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Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Newt: The border struggle is real. And it is a war

The struggle along America’s southern border is a war.

It is largely a psychological war. Foreigners are taunting the American government and trying to get the news media to focus on American law enforcement rather than the people trying to break into our country.

This struggle is historic. It is the tip of a wave of lawbreaking foreigners who would love to move into the United States and dictate to law-abiding Americans the terms under which the lawbreakers will be accepted, supported and subsidized.

Ultimately, this war is a function of willpower and cleverness.

The foreign invaders have a huge advantage. Most of the American news media and the American left are on their side.

Most of the news media do not want to explore the aggressiveness – and in some cases criminality – of those seeking to come into the United States illegally. Nor do most news organizations want to report on the total number of people who will illegally enter the United States over the next few years if the American border control system collapses.

More here


Anonymous said...

Find out all Dem politicians addresses and send💯 to each members nice homes cause we all know they have 3 each.

Anonymous said...

I would like all the Democrats to give me an answer including all you in government. What are you all going to do when all the Illegal Immigrants are let into our country and they take you all over. What are you going to do then? NOTHING, because they will control you. Rapes, killing, giving them all our taxpayer money to live and eat. Do you think for one minute when they get ready to rape or kill someone you love that they are going to ask you if you are a Democrat or Republican??? If you think for one minute they are going to be controlled by you then you have sh-t for brains. God Bless America and protect it.