DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, July 23, 2017
WCSO Press Release 7-18-17 (38 Pounds Of Marijuana)
Incident: Possession with intent to distribute marijuana
Date of Incident: July 17, 2017
Location: Hampshire Street @ Rt 13 Salisbury, Maryland
Suspect: Phillip George Dyce, black male, 55 years old, Salisbury, MD.
Narrative: On July 17, 2017 a Deputy from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office Community Action Team (CAT) conducted a traffic stop in the area of Hampshire Street and Rt. 13 in Salisbury, Maryland. During the course of the traffic stop, a K-9 scan was conducted around the outside of the vehicle, which resulted in a positive alert on the vehicle. During a search of the vehicle, Deputies located a wooden crate. Inside of the wooden crate were (34) heat-sealed plastic bags containing marijuana. The total weight of the seized marijuana is approximately (38) pounds. This marijuana is high grade marijuana with an estimated street value in excess of $150,000. The driver, Phillip Dyce of Salisbury, MD, was arrested and released to the Wicomico County Detention Center where he is pending a bond review in District Court.
Charges: Possession with the intent to distribute marijuana, possession of marijuana over 10 grams
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Boy somebody snitched on you! Nice looking bud
Somebody snitched. I don't believe it was just a lucky traffic stop.
$4,000.00 a pound $250.00 an ounce. WOW
Yawn. People who smoke pot don't leave dirty needles around or OD in the public.
Good job, sheriff's office. Now get that amount of heroin off the streets.
That isn't 1969 weed.
Thanks sheriff department for ruining everyone's weekend,now go catch some off the real criminals around here
How pathetic.
And the police brag about it.
They are friggin' clueless.
Marijuana is a plant.
God made marijuana.
Get out of our lives!
Waste of tax money!!! Should be legal
Didn't Maryland legalize marijuana a few years ago under the liberal governor O'malley?
Enforcing laws created by people YOU voted for.
Waste of time and resources. Pot is totally legal in some states and should be in all states. Get the heroin and dealers off the streets. That stuff is killing people daily.
This guy will serve more time than a heroin dealer. Pot doesn't kill.
I'm starting to have to agree about the constant pot busts. Thought we're having a bigger problem than pot.
Anybody who smokes pot has low intelligence.
Jim Mathais will be peddling weed for his handlers pretty soon. Why bother with these little guys the catch now?
Way to go Sheriff's Department!!!!! Get the drugs and DOPES off the highways and roadways!!!!
Speaker for your self
He's a tax evader at least, if you want to glorify marijuana..when someone you know gets killed by a high driver let me know how God's plant works for you.
Good job WINTF. Nice collective effort.
No I wasn't born when they made ass backwards laws regulating a plant
You are sadly mistaken my friend. 141 IQ. Intelligent people know marijuana is natural and does more good than harm compared to opioids. The laws were written in the late 1800's early 1900's and again in the 70's all with racism as the underlying factor. Do some research pal.
The State does not like competition..Off with his head
Will cost us $45k a year to incarcerate this guy. If we had taxed it, we could have been $45k in the black. Thanks for costing us A LOT of money, Sheriff's department. Bet you guys made a lot in overtime, too. Spend, spend, spend.
high grade? that's some kick butt weed.
a pound of good quality pot went for $180 tops back in the 70's. was inflation that bad the past 40 years?
Plus you can get it with an RX around here soon. I don't get this at all. $150,000 value on this, is simply Mike Lewis being Mike lewis.
You do realize that this will make NO difference in somebody's ability to buy some weed, right? 1/10 of 1% in supply reduction won't even cause the price of weed to go up. Cops make money. This guy goes to jail. We pay for it. Nothing is solved. Everyone is poorer except the cops and the lawyers.
Law reads Marijuana is Legal for Personal Use. But it doesn't mean you pack duffel bags full of pot in your car and start going down the road. SMH.
So you hate on the police for doing there job? They did not choose if it was heroin, marijuana, cocaine or whatever. They conducted a traffic stop, gained probable cause to search the vehicle and located contraband. No matter how bad you think it should be legal, it still is not. So they made an arrest. I'm sure they would have lived it to have been 30+ pounds of heroin, but it wasn't. Good job by all involved. Now stop bitching for the police doing there job. Like it or not, people in Salisbury are still getting robbed over marijuana which is an innocent drug to some of you.
If it was legal, there would not be a criminal element involved in it. Poor people rob to buy beer and cigarettes too.
The stoners are riled.
Police always holding the black man down,at least he had a job,now he has nothing,gets out and starts collecting welfare,living off of us tax payer ๐
OMG, he did not know it was in the car....He borrowed the car....he was going to work....ha ha ha ha ha
Resource allocation. They could be focusing their efforts elsewhere.
It's legal for the elites to grow it and sell it but not for you serfs
Well since your the expert, go on down to the local PD and drop an application.
His last Possession With Intent to Distribute in 2015 netted him a 90 day suspended sentence, with no probation. Obviously this sooooo scared him that he would not continue his drug dealing activities....NOT. Drugs fuel violence-unless you are blind and deaf, you can see it on the streets of Salisbury, as well as all over the country.
Wait a minute I had 50lbs and 10,000 cash on me, somethings fishy here. Is mike lewis up to his bypass seizure protocol again??
625, because I already have a job that pays a lot more๐
8:07 this isn't your 1970's weed. Today's sticky bud puts that dirt weed from mexico to shame. Nobody would even pay $10 for a pound of dirt weed now.
We used to be free
He is not shook!
God made pot, it's a pant that just grows. Leave it alone. Many love it, I have no use for it, but might in the future.
If God made i.e. it it's okay with me.
So he gets arrested and a legal growing operation is being built on Rt 113 in Showell. What's the difference? Taxes, that's the difference.
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