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Sunday, July 23, 2017

New Development Coming To 500 Riverside Drive In Salisbury

I think once you take a good look at this photo you'll see that even if they put a roundabout there, it's going to be a very tight circle.

Nevertheless, if you aren't subjected to driving through this area, it's a major problem during rush hour. More interesting is how ALL OF A SUDDEN someone is interested in developing the center open area in the image above. It would be bad enough to place residential there but that's not the case. The proposed development is a commercial center.

OK, so why do I have a problem with this. Well, have you ever seen rush hour or any given busy time on Riverside drive? You tell me how ANYONE is going to be able to pull out of that center and turn left onto Riverside Drive. It will literally be impossible.

Back in the day when you had Tim Spies, Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen on Council, they'd demand a traffic study because they know darn well this will create major traffic problems. However, the Good Ol' Boys are behind the scenes on this one, (once again) and the rubber stamp Mayor and Council will do anything to move forward with anyone interested in developing the Downtown area. 

Perhaps I'm completely wrong. Perhaps the fact that Jake Day insists, (to the state) that Salisbury is a bicycle friendly City and soon enough we'll see less and less cars on the road, call me stupid. 

Finally, I have to wonder, (and hopefully so will you) how much of that land is being turned over to the City for the newly proposed roundabout. One hand washes the other, right?


Anonymous said...

They just need to approach this intersection on weekdays from 8 to 9 am and then 4 to 5 pm. After several minutes to get through there, then reconsider any thoughts of more development in the area. It would lead to more chaos in this already over-crowded traffic area.

Anonymous said...

With traffic lights at 300 and 500 feet away on Mill street (That's only 12-18 car lengths), a traffic circle will clog every time the light changes, and probably won't clear fully as the next light cycle comes around. It's either that or stop Rt 50 altogether and make Main street inaccessible.

Either way, yes, turning left onto Riverside from that swampland will be impossible.


There's your traffic study, all done!

Anonymous said...

Okay, let's assume a roundabout is actually built at this intersection. It does not magically appear overnight; the area has to be closed during the construction period. How long will that be? Where does the traffic go during this period? We could have a major cluster**** for up to a year.

Anonymous said...

As with everything else that has Jake day's signature on it this construction will start right about the time all the public schools start back up, st Francis school, and all SU students bsxk in the area, looks like another Jake day clusterfu**. I live in an are south of this intersection and use it daily when coming into Salisbury but in light of all this great city decision making I've already started taking another route getting myself accustomed to avoid this nightmare. Great job Jake day, I have the latest catch phrase for you to promote how about fuc****-up Friday's

Anonymous said...

Change Mill to one way toward 50. Division one way to Carroll. Camden one way to Mill from synagogue (opposite from present). No need for light a main/Mill.

Anonymous said...

I hope whoever develops it has good insurance for vandalism! That’s ghetto area!

Anonymous said...

They have done such a good job on Main Street.....

Anonymous said...

A roundabout will not solve the problem as long as the Mill/Main light is there as that is what causes the backup problem. Too many cars are always backed up in the left lane at Mill St light turning left onto west main st. Too many cars are backed up at Mill and 50 trying to make a left on to Mill as well. Not to mention all the rude drivers that block the intersections no matter which direction they are traveling. The current set up is a traffic nightmare. Maybe there shouldn't be a left turn allowed at Mill and Main Streets. Regardless, I don't see a viable solution even with a roundabout.

Anonymous said...

Oh boy, here we go. Make sure you have bullet proof cars

Anonymous said...

I want to see the diagrams and at least one traffic study. it's a very constricted area with multiple large volume ingress points and two drawbridges that back traffic up a mile in either direction on a busy day on Route 50. Developing a functional roundabout there would surely be a challenge. I can picture what a probable mess it would be in five directions if it were shut down for crashes and fender benders, let alone a larger emergency that would require fire department response with two or more pieces of equipment. If such a thing occurred, there would have to be at least four street shutdowns and impromptu detours for those not already caught on the portions of streets where no detour is possible, requiring at least five (Mill Street, Route 50, Carroll Street, Riverside Drive, West Main on two sides of Mill, and Fitzwater) police officers and vehicles, plus those at the scene of the event.

Anonymous said...

"that Salisbury is a bicycle friendly City and soon enough we'll see less and less cars on the road"

That may be a true statement based on the economic downfall of this community, the lack of jobs, or jobs that pay a livable wage, and the raping of rent amounts. No one will be able to afford a car, when you can barely afford to put food on the table.

Anonymous said...

I would just like for the genius's to spell it out as to how a roundabout is going to work in this area. There is no way in you know what that it will ever work. Hope they have taken into account the backups from the drawbridges. This should be very interesting to watch on a daily basis because it won't work too many intersections involved,too much traffic going different directions and these fools are going to get all of this traffic into this small roundabout and then oh yeah here comes the fire trucks and the ambulances barreling through in the middle of it. LOL
As for bicycles I am seeing a lot of bicycle lanes but who is riding the bicycles if they are smart nobody would be riding a bicycle on any street in or around Salisbury because it is not safe but oh yeah I forgot we do not have any crime in Salisbury yeah right whatever.

Anonymous said...

I know it hard for many to visualize things in your head so take a map or piece of paper and draw the one way setup described above. It would be a lot cheaper, faster and easier to accomplish. Traffic would move much more quickly and efficiently.

Anonymous said...

Comments here are just classic human resistance to change. Once the traffic circle is installed and all the locals get used to it, everyone will appreciate not having to wait for three different light cycles to get through that intersection (I know I will). It is a perfect place for a roundabout.

BTW, traffic circles UNCLOG an intersection. Only an idiot gets in a traffic circle and stops. With a circle, traffic keeps moving, as long as drivers have the sense and driving ability to merge, and not stop. Traffic lights that STOP traffic are what causes traffic to back up when there is heavy traffic and congestion. A driver cannot merge without stopping if a light is red. Traffic circles only slow traffic, they don't stop it like lights do, unless a driver is too inexperienced to know how to enter and exit a traffic circle.

Anonymous said...

Another chain link fence fiasco.

Anonymous said...

While the cost may be close to unacceptable the only way to clean this intersection is with bridges or elevated ramps. No ground level approach is ever going to work.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to have to disagree with you on this one. There is already a great deal of people that show a lack of patience when at this intersection, they pull out in front of people now with the traffic lights there, majority of the time stuck directly in the middle of the intersection gslting traffic in all directions. What in the world do you think will happen when there are NO state equipment there regulating traffic flow?

Anonymous said...

You must not be from here. People do stop whenever and wherever they want. Can you imagine when the first accident happens in mid circle. What s cluster. If they timed the current lights better it would work as is.

Anonymous said...

A TRUE Traffic study really should be done before anything is done. Housing, retail or offices...

Anonymous said...

I have been giving this idea much thought and have plotted out my new route to everything on that side of town. There is no way I'm going to do a round about in that area. I was already hit there once when 2 cars appeared to gang up on me after dark. NO WAY.

Anonymous said...

I didn't think you could use reclaimed land anymore for construction. That whole area is reclaimed as I recall.

Anonymous said...

There is no need for a round about. Jake Day and his smart ass comments on Facebook have to go. What a waste of tax dollars.

Anonymous said...

What is sad is the fact that you have clowns like Jack Heath and Muir Boda rubber stamping everything Jake Day does.

Anonymous said...

They are putting a dead end at camden ave at this intersection. And the lot along the river next to the intersection would also be used to put a round about there. There are also considering making the greenlights at Mill/Rt50 and Fitzwater/ Plaza Intersection a little longer to get traffic flowing.

Anonymous said...

It will take 3 to 4 years to build that circle and pave it.
Remember the remodel of the bridge near Royal Farm on Business 13?
How long did that debacle take?

The companies who get these jobs milk them for years at a time.

Look at the Main Street downtown project which FINALLY just re-opened.
How long did it take?
How many days did you drive by there and see NOBODY working on it?

Look at the Route 13 bridges work. It will take YEARS to finish it and how old are those bridges?
Maybe 20 years old?

How about the Route 13 South Bound ramp right now - where they are forcing traffic to double back for a mile of wasted time in order to work on it DURING THE SUMMER! It will take YEARS to fix that bridge. How long has it been built? Maybe 20 years?

These things are all about money and corruption.
America sucks.

Anonymous said...

Stupid idea....but look at who came up with it. Boy wonder the kid mayor, wonder what he will screw up next ?

JoeAlbero said...

4:51, the Boy Mayor couldn't come up with such an idea. It's the developers of the property that was sold on the river. Where's the traffic study? Monday we'll have yet another informational piece on this matter.

Anonymous said...

11:45 AM I think you are the only one who resides in that perfect world.

Circle in fruitland is always a cluster of people who do not stop and should, people who force their way into the circle because they are too lazy to take their turn and people who stop in the circle to let people in.

And that is not a busy circle.

Good luck with your perfect world analogy.

PS - your whole speech wreaks of a paid off mayor shill.

Anonymous said...

Don't know how there can be so much concern over the roundabout.... everyone says Salisbury is nothing....not a thing to come here for????? Then, DUH why the negative concern???? Somethin' not right Lucie!!! LOL somebody's lying.....

Anonymous said...

Still not open all the way through to the Plaza. Closed off from Mojos to Plaza.

Anonymous said...

That property has been developed for many many years and there is enough room in the existing ROW to duplicate Fruitland or Princess Anne.

Anonymous said...

11:45, when the center of the traffic circle blocks the view of everyone entering to the target road they want to take, let's sat Mill street, what happens when the Mill/ Main street and Mill/ Rt. 50 lights turn red? 20 cars line up and all others in the circle now have to stop because they are entering the circle from 4 other roads and cannot proceed on to Mill street! Now, all roads are blocked until the lights turn green to release Mill street traffic,

This would be the biggest clusterf**k this side of the Mississippi!

Anonymous said...

10:53 you can always go down to the ghetto and get a free lunch....ooopps sorry that's just for the summer.

Anonymous said...

Just prepare to go a different way .Like going down naylor mill and sitting for them 7 minute plus stoplights they set up at the top of the bypass.Real P.I.A.

Anonymous said...

you have Mill street coming off of 50 at the bridge and you hit another light...a right turn and a left one way street that runs along the back of the plaza along 50. Church st. and Main street to the left and to the right at the light. then at the 3 light it branches at Riverside, Camden and Carroll. i dont know but it sounds to me i have to agree with others, this will be a cluster. and as one of you mentioned to make them one way streets? i don't know that it would work either. Sounds to me i will be avoiding that area. But we wont have to worry about that for another year or so. It will take that long to get it done after they start. I hope this is well thought out before they give it a green light.

Anonymous said...

More Jake Day nonsense. He thinks a roundabout is a good idea? He doesn't think anything through to completion but expects us to believe he's an urban planner. Wonder if he understands there's contaminated soil there, too. Remember there were gas stations around there once upon a history. Wonder how long this will take. 12 months or so?

Anonymous said...

It will probably take a little longer now that they are sitting around laughing at "once upon a history". lol