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Sunday, July 23, 2017

Al Gore Slams Trump, Climate Crisis ‘By Far the Most Serious Challenge We Face’

Former Vice President Al Gore attacked President Donald Trump, accusing him of “tearing down America’s standing in the world” by withdrawing from the Paris climate accord.

“The climate crisis is by far the most serious challenge we face,” Gore said Monday morning on NBC’s Today Show.

“We’ve never had a president who’s deliberately made decisions the effect of which is to tear down America’s standing in the world, starting with his withdrawal from the Paris Agreement,” Gore said.

Gore got himself into hot water with black activists last week when he compared the fight against global warming to the emancipation of black slaves.

The fight against global warming is one of humanity’s great moral causes, Gore told participants in the EcoCity World Summit in Melbourne Thursday, alongside “the abolition of slavery, woman’s suffrage and wome



Anonymous said...

If you say it loudly and often, it becomes truth in the ear of the listeners, who take on the cry and want action from government. It's the Chicken Little Effect.

Anonymous said...

Then if less than 5% of the world population (which is us)adhere to the Paris agreement things will change climate wise? Even the countries who pay into it don't adhere to it.If the entire planet was in accord with the Paris agreement and conducted business according to it then maybe,but that will never happen.1/20th of the planet cannot possibly fix the problem.

Anonymous said...

Gore has made a fool of himself over and over. Suggest stage right for this 'barker' of lies...

Anonymous said...

It is,just not man made like they claim.

Anonymous said...

Our fearless leader anticipated the money trail on this one. Good job.

Anonymous said...

So if Big Al is so concerned about climate change why was he shown driving an ATV around his property in his 60 minutes interview on Sunday? Do as I say not as I do. Like most environmental extremists he preaches one way then foes the other. Hypocrite.

Anonymous said...

Climatr change is real. The sad thing is that this region will be impacted first, along with Florida, NOLA, and other low-lying areas. Will you deny when your house floods? Or when youre dead and you children have to deal with your generation's ignorance? Baby Boomers = Most Selfish Generation Ever. Good riddance

Anonymous said...

Hypocrite. That's all you need to say.

Anonymous said...

Gore slams Trump.....
that is funny. Like to see President Donald J. Trump body slam the past and present dummy.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you except I must add:

Climate Change is happening and it is Anthropogenic (man made).
However not in the way most people think about it.

The Navy published a paper in the 1960s titled: Owning the Weather by 2020.

Check it out if you wish to learn the truth.

Anonymous said...

Hey big Al, I know it is hard to get over a hanging chad, but dude, move on man. You, Michael Moore, and Leonardo need to buck up and do something worthwhile.

Anonymous said...

Al was worth 800k prior to global warming mouth piece. Now his " foundation " is 250 to 300 million. He flys on the biggest jets and rides in the biggest SUV. It's a scam.

Anonymous said...

1;28 right on but liberals refuse to believe it.

Obama Crooked Bastardo said...

Gore is mad at Trump pulling U.S out of Paris Agreement, because All was expecting a lots of millions of dollars coming his way. Now the Global Warming Hoax has been exposed and his gravy train came to halt. Funny how they change the wording of "Global Warming" to "Climate Change", while expecting the same amount of money be allocated to fund their BS programs while manipulating data. BTW, they built 10 million dollars mansion for Gore in Cali, what a coincidence! And yes, Climate change is real, one year is warmer and next year is cooler, it has been going on for thousands years.

Anonymous said...

I've heard the name but, who is Al Gore? Is he related to the Clinton clan?

Anonymous said...

I want some of what Gore is smoking......must be some good sh#*.

Anonymous said...

what is worse than this guy still spouting these falsehoods is that some people STILL believe it. And it wasn't that long ago that videos were placed here disproving this nonsense.