are fourteen possibilities for a new bridge, including five that connect Southern Maryland to the Eastern Shore.
Four of these possibilities connect Calvert County; Chesapeake Beach(to Talbot County), Plum Point, St. Leonard, and Cove Point (to Dorchester County), while a fifth would connect Lexington Park to Somerset County.
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can't we build a WALL instead?
i'd die of old age before even any decision is made let alone another bridge is built
Maryland is such a joke anymore
#14 is the only one that won't rapidly turn the lower Eastern Shore into a DC bedroom community.
They will never build through Blackwater refuge 9 and 10 are so close to the current bridge it wouldn't make a difference. I say put whoever keeps the tunnel in such great shape in charge of the MD bridge that is in a constant state of construction and disrepair.
Build a wall..we don't need them over here...tear down the two we have.
Maybe a DC bedroom community could bring the Eastern Shore into the 21st century.
Make all these tolls given to the Eastern Shore just for having to put up with these idiots NASCAR driving habits and congestion. We don't need any more trouble makers over here changing our way of life or what is left of it.
@3:24 some of us actually enjoy not being caught up in your 21st century ways of living. It's assholes like you that have ruined what was once a beautiful natural surrounding
Building bridges to make Baltimore closer to the eastern shore. Whooppeee!
how about flyover lanes to drop the fat ugly profane tourists right in the middle of oc?
Bridge TUNNELS make more sense than High up in the air
montrosities like the two current ones !!!
3:24, we like being in our current lifestyle. It's like the illegals who come to our country and then want to change it to be like Their country...NO THANKS...IF you don't like it here; why did you come? If you don't like it here, go home. You do have a choice. Don't let the door hit you in the rear...
Well if you don't like the Eastern Shore living, please leave. We would rejoice your departure.
We don't want to be in the 21st. century. We like us just the way we are.
I'm not starti I don't like the rest of life on the sjire, I do. That's why I live here, but the economy is non-existent and easier access to to higher paying employment weeks be a noon to the economy. Unfortunately that would also likely lead to a significant rise in population. I guess it's a double edged sword.
you should go back to Joisey.
Amen.....welcome to the shore.... now please leave
The leaders want to turn the Eastern Shore into another Baltimore. They can hear the cash flowing now. They are knashing their teeth at the prospect of how much money they would make. You think things are expensive now, just wait.
14 is worthless no where to build anything because of environmental regulations and water laying everywhere.
12/13/14 and if the craziness idiots keep being elected in CONgress, environmental priorities today won't mean spit 20 years from now.
Build it now, NIMBY is 20th Century thinking and that type of thinking is over. Business is Business.
Why not save the money building a bridge and make them all use I95??
Hope they build one soon. Make it easier to leave this trashy eastern shore for a decent meal and some real culture.
I would love to see a bridge go from far west Cambridge across to the southern Maryland counties so I don't have to go across the bay bridge and then drive 3 hours south to get there or drive 2 hours to Virginia tunnels and drive up 3 hours to get to southern Maryland... Near Cambridge across the bay top southern Maryland, is the shortest distance for a bridge... Something like this, I would be willing to pay higher tolls or taxes to offset the cost of building it...
#13 or #14 makes the most sense for time, cost and traffic and to cover the lower shore and southern western shore of Maryland... I find it typical and laughable that you would proposed a bridge a few miles from the current one, or place a bridge higher north, which means all of us will still use the bay bridge so that won't reduce any traffic... There is only one bridge from Aberdeen over so people already use that bridge so that won't reduce any traffic to the bay bridge...
# 14 would benefit us the most. Cut way down on OUR driving time and then we would not have to deal with that Baltimore and D C traffic.
How about building a cruise ship port down here too? Then the really big cruise ships can come here and not just the smaller ones because they need to go under the bridge we have now. Build it below where the # 14 bridge path is on the map. Plus more jobs will open up.
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