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Sunday, July 23, 2017

Rise Up Coffee Responds.......7-20-17


Anonymous said...

Did you ask your other staff to remove their body piercings? No and I call BS on you! Actions speak louder than words. My action will be I will no longer contribute to your business.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he is such a good manager because of his beliefs. Would they ask others to cover their tattoos if they were on air? Doubtful!

Anonymous said...

You speak about love and expressing themselves then why in the hell did you ask him to remove his Jesus hat??? Talk about hypocrisy.

Anonymous said...

Seemed to be OK for 3 years. This response is bs.

Anonymous said...

If you claim to support everyone to be themselves why would he need to remove his hat on camera? As long as tv personel had no issue then what was the big deal about even saying anything about it...sounds like double standards to me

Anonymous said...

So, let him wear it on camera, or are you ashamed of that?

Anonymous said...

I won't be supporting them any longer. What a bunch of hypocrites. Another business trying to be politically correct.

Nanu said...

The truth is....Rise Up screwed up BIG TIME! And they did it with the wrong person, their BEST employee! I guess, because I am a Catholic and a Colombian I won't be able to be a customer of Rise Up. Maybe they will make me remove my necklace and bracelets in the entrance because they are too religious or too Colombian. Bye bye Rise Up, never again.

Anonymous said...

He was discriminated against.

Anonymous said...

So let me get this straight. It's ok to wear the hat were customers see it day in and day out. How ever you can't wear it in front of a tv camera. Makes absolutely no sense to me what so ever. Another secular business in town. I'll take my business else where. But don't feel bad Rise-up I've boycotted Starbucks to.

Anonymous said...

Instead of opining on here tell them directly how you feel. Their email address is

Phone number is

410 822 1353

This information is right on their website.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like maybe Salisbury needs a Christian themed coffee shop.

Anonymous said...

6:09-I think you are right on. Any lawyers out there think there's a lawsuit worth pursuing? Doesn't seem right to me, I would rather deal with this guy than a person with a bunch of shit on their face and big gauges or holes in their ears. Does not make a bit of sense.

Steve said...

Oh. 6:21, you can bet they're reading this blog more than they're checking their webmail, LOL!

Some other retailer is going to get blessed with a really great, morally straight manager! Can't wait to see who it's going to be!

JoeAlbero said...

I don't care how you want to do it but your curse words, even broken up, will not get published. Not by me anyway. Haven't you people learned that by now.

Anonymous said...

6:07 🙌🏻

Anonymous said...

6:31 Amen!

Anonymous said...

First, this is prime Employment Practices lawsuit.

Secondly, this is a discrimination lawsuit as the only "change" in dress code was of a religious nature.

Finally, the best thing Rise Up could do now in my opinion is to offer their coffee cups along with ones printed with Vicente's Jesus hat on them.
Everyone that supports religious freedom, Jesus, and/or free speech can decide their cup when ordering. Maybe then they can see who their true marketing base would be... when they run out of the VH cups. THey did exactly the opposite of what they claim to stand for.

Anonymous said...

Wonder what they would have done if his name was JESUS-pronuouned as HEY ZUES.You can also cross my name off as a customer,he was their advertisement for what can I do to serve you better.

Anonymous said...

This explanation is as confusing as that bibble-babble over the closing of the SU location. What's this guy on?

So the guy could wear this for 3 years, apparently without complaining, but he went on camera and the owner is worried about what people will think?

I'm an atheist, but i'm not going to boycott a coffee shop because i walked in and see a guy with a jesus hat. He has a right to express himself, who am i to judge.

This explanation seems like it's trying to appease everyone because of the outrage.

Anonymous said...

The response from Rise Up was some of the biggest BS I have ever read. Love of all people and Everything to Everybody my butt. What kind of propaganda are you trying to pull Mr. Cureton. Maybe you would be better off apologizing to your employee and begging him to come back. If you really want to be inclusive then include all people.

Anonymous said...

I patronize this establishment every day. $5 per visit. Whilst I'm not overly Christian I do believe I can choose whether to believe or not. Sorry they chose to draw the boundary lines. My approximately $1500 per year will be withdrawn.

Anonymous said...

The answer that he didn't want the hat on camera shows the owner is not a man committed to his beliefs. You either RISE UP or you don't! The owner doesn't RISE UP when it comes to publicity apparently, because a hat may "offend" someone and keep them for buying a cup of coffee? Shame on you!

Anonymous said...

No need to get upset. I will never patronize Rise up again. Nothing they can say would change that. Except they hire this person back. Get rid of the girls with their butts hanging out, nose rings and tattoos now. Thats even more scary he keeps that in his establishment. I much rather be served coffee by someone wearing a hat with Jesus on it than someone with 3 earrings in each ear, and a nose ring.

Later RUC.

Steve said...

In fact, Maryland is a state where an employer can fire anybody any time on a mood swing. No reason needed.

So, the owner had a right to fire Mr. Hernandez.

He also has a right to suffer the consequences of his actions.


Some other employer is in line to receive a great new manager!

Anonymous said...

1,500 Per year on coffee? You're an idiot.

Anonymous said...

Well you seemed to be fine with them before this.

Anonymous said...

I personally spent a $100 a week on coffee for my office workers so taking my $5000 + per year elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

7:58. Agreed.


As a believer in GOD and Jesus Christ, I proudly supported rise up everyday...NO LONGER WILL I PATRONIZE RISE UP.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr Cureton I bet if you had a Muslim woman wearing her outfit you wouldn't ask her to take off her head scarf I am DONE getting coffee at your establishment


As a believer in God and Jesus Christ, I will no longer support RiseUp.

Anonymous said...

This was Vincents reply, also on that same thread, a bit further down.

Vicente Leonardo Hernandez - I confirm what Tim is saying we talked and he expressed his love for me and my faith. He's request though to not wear my hat on camera was not communicated to me. I was just asked to stop wearing the hat to stop the association of my faith. Tim has called me and made it clear that he did not ask anyone to contact me. I appreciate that Tim communicated his disagreement with the request. For me, it doesn't change the fact that I was requested by management to remove it

Anonymous said...

Tim, why would people not feel welcome with an employee wearing a Jesus hat?

Anonymous said...

I would love love love to know who this idiot Manager is that started this awful BS.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Tim. Why?
You take our money. Take our questions.
It has the appearance you have become enslaved to your success. Might be helpful to remember where that success came from

Anonymous said...

Vicente was always too good for RiseUp, & that's all there is to this story.
He is an honorable man, & Cureton never deserved an employee so good.
Best of luck to Vicente.
This is a blessing for him.

Anonymous said...

I bet he would let Jim iretom wear a gay cap while baking a gay cake drinking WISE UP overpriced slop they call dacoffee

Anonymous said...

You don't respond telling lies how you want everyone to be their own person blah blah but when a CAMERA is rolling you DONT want him to be himself. Your a FRAUD AND A FAKE just like most liberals. You are a HYPOCRITE you OPPRESSED him because of his religion. Or maybe because he is MEXICAN? You are CNN and will not buy anything your selling. FOCUS on your atheist, fake hippie, fake tolerant, hypocrite friends business.

Anonymous said...

With the right lawyer and patience he could get a hefty pay day in about 4 years. When you impose rules on religion and for the management reasons that he stupidly put online I think he will get a court date. Oppressed minority gets fired for his religion!! Not good lol

Anonymous said...

He resigned. Big difference than being fired.

Anonymous said...

wise up Rise Up... this is not San Francisco

Anonymous said...

I always enjoyed speaking with Vincente and found him to be one of the best employees working there. If anything, I am somewhat turned off with all the body tattoos and piercings that seem to be the norm of the
employees that take the orders and prepare the food.

Anonymous said...

You are all wrong about this issue. The man was not asked to NOT wear his hat at work. He was simply asked not to wear it on television, etc. so as not to offend folks by showing only the Christianity approval at Rise Up. ALL religions, beliefs, styles, etc., are welcome at Rise Up, as are employees with various religions, beliefs, styles, etc. They just didn't want Rise Up to appear to celebrate only Christianity. And, those of you who are talking about piercings and tattoos...what in the world do they have to do with politics or religion? You are all trying to ruin a business that is very lenient with employee attire and expression for NO reason. Just stop. It's so easy to bash people and businesses from behind your computers. Why not GO to Rise Up and SEE for yourselves that they are much more progressive in terms of employees' self expression than most businesses in the area. Take this for exactly what it is - an effort NOT to offend non-Christians. How can you knock that? You are all ignorant.

Anonymous said...

The only difference between here and San Fran is not allowed to walk around nude, politicians just as kooky as there.

JoeAlbero said...

8:13, I do not believe the people commenting here are ignorant at all.

The owner of Rise Up made a huge mistake and I'm confident he regrets the entire incident. At least he will financially.

Some of you have come on here attacking me for ruining yet another business. Come on now, really? SBYNews simply exposed what numerous viewers sent to me requesting we publish the documented information.

Much like Cathy's Pet Salon. Anyone who knows me knows I have been friends with the owner for well over a decade. We actually got into a heated discussion over that matter and I stood my ground, it's unacceptable, (to me).

I have a job to do and I believe we do it much better then anyone else on the shore. In fact, according to our numbers, I know we are better.

Rise Up will need to work very hard to recover from such a stupid decision. Don't shoot the messenger.

Anonymous said...

I hope Rise Up closes the salisbury store and concentrates on the northern stores and expansion into Annapolis and other areas that will be more profitable than this town which is circling the drain.

Anonymous said...

From reading all the comments published, I have a feeling that Salisbury Rise Up has offended quite a few people prior to this incident.

Anonymous said...

RISE UP and shut them down.

Anonymous said...

8:13 AM no snowflake you are the ignorant one with your run-on babbling.

The place is a freak show. Sorry you mistook that as inclusion.

Anonymous said...

I was in the tire store Burnett and white for some work to be done on my car the Owner there cathy is a disgusting control freak with a BAD ATTITUDE she treats coustomers like S..T you can't ask her a question about anything without a ATTITUDE she belongs in a retirement home not behind a counter dealing with people I own a small business and was going to give them business but I will be looking elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely true!!

Anonymous said...

Not only that, but he would brag about how he has a Muslim woman wearing a head covering. Probably would promote his love for tolerance.

Anonymous said...

No we are not wrong on this issue. Your excuse is they didn't want to appear too Christian. It may be bad for business. BS! I'm sure you would have been ok with the guy with the ring nose giving the interview. And I'm sure rise Up would never have asked him to remove his nose ring. Did you ever think that maybe people were offended by the fact that the guy making their coffee had crap hanging out of his nose?? You liberals are all the same. It's all cool as long as it fits into your agenda. But Rise Up is accepting of everyone right??
And btw I was a regular Rise Up customer. 4 times a week at least. And Viciente was the BEST employee you had. So don't tell me to go to Rise Up and see for myself. It seems to me almost everyone on here commenting was a regular at Rise Up so I'm pretty sure they know about the non exsistant dress code.
If Rise Up was so lenient why did he have to remove his hat?? Freedom of expression isn't that what you keep rambling on about?
You reap what you sow.

Anonymous said...

I have no problem with the hat. However, if Rise Up had a written and inforced dress code and/or uniforms they could have written this up as a uniform violation. Since from what I'm reading it's a free-for-all, then it has to remain a free-for-all. Bad on them for trying to change the rules for one person. I guess they don't read or watch news anymore, or they would have known this would be a law suit and saved themselves the energy, money and lost business.

Anonymous said...

Apparently Rise up believes their main customer base are made up of anti-Christian bigots.

Anonymous said...

Not reading all the comments, amazing that they are I'm sure, I can understand why they would not want the hat displayed on camera, and I thought he explained it well. Some just can't think past their noses.

Anonymous said...

Rise Up had an obligation to make a reasonable effort to accommodate each employee's faith traditions in the workplace. Tim allowing Vincente to wear his hat for 3 yrs shows just that. The accommodation doesn't mean that they have the right to push their religious views on other people regardless if they find it offensive or not. His faith is important to him and that is a great thing! Just like other people's love for sports, or another's strong political views. Rise Up has a couple of jobs. One is to create an amazing experience for their customers. And the second is to take care of their co workers and community. They do that, from my experience, on a daily basis not only with their awesome customer service, but also with the events they sponsor and support they give to the community. Some people are interested in faith and some are not. That's why it is so important to not push people beliefs (religious, political, or otherwise) on other people. I commend Tim for his response and obviously his love for Vincente but he also has a business to run. I will continue to support them regardless because at the end of the day they are an amazing company and their coffee is delicious! Peace and love!

Anonymous said...

Yup she has been doing that for years.

Anonymous said...

11:35. How is wearing a hat pushing beliefs? Oh well at least we won't have to worry about seeing a Hilary Clinton hat or a Hijab on any Rise Up televised interviews. They will also be told to remove them.

Anonymous said...

11:35 Please tell me how wearing a hat pushes his beliefs on anyone? Just the same as the tats and piercings. Just because they have them doesn't mean I want them. As a former regular customer I was never offended by the tats, the piercings, or the Jesus hat. Okay well except maybe the dude with the nose ring sticking out of his nostrils. I tried to not think about him making my coffee. 😬 What I am offended by is 1 person getting singled out The problem your not addressing is everyone else that works there has freedom of expression ...but apparently 1 person. Now please 11:35 I would like an explanation of how fair that is.
Maybe Rise Up should think about firing the manager that caused this whole mess and bring Vincente back. Just sayn.

Anonymous said...

This response actually worsened the situation instead of clearing it up. (For me, anyway.) When this first came out I kind of brushed it off as maybe they didn't want any hats at all worn or something similar. But now they've basically admitted that they had him remove it for the sole reason that it said "Jesus". Good grief. If he's that great of an employee why would you make him feel that way?

Anonymous said...

If there was such a concern for the hat he has been wearing for three years why did you not discuss it with him prior to the interview. Maybe you need a management course. I will not be back. Hypocrisy is a sad short coming to have all the tats and piercings are o.k. Wow

Thornton Crowe said...

Sounds like a 1A infringement on many levels. Wonder if there's any constitutional lawyers in town ready to take up Mr. Vincente's case should he want to pursue it.

If Rise Up wanted to be represented a certain way then maybe the owner should've represented his own company rather than defer the TV crew to a manager. He lost a great employee in the process. Too bad for him, lucky for some other coffee place in town. Hint: Common Grounds, you should snatch Mr. Vincente up in a heartbeat as you're all that's left for designer java fare.

Anonymous said...

TC: Do you know that the owner was contacted for comment prior to the news crew showing up at the business and seeking comment from an employee? You and Joe never speak highly of the local stations, so I can't believe that they would have done anything properly. Situations like this are a great example of small businesses not having a Human Resources plan and policies to handle press situations by setting forth who, when and what is said if a reporter shows up.

Anonymous said...

This situation will one day be a LESSON in a college class about WHAT NOT TO DO in a retail business establishment.
I cannot imagine how badly this will hurt this business?
It could be devastating.

For the owner of the Company to make such a terrible RESPONSE to the problem he caused, is really unbelievable.
Did he consider hiring a CONSULTING FIRM for advice? For a few hundred dollars a firm could have written his response and got him out of hot water with the public.

For that matter, did the owner consider contacting Joe Albero and ask for HIS ADVICE about how to proceed once the situation caused harm to his business? I don't know Joe Albero, but my guess is that he could have provided some ADVICE about how to respond ON HIS BLOG in an official manner.

I'm just guessing, but am I right Joe?

This business owner has now ruined his reputation in a small community.
It is my understanding that Rise Up Coffee is already in neighboring communities with retail locations - right?
Wow. And my guess is that THOUSANDS of people read this blog every day.


This is even WORSE than the poorly written email done by the Mayor of Salisbury!
What is in the water down there on the Eastern Shore?
Don't you folks have public education?
Are there any consulting businesses in the area?
Are there any places to where people can go to acquire help with public communications?

Anonymous said...

How is that any different from the "personal expressions " of the other employees.
What? Are you 6 years old? And blind?

Anonymous said...

Let's put this into a very simple perspective:
1. Nowadays, SOMEONE will be offended by just about anything, and demand some sort of action.
2. Employee: It's a freakin' HAT!
3. Employer: It's a freakin' HAT!
Everybody move on now... Nothing to see here... Just move on...

Anonymous said...

You obviously don't understand how public perceptions affect a business.
Most businesses spend some money on consulting for public announcements and media events.
This owner shot from the hip about a religious tolerance issue with what he admitted was an excellent and well liked manager. His public response was not in his business' best interests. He destroyed his company's reputation on a very well-read social media site. He made what is possibly a fatal error.

Your casual advice to move on, nothing to see here, is laughable.
I certainly hope YOU are not HIM?

If you are HIM, then accept this free advice: Hire a media consultant or keep you mouth shut (in this case, keep your fingers off the keyboard).

Anonymous said...

I am personally offended by atheists who think they should rule the world.

Anonymous said...

Good advice for the Rise UP owners / management team.
Unfortunately as you pointed out, it is a bit late for them.

I believe this mistake will cost them a lot of business and it will last for years to come.
It may be what another called, fatal error.
It could finish them off.

Their competitors are major market national advertised players: Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks, Wawa, McDonalds, so on.
It is hard enough to compete against them.
The one thing Rise Up had going for them?
They were local.
They ruined that one advantage by saying something stupid in public domain.
How will they ever recover?

Anonymous said...

As a real life media consultant, reading the owner's response made me wince.

It's presented badly to the public. There really is no defense for his action against a good employee other than to apologize publicly and then hope the matter dies after the media cycle. Instead, he gets into a long-winded love fest which appears disingenuous.

The policy should be they have a media rep or someone within the company designated to handle media so whenever WBOC or WMDT comes in for an on-camera interview, they have to wait for the rep to show up. It's the nature of the game and media people usually expect this type of thing. Hence, why many will schedule an interview in advance instead of just showing up at a business. This alone was in bad form on the media's lot.

Lessons learned for Tim and his group. Too bad it will cost them business in an economy that hasn't quite recovered from the O years. It may cost them their business.

Anonymous said...

Common grounds closed a long time ago

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Unless I am misunderstanding something here, they CHOSE this employee to represent them on camera. Why, then, would they wait until after the fact to discuss his attire with him? I cry BS. Never been to this joint and now I never will. Good luck to this young man--he's going to go places in life..unlike this "open-minded" coffee shop.

Bruce Wakefield said...

There is nothing more cowardly than making a critical statement about someone and signing it "anonymous". You "anonymous" commenters should be ashamed of yourselves. If you don't want your name to be associated with your comment don't make it.
Secondly, to those who did put their name to their comment, men and women put their life on the line every day protecting your right of free speech. I support that right. However, let me express this observation about your social media comments. You are all so critical of everything in an attempt to be "tolerant", that you have become exactly what you criticize. You are the most Intolerant generation on record. How disingenuous can you be!
Like it or not Tim put his money and hard work where his mouth is. He created his dream. He is the boss. It is his business. Rise Up coffee is a part of my local community. They work very hard to support their customers and those in need within our town. This attitude is a direct result of the owner's vision and instruction to those who work for him. I applaud Tim and Rise up for caring about so many.
Both Tim and Vicente appear to be good people. Vicente, Tim has reached out with an "olive branch" maybe you should accept it, hug each other and move on together rather than apart.
Bruce Wakefield