This is outrageous!
I have to first be honest with all of you, I do not patronize this business. However, who the hell do these owners think they are. You can have girls working there with their Daisy Duke shorts with their butt cheeks hanging out but God Forbid someone support JESUS. We're told the man was asked to remove the cross around his neck and his hat, (above).
With over 52,000,000 hits, let this karma come back and bite you over such a decision. You will feel the impact immediately and NO, no two weeks notice from us either. You'll feel the impact immediately.
Nope ! Won't remove Squat ! Kiss my Rosey Red Cheeks !
I won't be back !
Not sure why people love this place so much $4.25 for a black ice coffee? What a joke.
They think they are part of the bury elite clique. I know some of them and their spouses. Nasty people with ignorant attitudes. I have never had an interest in supporting them because I know them.
Recently one of their new "managers" was a school teacher who quit her teaching job to become a "manager". She was connected socially so experience was not necessary for the job. What a laugh.
But if he were a Muslim woman they wouldn't have asked him to take off his head wear. What a double standard. Shoutout to him for standing up for his faith! No more Rise Up!
Back off Albero, there are two sides to every story. No need to jump on the Jesus bandwagon. Rise Up is well run and well respected.
Personally I believe Rise Up has gotten too big for their brewtches!!!
12:01 PM Oh the myth of business image and what your adverting $$'s can do for you. Just like Cathy's the truth always somehow seeps out.
I love how businesses with a revolving a door on staff, is always a bad employee issue and never a bad management issue.
We were told by managers that they had a dress code that was violated. Obviously, if you have ever been there, you know there is def no dress code. (See initial post) This was instigated and on purpose. Rise Up will continue but it certainly sheds a light on where I don't want to spend my money. Blessings V
Jesus Bandwagon 😂
If anyone there had any HR experience, no one would be wearing personal garb. Much like starbuck, you wear a uniform. And this event is why.
If they weren't so stupid they would have invested in hats and t-shirts for their staff.
When it was Riverside Beer And Wine Drive Thur it was well Run and We'll respected ! By Me quite Offen !!!
11:58, what a load of crap. There is no Muslim woman involved, so your example is a load of crap.
Will not patronize this business. Very proud of Mr Hernandez!
First of all this is a private business......who has the right to dictate what employees can and cannot wear on the job....reading these posts it's no wonder the shore is in the shape it is.....leave this company people are purely ridiculous....
Name please of the bigot manager. We need to know because he/she is extremely dangerous. Sounds just like ISIS and/or a Nazi. ISIS has no tolerance for Christians and the Nazis no tolerance for any religion period.
Rise up wouldn't hire a Muslim woman because of the fact that they want girls in skimpy shorts. They have even fired a friend of mine because she was too pregnant and blamed it on some other minute issue they made up. One local business I will not support!
Joe, I think you missed 11:58s point
This employee needs to head down to the labor board and file a complaint.
Just spent the last 30 minutes on the phone and facebook with all my friends and family who patronize this business. Goodbye from all of us!!
Never heard of the crowd.
Never really frequented Rise Up but definitely won't be now. I'd understand if everyone was told that they couldn't wear hats or necklaces but it definitely seems as if he was singled out because of his faith and that's disheartening.
It was ok to have the baphomet goat head painted on the windows a few months ago though. Probably why the hatred for the Jesus hat. Coffee was good but I quit going in there because of the freak show atmosphere. Kept having the urge to get my belly button and nose pierced.
Never really frequented Rise Up but definitely won't be now. I'd understand if everyone was told that they couldn't wear hats or necklaces but it definitely seems as if he was singled out because of his faith.
Friend, family, neighbor, kids play on the same little league team. .. which one is it? You know. .. the connection you have with these people you are so quick to defend.
Let us hear the other side of the story and it better to be a good one. I have always enjoyed the professional service from Mr. Hernandez as I and my family frequent RU several times a week. Sorry to see you go Vincente! I think I drive on by for now.
that is capitalism, its a private don't like the owners policies on how employees dress? Screw Off and work go work somewhere else.....conservative snowflakes...
Remember when Rise Up had that Satanic symbol painted on the window at the Riverside drive location? They had a goat that looked similar to Baphomet
I do patronize Rise Up. I don't order a black ice coffee and probably would not think the cost worth it for that. But their specialty drinks? Great and I have gone as a treat every few weeks.
Definitely re-thinking that.
I see that get a lot of business from the church and church school just a half block down from them. Wonder how this move will play out with that LARGE customer base of parents stopping by to/from dropping off their kids, after church, etc etc.
This guy has a 6 month child at home and admits to being on single income and he decides to quit because he can't wear a hat at work? Talk about a selfish, unchristian move....this guy has mental problems and is deeply insecure about his faith....
Don't like it, then don't buy their coffee. Salisbury has many more liberals than conservative bible thumpers.
JoeAlbero, you sir are a load of crap. The Muslim comment was highlighting the hypocracy of religious freedom. There are many known cases of employers across the country being forced to make religious accommodations.
This is a clear example of of inequality in the workplace
1:13 PM Maybe in your limited circles but you are awfully wrong on that statement, unless you are defining liberals as idiots.
I am stating this is NOT about any Muslim. The man was let go because he simply wore a cross on his neck and a hat that says JESUS. Stick to the FACTS and not made up crap about Muslims.
Right on Joe!
I am glad we can real news about these Salisbury businesses and what is really going on in the city of Salisbury. This town has become an armpit with the mayor and someone exposes the truth because no other media outlet hass the brass to do it! I thank god I can get some real news instead of some damn window dressing about downtown or anything else the liberals want you to think. Joe had the guts to run for mayor so this website will always have my respect you want liberal news tune into cnn or msnbc
Forget Rise Up, go get Main Roots! Much better all around!!!
How many republican mayors in the past 15 years?
I heard that Rise-up was booted from the SU library because they refused to listen to the SU management. A little full of themselves, I think.
Was this a dress code thing or a religion thing? I'm atheist myself but in no way do I impose my view on others. Religion is a beautiful thing for a lot of people and the freedom to practice your faith is part of this country.
" Anonymous said...
This guy has a 6 month child at home and admits to being on single income and he decides to quit because he can't wear a hat at work? Talk about a selfish, unchristian move....this guy has mental problems and is deeply insecure about his faith....
July 20, 2017 at 1:11 PM"
Oh my aren't you the mixed up one. That's the problem with you people. You are as dumb as they come. It's not like it's rocket science imbecile. Time to school you in how it is and not what you think so you better listen up and listen up good-you got it. Good because you better. His actions are not one bit unchristian. He is standing up for his faith which is VERY much Christian and don't you dare ever forget it. Do you understand! As far as being selfish some employer who isn't a bigot will pick him up.
rise up is junk. nothing there worth while anyway.
I can kind of understand some of the people's point of view when it comes to faith and Christianity, especially at the Rise Up coffee shop. They have had the misfortune of coming in contact with some of the local church leaders in Salisbury frequenting there for a cup of coffee on their way over to the Bennett baseball fields. If you talk to some of the people who have had interaction and contact with these self absorbed egotistical jackasses you would understand a little better that when away from their protected little circles and environment they on no way have projected an image of someone of faith but more of a rude egotistical, attention seeking wanna baseball prodigy, whether it be coaches or players, actually talking down to people as if they were beneath them. It truly is a shame when society as a whole is in such turmoil and disarray for people to form a negative opinion of faith and religion when so called leaders make it known its in their opinion all about them and their agenda. What say you Jake day speaking from the side of the mayor and a business in Salisbury dealing with such a situation, and knowing the gentlemen you call pastor has such a 50/50 split with people, both everyday citizens and the business community, of a good faith experience and an experience that us negative and pushes so many away from faith if it means dealing with someone like that??? HHHMMMM very interesting
Anonymous Anonymous said...
This employee needs to head down to the labor board and file a complaint.
July 20, 2017 at 12:35 PM
Absolutely he should. If what he stated is the whole story, then he could win a big judgement against the company for discrimination.
Lol who is this cupcake Jim ?
It's obvious a religious thing since others wear hats and jewelry. There shouldn't be a problem unless he starts proselytizing. I suspect this coffee joint is like the rest of the democrats. Liars. They are always lying and say they are so tolerant and diversified but they aren't. They are bigots and full of hatred. I hope this goes viral and they are taken to their knees. Conservative boycotts always work. Let's get busy spreading the word about the Bigot Rise Up Coffee.
Thank you 1:45. I'm a Christian who has atheist friends and family members. Thank you for respecting my beliefs just as I respect yours. May I buy you a cup of coffee? As long as it's not Starbucks or Rise Up.
God will look out for he and his faimly. Morals still mean something to many.
Let's make this simple for everyone. 1. Rise Up had the right to fire Mr Hernandez for wearing a Jesus hat if they didn't like it. 2. Mr Hernandez had the right to quit because they wouldn't let him wear it. 3. I have the right NOT to buy anything from them because of it.
In Salisbury...none
Want to take bets on the next 40 years?
Do we all feel compelled to judge each other in the smallest of ways?
No shorts in this coffee nose rings....etc.
Are we content when this judgement becomes part of a larger effort that results in people suffering (loosing their jobs)?
Were there hundreds of complaints about this mans choice of apparel?
I'm trying to understand how one persons choice becomes so offensive that it results in him being fired.
Did the manager make this decision? Where their complaints. Sounds like some people might be offended by the short shorts being worn by employees.
Was there a board meeting where they discussed hats and shorts and the like? How many board members?
Does this extend to the public being served? If I wear that hat can you refuse to serve me?
I think there are a lot of unanswered questions here.
Meanwhile, a man and his family go hungry because someone decided to fire him because of his necklace and hat.
Please explain your reasoning because I like your coffee and I don't want to stop drinking it on a silly whim. Seems like that would be a mistake.
But I must say it would be much kinder to stop drink coffee there and go to another location if this is just a narrow minded knee JERK decision.
12:01 I am a frequent customer of Rise Up. As a matter of fact I just complimented this young man on his hat! He was without a doubt one of the best and friendliest employee you had working at the riverside location. I complimented him on his hat because I too am a Christian and I thought it was wonderful in today's world to see a young man so dedicated to his faith. What was wrong with wearing the hat ?? The irony is you made him take his hat off but the rest of your employees sport their shorty shorts, tattoos and piercings. I always hated when the one handing me my coffee had a nose ring hanging out his nostrils. That's disgusting in my opinion but I never said anything. To each his own. Rise Up I am done with you!! You as owners are nothing but a bunch of hypocrites!! Typical of your type. It's always your way or the highway. Well you just lost a long time 4x's a week customer. Good riddance. And to the young man who wore his Jesus hat proudly I say bravo!! You are more of a man than the owners will ever be!!
And you are ridiculous for not seeing the hypocrisy of the business !!
I will NEVER go back. Terrible place. Very ashamed of the company
Y'all armchair lawyers is funny. 😂
3:13 PM ok imbecile, let me try and educate you. Unless they have a WRITTEN POLICY on such a matter, they can be sued. So yea, go ahead and fire the guy, sure they can do that.
BUT if you have other employees wearing religious garb and he gets fired for the same, then they are breaking the law. It is called discrimination.
It is NOT as simple as you would like to try and make it.
Keep your day job because being an arm chair HR officer is not in your future.
I support Rise Up's right to require particular dress code at their business for their employees.
However, publicity is a real important matter.
I do frequent Rise Up and will now stop visiting them because of this post.
I suggest if you really want to make a statement to the owners then do this:
Visit the store of your choice. Then tell the cashier that you are not going to order because of the decision to disallow a Christian expression among their employees. IF you take the time to VISIT and then TELL THEM why you aren't going to order - it will mean much more than simply discontinuing your patronage.
Thank you
1:11 You are full of crap! Hmmm would this be an employee or manager of Rise up?? Because quite honestly he is the one I looked for to wait on me. Quite frankly he was the only one with a smile and a kind word.
3:13 True except for #1. Rise Up did not have the right to fire a person because of his hat. There is no dress code unless of course your gay or a freak. So he can't serve me in his Jesus hat but the guy with the yellow hair and nose ring sticking out of his nostrils can?? Can you say HYPOCRITE??
Religious discrimination is treating individuals differently in their employment because of their religion, their religious beliefs and practices, and/or their request for accommodation (a change in a workplace rule or policy) of their religious beliefs and practices.
2:36 You are obviously holding a baseball grudge.
I will watch his child for free. I have a lot of child care experience I would love to help out.
I think it is called 1st amendment free speech of religion remember our constitution anyone
1:13 Did you ever think that maybe that was Salisbury's problem? 🤔
Won't patronize this business and sure their next venture will be the unemployment line-----it's like open mouth insert thy foot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Obamas foul stench. Eric holder loretta lynch = villify police and hardworkers (gib me dats) these libs wont eat drink coffee unless tattoos on butt cheeks.
I'm not big into organized religion and have promoted Rise Up for years...but this is absolutely uncalled for. People should be allowed to do whatever as long as they're not hurting anyone else in the process. That's why we live in America. I'll be exercising my freedom and not go to Rise Up any more. What a bunch of idiots. smh.
I'm not a religious person but I am an advocate of freedom of expression. Rise Up...suck it!
I can totally understand someone discouragem
Thank god/jesus there someone else on the hot seat.....
Liberals do not keep a business thriving they are always looking for freebies, It's conservatives that make or break a business around here.
PC still doesn't work! Get a clue!
6:27 Bornheres won't even support places they like or tip fellow shorebillies.
Don't know this guy but he has my respect for
standing up for his beliefs.
I will never patronize this place because of
letting this guy go!!
That is true, I did see girls working in there with there with their nasty butt cheeks hanging out of their nasty cut off shorts. I meant to post that comment on Facebook, but forgot to. Where the Hell is the Health Department??
Maybe he will close shop and lay off the other employees in Sby. Has other stores in much better locations.
7:29 How presumptuous of you. Well my my look at you showing your true colors by "lumping" everyone together. Discriminating against someone because of where there were born. Isn't that the very thing you liberal twats preach about ?
Well that escalated quickly
Everything here escalates quickly...that's kind of the point.
He is trusting in God! It's not selfish to stand up for what you believe in.
Flavor is .50¢
They just lost my 20 bucks a week. I guess it is back to DD. I always ignored the freaks show. Hypocrites !!
Do they tell Muslims to remove their burkas? I seriously doubt it. Never going back into that place again. Period.
So judgmental, on both sides. Maryland is an at will state.This means that either the employer or the employee may end the employment relationship without giving either notice or a reason.
Those comparing religious symbols with clothing, piercing and hair color choices don't make any sense to me.
Not a coffee drinker, but I'll still hit a frozen hot chocolate now and again. I don't go anywhere to make friends. Make my drink right, that's all I need.
You don't think that having a master's degree and experience managing large groups of teenagers is enough to manage a coffee shop? SMH
am I clairvoyant or what? just knew there would be lots of fools writing "I'll never go there again". now if only I was clairvoyant enough to know if they'd ever been there in the first place.
1212 guess you'll get your answer if the two rise up coffee places in town start closing down or laying off people.
WHO CARES there liberals.
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