
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Joe, Have you seen this video? Cathy’s Pet Salon… the lady is hitting one of the dogs with a stick!

Keri Lynn Harding July 8 at 7:12pm · Hebron, MD · For all of my dog owner friends...would you allow the doggie daycare to "correct" your dog by hitting them with a wiffle bat? And I mean not just a tap on the butt...


LadyLiddy said...

Hell no!!!! Thank you VERY much for this information. Video doesn't lie.

Anonymous said...

well there goes a business

Anonymous said...

Time to find another job

Anonymous said...

The stick is a wiffle ball bat. The video is coming from an employee at Trice appraisals who is not happy with the dogs barking. The police and animal control were there two weeks ago and determined no problem.

TaAdkins said...

I don't and nobody else better not either 😬

Anonymous said...

You can tell this has happened before by the way the dog cower on its side. The dog clearly knows what is about to happen and the only way it would react like that is if it has happened on a regular basis.

Anonymous said...

I used to go there when they were at court plaza
I sat in my car to watch and she was hitting my dog in the snout with a hair brush.
Her claim was that she bites, which was a lie.
We never went back
We then used Pretty Paws and Tails and Tubs.
I asked them if she bites and they said no.
I am not a big fan

Anonymous said...

2:11 I'm sure she wasn't hitting on the dogs when Animal Control was there.

Anonymous said...

@ 2:11 - i don't give a flying f*** what it is. it could be a damn pool noodle. people don't pay her to hit their dogs no matter what it is. videos don't lie. i'm certain the owners of this dog aren't very pleased with this situation... & if it prevents her from ever doing this again, then the video has done its job.

Anonymous said...

do you hit your dogs?

Anonymous said...

The woman making this video has been trying to shut the business down for years. "Cannot stand the barking" Even took Cathy's to court and then didn't show up, knowing she didn't have a case.

Nothing but a bad neighbor trying to stir up trouble.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mrs Harding consider yourself lucky it wasn't my dog. She is closer to me than ANY family member and nothing but love and joy. So the next time you want to beat someone's "child" you've been warned

Anonymous said...

Ok so your saying your ok with someone your paying to care for your animal to beat them with a plastic bat? Wyd is wrong with this statement. If it were my dog I would beat a bitch down. Sorry but that's some bull

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Harding consider yourself lucky it wasn't my little girl, she is closer than any family member or friend, an absolute god send, and you ma'am would have to be dealt with for beating something so near dear to my heart.

Anonymous said...

FYI there are 4 further videos showing abuse that are in the hands of authorities. This has nothing to do with barking, Cathy.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Harding is not the abuser, just the poster.

Anonymous said...

When Cathy was in Court Plaza I caught her dragging an elderly dog out the back to use the potty. The dog was old and could barely walk. So rather then try to help she just pulled it along. She was not patient at alI with the dog. I never went back.

Anonymous said...

Aside from the hitting the yard looks like a terrible place to leave your dog.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

2:28 PM that's a rather big assumption that she didn't have a case. Are you a judge? Are you a lawyer? Or are you an employee running your pie hole. Some of us agree and support the "other" person.

Are you the clueless dog beater in the vid?

Anonymous said...

why are people defending her? the video proof is all you need. she clearly does this on a daily basis for these dogs to be so afraid of her.

Anonymous said...

This troublemaker who posted this must be the same one who claimed the dogs were being beat with a BROOM... Turned out to be a soft paddle on a stick that was put between dogs who had a disagreement. A whole lot safer than using your hands. Just another miserable busybody with not enough work to do..

Anonymous said...

Someone from Cathy's posted a comment that they have the bat wrapped in foam. Someone else has a very clear still pic, from Cathy's own cameras showing that to be a lie.

It is a plastic bat, hard enough to hit a ball with.
Think about that for a few minutes.

Anonymous said...

"Hit him again bitch"~ now really does that sound like a concerned citizen or someone trying to get involved with the ladies at Trice who have been complaining for a few years now, but only about the noise. I have watched this video now 3 times and if anyone with 1/2 a brain knows about animals, you will see that everyone of those dogs WALK away with their tails wagging~ I did not see any dog or the one that was swatted with the wiffle bat do anything but sit and then walk to the house with the TAIL WAGGing. Really folks. Maybe ALL grooming parlors should be shut down in Salisbury, if you are caring for a group of dogs, there has to be a pecking order and it better be the person.
Signed more years of experience that anyone on this blog.

Anonymous said...

One day at band camp. Come on people. Clearly this video is edited. If the Salisbury police responded and viewed the video (un edited version) and they have determined no crime has been committed then drop it. Clearly it's a wiffle ball bat. It a stick or metal pole (as originally reported by mrs. Harding to make it sound more dramatic (false report) then I see no issue. Have you ever worked with a pack of 12 dogs that don't know each other. Scuffles happen. If your dog was injured there Jen you would be asking why didn't this girl do something to stop it. This dog was aggressive prior to the version of this video being turned on. Check the online court records. This is an ongoing legal battle between two neighbors. The bad part about it is that the Trice's sold this property to the Current owner knowing that it was going to be a dog salon and day care.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The woman making this video has been trying to shut the business down for years. "Cannot stand the barking" Even took Cathy's to court and then didn't show up, knowing she didn't have a case.

Nothing but a bad neighbor trying to stir up trouble.

July 19, 2017 at 2:28 PM

I got a newsflash for you 2:28 PM and anyone else that thinks this is acceptable or that there is any issue here EXCEPT this ignorant twit swinging the "wiffle bat"... NO DOG EVER NEEDS TO BE HIT...EVER!!! If you can not train or correct a canine in a POSITIVE fashion - you have NO BUSINESS being NEAR them. Anyone with even an iota of common sense KNOWS hitting a dog is a damned good way to get yourself bitten. If this B*TCH swinging that bat thinks she is so bad...swing it at me, someone that can retaliate in kind and see what happens to you. It's a LOW LIFE POS that will hit an animal. By the way...hitting an animal IS considered "animal cruelty".

Hudson said...

I would take that bat to that dare her hit someone's fur baby with anything

Anonymous said...

I felt helpless to all the other pet owners when I observed her conduct at Court Plaza. Sorry it took so long for the truth to get out. I would warn as many as I could in my circles to stay away from her.

Anonymous said...

Be careful where you take your pet to any of the pet salons in Salisbury I have been to tubs and Tails and my dog got razor burn and was told that he must have slid on the concrete my dog is only 8 inches tall. I just requested a phone call back from the owner did not receive any phone call so that just showed me that they did not care so be advised to where you're taking your dog I do not take my dog to any place in Salisbury

Anonymous said...

I took my Golden Retriever their once to have her groomed and the groomer decided to cut her whiskers off!!! I was livid!! I never asked for such a thing and never would even consider cutting her whiskers completely off!! That was the last time I took my pup there!

Anonymous said...

3:24 PM video edited? wow thats a lie. try again, you can come up with something better than that lame lying bs.

Anonymous said...

3:24 Maybe you should watch the video again Cathy. Because it looked to me like that dog knew what was coming by they way he/she cowered. Your argument of having a bad neighbor is just an excuse. We see through it.

Anonymous said...

Are you dumb? This is obviously not edited and people are not pulling these horrible stories out of their asses. The dog cowards. No dog should be afraid of their care taker. Plus you can CLEARLY see she hits the dog. Whether the neighbor and the lady have an ongoing feud, the lady is at fault either way.

Anonymous said...

While I would prefer they use an empty water bottle with a bunch of pennies in it to startle the misbehaving dog there is no aggression from the whiffle bat bearer so this is much adu about nothing!

Anonymous said...

To all the NAYSAYErS, who DO you recommend as an alternative?

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't let Trice appraise my house if I had to go across the Bay to find another company.

bayman said...

Shut this woman down. That dog clearly knew what was coming. She has done it before.

Groomer said...

I AM a dog groomer and have been for about 10 years their is never an excuse to hit a dog or in cathys word tap it with a comb on its nose! I was going to get a job there about 6 years ago until I found out how awful she is! She gives groomers a bad name!! I have never ever hit a dog with anything and I have dealt with dogs local band from other groomers like catheys and had no problem! She is mean rude and put right nasty to the animals!

Anonymous said...

@ 5:14- since when do dogs need "daycare" anyway? if people are getting dogs and sending them to a dog salon all day, they shouldn't even own the dog. never in my life have i considered sending my dog to a daycare.

Anonymous said...

omg. get a grip people. it was a corrective tap. none of you have swatted ur dogs butt when its done something bad? most dogs will cower when a human who towers over them come at them with an aggressive look on their face.

The human is in charge, not the dogs and sometimes that has to be reinforced in the dogs mind. Nothing to see here.

Anonymous said...

I tried to get people to look more into were they take their animals! Years ago! I suggested getting the names of their employees and look them up on Maryland public judiciary. People don't have to pass a background check to get a job working with our furbabies! Like people do to work with our children! Our pets are no different then our kids! If people were to do some digging into their pet groomer I bet they would be surprised on what they find! I'm asking everyone tomorrow call who ever you take your pet to ask for every employees name and look them up! You maybe in disbelief of what you find out! Like I said I did research 2 years ago and well I learned to groom my own! The Metropolitan best Voted for pet grooming was the worst when I did my research.

Anonymous said...

The metropolitan's "best" in most categories are always a joke. In other words, it's just fluff they give their advertisers. I doubt they even pretend to count the votes any more

Anonymous said...

I took my dog there a few times when she was at Court Plaza. She told me my dog was vicious. I never went back and he has never had any problems with new groomer.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

What if they aren't from Maryland?

Shadow said...

That is inconsequential to what is obvious in the video- abuse of an animal. I give two $$ what her motivation is for making the video. The video does not lie- not cool and criminal. Shame on them for testing dogs this way.

Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...

The stick is a wiffle ball bat. The video is coming from an employee at Trice appraisals who is not happy with the dogs barking. The police and animal control were there two weeks ago and determined no problem.

July 19, 2017 at 2:11 PM"

And Thank God for the Trice employee who taped this! Fat bitch needs a foot shoved up her rank arse. What a disgusting thing to do. Some dog breeds bark more then others because they think they are supposed to bark. Live stock guardian breeds and mixes for instance. And when they do bark you assure them all is well because HITTING them with anything is counter productive not that I expect snyone from this half assed business to know. And you never HIT a barking dog. Use a squirt bottle filled with water you dumb pieces of crap.

Anonymous said...

OMG, get a clue 7:17! And a dictionary! A tap is once. But that's beside the point. This is NOT her (bat lady's) animal! She is the dog's PAID caretaker and is expected to care for the dogs, not beat them OR slap them. Why would ANY dog daycare allow an aggressive dog out in a pack with dogs they don't know? If they gave the dogs individual play times, then there would be no fights and no bats! You obviously have had very little experience with a wide variety of dogs and temperaments. If you had, you would recognize the posture of fear in this dog before she even hits him. She's done it before. And the play area is toys, no grass, no shade. Very little positive human interaction from the vids (plural) I've seen. This joint does what is easiest for the HUMANS, not what's best for the dogs!

Shadow said...

Agree 100%!

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

The woman making this video has been trying to shut the business down for years. "Cannot stand the barking" Even took Cathy's to court and then didn't show up, knowing she didn't have a case.

Nothing but a bad neighbor trying to stir up trouble.

July 19, 2017 at 2:28 PM"

She needs to be shut down! She is a violent person obviously.

Shadow said...

You are a moron. This is animal abuse.

Shadow said...

Dogs can "WAG" their tails right before biting you. You don't have a clue. This place is a mess.

Shadow said...

Right on- agree 100%

Anonymous said...

Very true about the Metropolitan. People pay alot of monety to be featured in that magazine. And that does not make them good at what their business is. I would not go to any advertiser in that magazine, based on an ad or feature in that magazine. It's going to be good, the featured place or business paid alot of money, and not to be trashed!
As far as getting hit by a wiffle ball bat, I can confirm it hurts like heck, we played wiffle ball all the time when i was a kid, and when I was catcher I took a few hits. They hurt alot. Can't imagine what an animal feels.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Trice is the issue I'll take my business to someone that knows how to mind there's.

Anonymous said...

NO Hand should ever be raised toward an animal,
unless it's to break up a Bad fight!!! There are
other ways-just get the dog whisperer ,Cesar Milons',Book.
( not sure of sp. of his last name)

When you play the video over you can see the dog lean down.
That could be because she yelled, but I tend to think it's
because the dog " knew what was coming!"


I for one, would never ever want to take my dog to a place
of this sort----Why, there's to much of a chance they might
be attacked by another dog ----that happens!

Anonymous said...

BS. She was communicating with the dog. Wuffle ball bats are great. Looking at the behavior of the dog, it must be hers. The dog went exactly where it was told to go. A dog not used to be communicated with in that manner would act confused. This dog knew it had done wrong and complied with commands. You folks who like to give your dog treats all the time, and talk baby talk to them are missing out. A little discipline, giving the dog commands(a job), makes the dog much more happy and doing the training creates a lot of interaction, which you both get to know one another better. Works with kids as well.

Anonymous said...

People who work for a living and don't want their dogs in a crate all day.

Anonymous said...

7:17 - It's dog owners like you that will have your house robbed by a guy with a rolled up newspaper, and you'll wonder why? Please don't get another dog.

Anonymous said...

I'm a real estate agent with significant volumes and Trice is the worst company around. I never will use them now with this kind of attack. Bye bye..your business will now suffer even more.

Anonymous said...

The place looks like a dump. Why anyone would take their dog there is beyond me to begin with. No grass no trees the business owner should be ashamed of herself for operating such a dumpy place.

Anonymous said...

8:55 Your comment is BS.

Alexis said...

Um you don't hit dogs. Not even with a feather. No Excuse

Anonymous said...

Dogs are animals, not people. This whole furbabies crap is nonsense. People paying thousands of dollars for MRIs, chemotherapy, radiation treatment for dogs and cats is crazy too.

Anonymous said...

Alexis - Stay at home mom with a liberal arts degree? I bet you have time outs at your house too.

Anonymous said...

Reading all of these comments no wonder kids act like they do. If you won't even correct your dog there is no doubt you let your kids run wild as well.

Dobergurl said...

Why are so many people replying to this video anonymously. Either you believe this lady's a douchebag and aren't afraid to say it, or you hide behind anonymous.
To the above anonymous who seems to think the giving a dog a job, requires beating it into submission to do what you wanted to.
How would you like it if every time you stepped Outta line or said something wrong( refer to above statement) someone beat your ass with a wiffle bat. Feeling bad for your dogs

Anonymous said...

Lol 2:28 the woman that took the video just started working there a couple of months ago. Try again.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
8:55 Your comment is BS.

July 19, 2017 at 10:32 PM

You and 9:07 PM are B.S.

Anonymous said...

This bit** watched my dog while I was on vacation, never again. You touch my dog like that, I'd slap your a** !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Is this the woman from Cathy's? Because the police weren't there for barking they were there because you were seen beating the dogs AGAIN!

Anonymous said...

11:04 is right. I see Cathy's is Anonymously making excuses up and down this page.

Anonymous said...

3:24, WRONG! On the day the police came for an abuse call, not a barking call, dispatcher was told that there was video and the cops responded to Cathy's and never came to view the video. If SPD was not incompetent you'd have seen this two weeks ago.

Anonymous said...

This is Cathy's 5th comment

Anonymous said...

I worked at a local dealership who gave prizes to the employees who wrote up the most ballots.

Anonymous said...

Whatever Cathy

Alexis said...

I don't beat anyone with a bat. I also have over 10 years of working in a vets office, 20 in animal rescue history and ran a doggy daycare. Yes I have a BS in graphic design. So yes, I have a college degree and kids. What's your point? Even my kids know you don't hit dogs.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking this clearly wasn't the first time the person taking this video saw them beating dogs. The first time they would've been in shock and simply watched from afar. I believe they saw this multiple times until they were able to catch it on video. I will never take my dogs to this business.

Anonymous said...

i work 50 hours a week. i'm 30 years old. & have had numerous dogs during my lifetime including now. never have any needed a daycare nor have any been left in a kennel all day. it's called TRAINING. my dog roams our home free all day without any accidents.

Alexis said...

lol I'm not anonymous and she attacked me for having kids and a college degree. I can't blame people for not wanting to put up with her BS. And it's gone viral and plenty of non-anonymous people are standing up and speaking out against her.

Anonymous said...

I mean how long did this woman sit in the window with her camera waiting? My type of employee waisting my time I think she needs a mental exam and that Trice allowed this ... tells you about them too

Anonymous said...

8:04 - did you ever consider maybe her desk sits near the window? i have a window next to my desk and i can see everything that goes on outside of my neighboring business. this isn't the first time she's done this with the whole bat / whiffle ball bat / stick. whatever it is. highly unlikely she sat in a window all day waiting for this to happen.

Anonymous said...

I can't stand this, she thinks she's hot sh*t because she can take care of 8 dogs at one time but the only way she can get it done is by letting the girls beat them and yell at them and make them feel like trash. Maybe we should beat their asses and see how they like it. Even the Facebook videos on her own businesses page are crappy she's yelling at them and the other girl clearly has the bad in her hand so this is a regular item that they use out there in this boring ass dirt hole. Idk what owner would go out there and say yeah this looks fun I'll leave my dog here.

Anonymous said...

7:08 You were "attacked" for being a snowflake comehere liberal.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

I mean how long did this woman sit in the window with her camera waiting? My type of employee waisting my time I think she needs a mental exam and that Trice allowed this ... tells you about them too

July 20, 2017 at 8:04 AM"

In typical trash fashion that you are you are attempting to shift the blame. It have news for you so you listen up and you listen up good-IT WON'T WORK AROUND HERE.
Also you aren't too smart. You are an ignoramus. This has a very very real possibility of taking this business down and turning those involved into paupers. So keep up your stupidity but I can guarantee you this-you will not win.

Anonymous said...

9:15 the owners don't care. I mean if they did they wouldn't take their dogs to that dump. Just look at that yard. Looks like something out of the ghetto.

Anonymous said...

Good bye to me as a client. Thank you to whomever posted this horrifying video. No matter how you paint it, a dog was struck with an object. Period. Can't believe I ever trusted this business.

Anonymous said...

10:58 the yard is a dump? There are tons of large dogs running and playing all day in the yard. What do you want it to look like? Do you want rose bushes, trees and flower back there? Idiot!

Anonymous said...

Amen!! Raising a culture of sissies!!

Christy Parker of "Christy's Canine Creations" said...

I'm a retired groomer... some of you may know of me, but yes, I'm officially retired so I am NOT posting this to gather support/clients... just wanted to make that clear up front. I am no longer able to groom due to back/neck problems.

I've owned 3 shops in Salisbury over the course of 20 yrs. I had a shop at this location (where Cathy's is now)for 5 yrs prior to moving to Ga (I just returned from 9 yrs in GA).

I can tell you without hesitation and without exaggeration that I built my businesses off of clients that LEFT Cathy's because of the way their dogs were being treated. I don't know how many pursued cases against her or were just happy to walk away with their dogs in one piece. But I am telling you... the abuse has been ongoing for many, many years. When they were at Court Plaza there seemed to be the most abuse. We had the same vet...and he sent his clients to me EXCLUSIVELY because he was very aware of what was happening, but of course in a town like this you don't stir the pot... so he quietly doctored dog's injuries and referred people elsewhere. And I can tell you for a fact, I've been grooming literally since I was 13 (started as a summer job... started as a bather) the dogs that came from there were definitely and without a doubt treated extremely roughly. They would start out as happy go lucky dogs and over time would become fearful and biters, even at home with the owners. And people didn't want to believe that a groomer would abuse their dog, but it happened ALL THE TIME!!! Sometimes people would just say their dog didn't 'act right' when they'd get to her shop, they wouldn't go in the door. And yes, I'm sure there were plenty that were happy to go there, but for the unlucky majority, they had a really bad experience, more than once. A dog that cowers or has a fear biting issue, did NOT get that way without being abused!!!

If I had the time I could tell you 100 examples of clients who left there because of the way the dogs were abused... but then you'd all want names and I'm not about to drag everyone into this, but ask around, if you have friends/coworkers who've lived here for any length of time, you know someone who has a story.

One example of many... a schnauzer. The client had bought the schnauzer from Cathy. The dog was young. But over time the dog had become increasingly 'touchy' and had started snapping at the owners and anyone else who tried to touch her. The VET told her to STOP taking the dog to Cathy's and bring it to me. The dog was very, very reactive and a fear biter... if you just touched her legs with a brush she would lunge at you... and I don't mean like a playful puppy wanting to bite at a brush, I mean she was out for blood because someone made her believe that every time a brush or comb came near her she was going to be hurt so much that she had to attack to defend herself. It took me MONTHS to win that dog over... but I did. Little by little I was able to get the dog to trust me, and she stopped trying to bite. She never had an issue with me for years after that, and she stopped trying to bite her owners also.

That is just one of MANY, MANY!!! Like I said, I built my businesses off of her shop. Whenever a dog would be hurt or become difficult, they always denied, denied, denied... and would become mean and ignorant to the owners, hateful and ugly, to try to put them off... most people I knew were just glad to get out of there before their dog died... and YES I know of one dog in particular that DIED the evening he was picked up from Cathy's... of extreme internal injuries that the vet (same vet we all had) said were so bad they are normally only caused by being hit by a car!! And the worst part, I had just opened my shop on snow hill rd and she didn't know I was back in town already and she was devastated because she would have brought that dog to me and he would never have died in that way!! That was one of the worst conversations I ever had to have with a client!

Christy Parker of "Christy's Canine Creations" said...

So in light of the issue of the daycare dog... while I have been gone for 9 yrs, I DO KNOW firsthand the reputation they have, and it has always dumbfounded me that they are still in business... it's like the old "Shore Pet"... that guy abused and killed many, many dogs but was in business for yrs and yrs. Even in a town this small you'd think the word would spread and something would be done, but like all small towns, there's that 'good ole boy' hometown mentality... so some things just get swept under the rug and take 20 yrs longer to get fixed, than others. ("Dr Death" aka Dr Nolte, is another good example of that... and flat out failure by the system, but that's a whole other issue really.... too much red tape to shut someone down. People have been trying to shut down Salisbury Superpet for as long as I can remember, yet he's still pluggin along also...

I'm just sorry that dogs have had to suffer for other people's stupidity. I cringed and it sickened me when I found out they (Cathy's) were buying that shop... because even though so many knew for a fact they should stay away from her, there were always those that weren't aware and I knew they'd take dogs to her simply because it was a familiar location (and some did and contacted me later to tell me their horror stories). For the last month I was working here (before I moved to GA)... I had written on my huge whiteboard (where I wrote dogs names/pick up times, etc and notes to owners)... I had written in great big letters, something to the effect of (can't remember exact words used).... "We recommend that you DO NOT take your dog to CATHY'S PET SALON!!" I had no idea they'd be coming to see the house, the realtor wasn't allowed to tell me who was coming. But so that ALL of my clients would be warned. And yeah, that was up on the board the day Cathy and her husband came to look at the house (to purchase it)... awkward! But I didn't care, I owed it to my clients who I loved and hated to leave, and feared for!!!

Last week (LAST WEEK!) an old client found me at my new job. I'd asked her how her dog was doing and she has a new one now.. that she'd been taking to Cathy's (only because there really aren't very many options around now... Salisbury had 15 shops when I left, they now have 5!!). Anyhow, she had gone into Cathy's to make an appointment, but the woman ahead of her was there to confront Cathy about how her dog's LEG HAD BEEN BROKEN WHILE BEING GROOMED!! Of course whomever she was talking to denied, denied, denied... because that's what people like that do... but needless to say, my old client left there without making an appt. It would not surprise me to find out that the owner of the dog with the broken leg was the one who called the cops recently to report abuse... if not... she SHOULD HAVE!

So, I'm sure I'll get blasted by her supporters talking thru anonymity... but I have nothing to hide... but the truth needs to finally be told!! Our dogs.. YOUR DOGS deserve better!! This crap has gone on WAAYYYYY too long!!!

Signed, sincerely and without hesitation,
Christy Parker
"Christy's Canine Creations"
(and previously "Christy's Pet Salon", a name I changed to avoid any association with Cathy's Pet Salon)
Prior to that "Town and Country Pet Salon"... downtown Salisbury, back in about 1993... when I was chosen as the 1st "Best of the Eastern Shore" groomer, back when it was legit! It's been known for a long time now (20 yrs) that the way to win a title is to sink some advertising into it! ;/

Anonymous said...

If this is true, then I am glad to be made aware. However, I do believe that the person that took the video should've contacted the owner or manager and tried to determine exactly what kind of "crowd control" or "doggie discipline" they teach their employees PRIOR to blowing up social media and potentially ruining a business. If the response was not a good one, then she/he should've recorded several examples so that Animal Control and/or SPD could actually have a case against the business. One video is not a fair assessment (I am NOT, please understand, condoning what this video showed.) The part where Cathy's made a mistake was to state that the bat was wrapped in foam because, clearly, it was not. I truly hope that this was an isolated incident and that the business will not be affected. However, if repeated incidents of clear abuse are recorded, then "they must reap what they sow".

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

10:58 the yard is a dump? There are tons of large dogs running and playing all day in the yard. What do you want it to look like? Do you want rose bushes, trees and flower back there? Idiot!

July 20, 2017 at 12:31 PM"

Yes A DUMP. Don't give me your nonsense. I will gladly show you pictures many of them of other dog day cares where the yards are showplaces and nicer then most peoples back yards. I wouldn't allow a pig in that dump if I had a pet pig. If you think that is acceptable for any animal then you are a very sick person with very low expectations.

Anonymous said...

My husband and I stopped taking our dogs to Cathy's a while back after hearing horror stories as well as how weird our dogs acted when they got home. We have small dogs and they acted scared after being there all day getting groomed. Plus when we were at another groomer, a woman came in and told us she won't go there because they tried to cut a tumor off her dog and caused the dog to have to go in for a $3,000+ surgery. The groomer claimed she didn't know what it was and was attempting to remove it, then refused to pay the vet bill they created with their carelessness.

Will never go there period. If you love your dogs, don't even think about it.

Anonymous said...

Just saw Cathy on WMDT. She blamed the person taking the video? For what? Being busted? You're disgusting, Cathy. You should have your licenses to operate pulled by the county/city. You don't deserve to touch another dog in any way. You shouldn't even be allowed to own animals after what was shown in that video.

Anonymous said...

Good of the local groomers has a onnce accused murderer working for them, another has one with several drug charges and the lady that posted this video has a recent assault and battery charge

Anonymous said...

P,S, as of the last time I checked you do not have to have a license to operate a dog grooming or daycare facility. There are no city codes or standards. Therefore the license can't be revoked. There is no license. This is why businesses like this continue to operate after many, many years of injury and mistreatment of animals. If there is a license, it's not as simple as just revoking it. There are many agencies that must come together to revoke a license (as in the case of vets or pet stores).

Anonymous said...

It appears Miss Harding has anger issues. She was just this week arrested for assault and violating an ex parte. That explains a lot of the anger displayed in her videos. It is always nice to see people tear each other apart maybe wiffle bats should be used on many of the anonymous commenters here. Your fangs are showing through your aggression displayed here.

Miss Christy the Dog Groomer, what Vet are you referring to? You have no problem naming Cathy's Pet Salon business name, why not name the Vet business?

Anonymous said...

That's like saying
"Yeah I robbed the bank but the guy who turned me in only did it because I slept with his wife"

Anonymous said...

Damn, you love your dog more than your parents, spouse and children?! You need therapy.

Anonymous said...

Cathy's Pet Salon has no business having anyone's pet period. Won't be going there ever. They're bad news.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure she was saying that because she was finally getting it on camera. I was aware of this prior to the video and it is part of a long pattern.

Anonymous said...

Would never take my dog back there it came home with blood spots everywhere

Anonymous said...

I believe every word posted by Christy Parker,
"Christy's Canine Creations!"

Some years ago I took our newly acquired Shi-poo
to "Cathy's" for total grooming. I didn't recognize
her when we went to pick her up because they'd
completely shaved her ! The girl that groomed
her said they had to have 3 people hold her down
while grooming her. Needless to say the dog was
shaking when we got her. After 9 yrs . my dog is
still fearful of getting groomed. I will always
believe it is because of the treatment she got
there .
And Christy, you use to groom one of my dogs yrs.
ago and you were one of the best. So sorry you
have had to retire due to health problems.

Anonymous said...

Stop it Cathy. The jig is up 😂

Alexis said...

Usually doggy daycares have faux antibacterial grass and rocks for drainage and easy cleaning. This place is a breeding ground for intestinal parasites. Totally disgusting.