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Sunday, July 23, 2017

Please Pat Us On The Back

Publishers Notes: What you'll read below was put out by some pansy liberal city employee who clearly has never pulled a weed OR ever used Roundup spray. While the city's code and compliance people fine YOU for not pulling the weeds on your properties, the city has ignored their own property for decades and now wants to brag that they are doing incredible things that YOU have actually been paying severe taxes for anyway. But don't mind me, pat them on the back for doing what they are paid to do anyway. You know, everyone gets a trophy.

Help us show some love, Salisbury! We're going to begin sharing pictures of the fine work our Public Works/Operations crews do with a post we're calling "Transformational Thursdays!" Every Thursday, we'll highlight something around the City that your Public Works crews have cleaned up, squared away, and made tight & tidy.

Today's post highlights the removal of tall grass and weeds from the median of E. Main St. At a glance, this might not seem like the biggest task in the world, but multiply this work over 350+ lane miles of streets in temperatures nearing 1,000 degrees (well, it feels like it...), and it's work most of us are happy to see done from inside our air-conditioned cars as we drive past.

So take a moment, leave a like, and say thanks to our men and women out there working to make the City beautiful every day! We'll go first: THANK YOU, SALISBURY PUBLIC WORKS!


Anonymous said...

Good start!

Anonymous said...

It's amazing that they get anything approaching half of the work done with the number of personnel and budget that they have.

Anonymous said...

I told you people this mayor Jake day is an absolute but job. His second and fourth week month and their church thrive meetings this is what they come up with. Church's winning Wednesday, city of Salisbury's transitional Thursday. What a bunch of corny, no imagination, group of unqualified leaders

Anonymous said...

Maybe they could get around to the old Mall property!

Anonymous said...

I have crazy weeds in the street by my home.. I keep my sidewalks and driveway weed free but the other weeds are killing my look ... so am I responsible for pulling these weeds? I live in fruitland .. there are a lot and would take me hours to do and will
Do it if it is my responsibility but if its the city's and god know I pay a lot of taxes then shouldnt they do it?

Anonymous said...

My grand daughter just purchased a home in da bury . I really feel sorry for her with all this crap going on .

Anonymous said...

What does church have anything to do with this

Anonymous said...

So, they've decided to work on Thursdays, eh? Great idea!

I wonder if they'll ever decide to work Monday through Wednesday? I know asking for Friday is a bit much...

Anonymous said...

7:42 always brings up church.

Anonymous said...

Its the corny catch phrases they continue to come up with if you can actually grasp the comment, winning Wednesday ( as the rest of us continually get overlooked they've designated a winning Wednesday), mayor day rolls it over into the next great idea and transition Thursday. Let's make a big deal out of people actually doing their jobs

Anonymous said...

Still waiting to see something done over on tower street, looks absolutely terrible from one end to the other, some spots with weeds 2-3 ft tall

Anonymous said...

8:07 AM I dunno about Fruitland but in the Bury WE the home dwellers are responsible for the curb weeds and they actually give US citations for the mess.

Anonymous said...

They're just trying to boost morale, I get it. They can come pull the weeds from the sidewalks in the rough neighborhoods then. Lived there in college and while my neighbors had rusting cars in their front yards and overgrown grass they were more than happy to give us citations for some grass growing in between the cracks in the sidewalk. Neighborhood Services are a waste of tax payers money.

Anonymous said...

So i guess from Arbys on 50 to Beaglin Park Drive they are tearing up the median to get rid of the weeds and install wider medians to have less weeds. Whats with that?

Anonymous said...

Its not church its the moron that you call mayor and the moron that pastors the church day goes to. There both absolute dic*heads and feed off each others abuse of using their position to further self gain, and gains for the people closest to them when they should be thinking about all. Come on I thought you people were a little smarter than this, able to comprehend the fact these people use city government and religion as a means for faon and laugh at the rest of us

Anonymous said...

I usually see them hanging out the side of the truck with a sprayer full of roundup, seems like a better use of time to me so they can fix more important things around town.

If anything I thought they used pre-release prisoners to do this.

Anonymous said...

This is their job and its disgraceful that the median looked as bad as it did. Thankful public works is addressing this, but it should not have been un-kept.

Anonymous said...

THAT is a perfect example of today's mentality. "Hey look, I did my job!"
You may notice that in today's world, oftentimes someone that comes to the assistance of a fellow human being that is in some sort of distress or needs aid, is designated a "hero".
Sadly, we now live in an age where people actually get rewarded - and expect to be recognized - just for doing what is correct.

Anonymous said...

Golf clap for DOING YOUR JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Joe, please move back to Salisbury and run for Mayor! We Made a Big Mistake last time by not Electing You! Can any of you people Imagine how Wonderful this city could be with the Right Mayor???

Anonymous said...

They'll be filing an injury report for patting themselves on the back so strenuously!

Guess we can expect a daily weed wrangling post from 'bury public works, correct? Who will log and document that unbroken string of future successes?

Anonymous said...

PLEASE PLEASE take care of the "triangle" at the intersection of Parsons and Nanticoke Roads.

Just a few days ago, I mentioned to my co-workers how horrible it looks. What do visitors think when they jump off 50 to go to the McDonalds?

Perhaps the two new city administrators could put on their reflective vests and do some weeding. They gotta earn their pay. Perhaps work side-by-side with the inmates, that I am sure the county would be happy to provide.

As for general services, just as with the county team, they have thankless jobs and are expected to work miracles with small budgets, lack of proper tools, and no access to other necessary resources.

Anonymous said...

How about over taxed Tuesday? I will record myself at work all day Tuesday and part of Wednesday since the money I make during that time every week will go straight to the Government to cut weeds and then brag about it. For the snowflake who posted that, cutting down 25 feet of weeds is probably a major life accomplishment.

Anonymous said...

So we are supposed to thank them for what they are being paid to do?

Anonymous said...

All we hear is free inmate labor.Let me tell you its not free! From providing a worker with benefits and vehicles to pick them up cart them around and babysit it sure as hell is costing someone.Not to mention all the underlying problems that come with them.
I have been around county inmates for 20 years and just about 2 were decent and not con men and thieves.Make them do chain gang labor and babysat by guards with rifles.One day one of these county inmates is going to rape or kill a innocent citzen and then lets see what the real meaning of free is.

Anonymous said...

3.44 you left out a few things but your comment is spot on. They need 2 administrators like the county needs Strasburg and Young.To many chiefs and not enough working indians. That would be so funny seeing Young with his gold cuff links trimming weeds.