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Sunday, July 23, 2017

MSP: 228 Grams of Marijuana Seized During Traffic Stop In Princess Anne

On 7/21/17 at 7:08 p.m. a trooper from the Maryland State Police Princess Anne Barrack performed a traffic stop on a vehicle for speeding in the area of Robin Drive and Greenspring Road, Princess Anne, Somerset County, Maryland.

Upon contacting the operator, the trooper smelled the strong odor of raw marijuana emanating from within the passenger compartment. A subsequent search of said vehicle was conducted and revealed 228.7 grams of marijuana enclosed within a clear plastic zip lock bag on the rear floor board directly behind the passenger side seat.

The operator, identified as Keevon Bishop, 26 years old from Princess Anne was arrested and charged accordingly, transported to the Somerset County Commissioner’s Office and released on personal recognizance.


Anonymous said...

Lets put this in perspective. It is 8 ounces, or 1 cup of pot. Not much of a score when you put it in terms people understand.

Anonymous said...

It's not a huge score but still a score. 1000 lb of feathers still weighs the same as 1000 lb of gold!. Meaning it's more than a cup.

Anonymous said...

Its a pretty good score.... over a half pound thats a good traffic related bust. If u want to put it in terms for people to understand just google image a half pound of pot

Anonymous said...

They had to use a small unit of measure to make it appear to be a big deal. Lame.

Anonymous said...

I bet you're proud of yourself for that one. Good for you thinking you're a deep thinker. Maybe someday you'll make it out of the kiddy pool.

Anonymous said...

Let's put this in need to return to elementary school. You are comparing the weight of an ounce to a fluid ounce. Nowhere near the same thing. Try google searching and you'll learn a thing or two.

Anonymous said...

Released on personal recognizance???

Anonymous said...

This wasnt a "score" at all. Lol. Just ask yourselves how many deaths would this amount of mary jane cause?

Anonymous said...

9:46 AM yea because it is lame. It was his personal bag of pot.

Anonymous said...

Small change.

Anonymous said...

Not his first time getting caught speeding in Princess Anne. Dumb.

Anonymous said...

In the past, I bought pot by the pound for personal used. Only had to have contact with a drug dealer once a year and less probability of getting caught transporting it versus buying it every other week or so. Cheaper too.

Anonymous said...

No its not a big deal and eventually everything marijuana will be an after thought. BIGGER drug issues need to be addressed and stopped immediately!

Our neighbors to our south (Mexico/Central South America) are major contributors to the BIGGER problems!

Anonymous said...

Better watch the somerset state police and princess Anne police they like to beat people and add fake charges, then laugh about what they did. The whole county is corrupt. Stay out of Somerset and don't even think about moving there. They care about No One. They are Crooks in Uniforms!

-RedMosquitoX said...

Some criminals are just stupid. If he was just traveling across town, speeding 20 miles over the limit would’ve gotten him to his destination maybe 2 minutes faster. Do the math! I’m sure he knew how to do the math on how much money he would’ve made on selling a half pound of weed by the quarter bag – over $1,600 dollars at $50/quarter.

Anonymous said...

That's 228,000 milligrams!!!

Anonymous said...

I hope this make some of you feel better. Its was 0.00025 tons of pot. Pick that up wboc.

Anonymous said...

It is a friggin' PLANT.
God made it.

We used to be free.

Anonymous said...

28 grams of weed in a container that weighed 200 grams. They weigh it all together to include the "packaging". They have been using that trick for years.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that trick is older than the brown stains on Brent Black's nose. And, trust me, that is OLD.

Anonymous said...

Needs to be legalized. What a waste of tax money. That weed wasn't going to harm anyone.

Anonymous said...

To make it seem even larger, let's call it 228,700 milligrams. That sounds impressive.

Anonymous said...

weed vs do that math. its a natural plant. and hurts nobody. gateway drug my behind. They need to focus on the Opioids.