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Sunday, July 23, 2017

Animal Ordinance Changes Proposed In Wicomico

SALISBURY – Members of a newly formed animal committee presented Wicomico County officials with proposed changes to the county’s animal ordinance this week.

Back in March, the council identified shortcomings in the county’s animal ordinance and expressed an interest in creating a committee that would focus on animal rights.

In years past, the county established a Dog Ordinance Review Committee after a dog mauled and injured a young man in Willards. Committee members at the time were tasked with providing recourse and rules that would protect residents from further dog attacks.

However, when 300 neglected dogs were found on a farm in Wicomico County last year, the council identified the need to address animal rights. To that end, the Animal Ordinance Committee was formed.



Anonymous said...

This is actually a good thing.
Aaron Balsamo is correct, our laws here are antiquated, not only that, but at least in the city, they are not enforced.
Seems the county is lucky to have him.
The city need to wake up.

Anonymous said...

A county dog leash law also needs to be included in the revised ordinance.

Anonymous said...

It's about time! Fitzgerald hated any extra work. Glad to see Aaron is helping us modernize these laws.

Anonymous said...

"Release feral cats"? Spend all that money and then Maryland natural resources police has to turn around and shoot them. It is in the regulations. No wonder there are no bobwhite quail in this area

Anonymous said...

10:07 there is a leash law. Give it a read. Dog's must be leashed if they are off the owners property.

Anonymous said...

There are dogs that run down our street with no leash and no one with them. It happened just a few days ago a blonde small dog wondered about 3 blocks and still going down the center of the street no one with the dog and never saw anyone go to look for the dog. I don't call the dog control anymore because when they find an owner they let them know the name and address of the person that reported it and then you receive that person's anger. It all should remain info not given to the owners.

Anonymous said...

About time.

Anonymous said...

10:26 AM Don't give them your information, you are not required to. I never did.

Anonymous said...

Another cat hater. Stop buyimg into the myth that cats are the biggest predator of birds. We have plenty of birds of prey, foxes, and other carnivores that are just as capable. TNR works. You trap, fix, vaccinate a cat. They don't have kittens, rid the area of rats, mice, groundhogs, moles, snakes, and other pesky rodents and reptiles. And yes, the occasional bird or three. Guess what happens if you kill them? Another unaltered, unvaccinated cat takes over the territory and has kittens and the population explodes. You can't shoot them all, but you CAN control the reproduction cycle. Instead of bit**ing bout the cats, target the humans who don't get their animals fixed or vax'ed, who dump them in rural areas when they become an inconvenience, and who breed irresponsibly! The animals did not ask to be born and they have no voice to ask for help. Hoomans are to blame, not the domestic animals.

Anonymous said...

I would like to see some law in place for people who leave their dogs on a chain 24/7. There is a dog about 2/3 of the way down Nanticoke RD. It is always on a leash and has something that resembles a lean too for shelter. In yesterdays heat I felt so bad for that dog.

Not to mention to be stuck on a chain all the time. Its a real shame.

Anonymous said...

Who protects the dog or dog owners when someone trespasses on you property, or messes with you dog or entices them or teases them to the point of an attack? 9 out of 10 times that is the case...

Anonymous said...

11:14 does have a point. We own a home in Northern VA. The rat population has exploded in the past 20 yrs since everyone now keeps their cats indoors all the time. It's not unusual to see huge rats running around in the front yards of million dollar homes. They are in the trash cans-if you have a wood burning fireplace they make a home under your wood pile and if you are looking you are always going to see them running down the streets every time you go out. It's a huge problem in that area.

Anonymous said...

Outlaw the possession of Pitt-bulls, a animal bread for killing!

Anonymous said...

1:20 - "bread for killing?"

I think you knead a dictionary!
Do you have the dough to get one?
What did the French cow say? Moo-lah-lah

Anonymous said...

You obviously are a hater! And it real just made me laugh at you ignorance! Pittbull's are not born killers, it people that make them that was. Wow

Anonymous said...

12:24 it is also because people kill snakes that keep the rats and mice under control. One reason there are so many lyme's disease cases.

Anonymous said...

Right 6:23. We are in bishopville and had a huge mice problem when we first got here. The past few years we see quite a few black snakes and never any mice anymore. I'd rather have the snakes then mice. The mice used get in the house and made a mess in our garage and outbuildings.

Anonymous said...

I WAS TOLD that when you give your name for reporting
an animal in distress at the Humane Society your name is not
given out .

As for as I know , they do NOT give out the info.
If you don't report, you're just as responsible
and that animal will most likely die from heat !!!


Anonymous said...

11:14 If you will please give me that address where the dog
is chained on Nanticoke Road----I will report it to
Animal Control myself !!

Anonymous said...

1114 first off you are wrong and secondly people who let their cats run around outside do not care for their cats.

Anonymous said...

8:03 You should mind your own business. Most people west of the developments on 349 don't take kindly to busybodies or trespassers, just saying.

Anonymous said...

7/22 11:53
That's all you got? 🤣 We are talking FERAL colonies, not house pets. These colonies start out as an unaltered, dumped house pet, who meets up with more of the same. Two become eight and so on. Their owners abandoned them. Managed (TNR) colonies are the best and most humane answer to human failure and overbreeding. You can't adopt them all out. You can't kill them all. Alley Cat Allies is a respected organization who has done extensive research on this. Would behoove you to educate yourself before attempting to engage in a grown up conversation.