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Friday, February 16, 2018

Alleged Shooter “On Meds”: Why SSRIs Are Suicide Murder Pills

Once again, a school shooter is on anti-depressants

Mainstream media will never talk about THIS aspect of virtually every shooting because Big Pharma is their sponsor.

Buried in a local report on the background of the alleged Parkland shooter is a family member saying he was on meds for his emotional/mental issues.

A caller, Liz, explains how SSRIs radically altered her daughter & nearly destroyed her life when a colleague gave her the drugs without her knowledge or approval and another caller, Anne, explains how SSRIs work & how they’ve been involved in shootings.



Anonymous said...

As someone who is on antidepressant and anxiety medications, I can honestly say that the wrong medications can cause issues. The other side is that without the meds things can be worse. Doctors are denying these medications more and more and I think that may be an issue. The medications take a trial and error period and often times each person gets worse before they’re better so it takes monitoring and time. Both are often overlooked or skipped sadly.

Anonymous said...

How did we not see this coming? Being treated and posting stuff like he did on social media should have been enough to disarm him. Yes, it's a touchy issue as those who want medical marijuana cards are being threatened with disarmament, they are not posting hate on SM.

This guy had many worried over his actions and statements for a long time.

Anonymous said...

This massacre was the fault of the FBI. Everyone in the chain names should be made public and they should immediately be fired. They were informed the killer was stock piling weapons and wanted to be a school shooter. He was posting things on line indicating he wanted to kill people. They the FBI did nothing. Now the gun grabbers are out in full force and calling for more controls as a result of the FBI's incompetence.

Anonymous said...

I think on the Federal Firearm purchase form 4473 it asks if you are on any prescription drugs for mental health. If you answer YES, you are supposed to be denied the purchase.
If you lie on the form, you are committing a Felony, and we all know criminals don't want to commit felonies, so it stops them in their tracks.

Anonymous said...

You could say all politicians on both sides are at fault here. There seems to be a missing link in people who are already being treated with Psych meds and posting violent thoughts on social media that's not being connected or addressed in time before these whack jobs finally act out. They are already being treated, so that's not the problem., but the drugs Big Pharma doles out make unstable people think things they just may not be able to handle. It goes deeper than this meme. My ex was and still is like this and that's why she's not in my house.

To her defense, she does NOT EVER post hate on SM... she's just unstable and the meds don't undo that. This stuff needs to be addressed by all!