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Sunday, July 23, 2017

A Viewer Writes: Rise Up Coffee 7-21-17

How do you go from a Visual Arts Teacher to a General Manger with no experience? Your husband gets you a job with his buddies.


Anonymous said...

Great job Dana!! Way to bring in the business!! 😂🤣

Anonymous said...

Ah, and the obligatory hipster grungy facial hair.

Anonymous said...

If you have good work ethic, common sense and vision, you don't necessarily need experience to do very well.

Anonymous said...

9:28 AM - Weird comments since they just had a customer revolt yesterday.
I am not sure how that equates to bringing in the business.
Wonder which "manager" had a had in that debacle yesterday

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Gotta love any open facebook narcissists. Thousands of friends, half of who you don't really even know clogging up your feed with an overabundance of selfies.

9:47 AM The downfall of many companies is hiring friends and people with no experience. Especially when you rely on your social media as advertising.

Anonymous said...

I read the comment from an earlier post from the manager of Rise Up Coffee regarding the dismissal or resignation of a "valued" employee. I guess what is most interesting to me is how insensitive we have become to Christians and morality vis-a-vis how sensitive we have become to Muslims and immorality. I get that it is a changing world but as Americans should we let the tail wag the dog? Why, in so many instances, do we allow the minority to dictate? Are we not a democracy where majority rules? Have we become that politically correct? Talk about abuse of a euphemism.

Anonymous said...

Have these people not learned that you should have a "public" profile and a "private" profile?

Settings people, check your settings.

Anonymous said...

People have different passions. Pigeon holing people based solely off what you observe on the internet is a stupid way to go through life.

Anonymous said...

Liberal hipsters don't make good customers or employee's.

Anonymous said...

10:00 well said!

Anonymous said...

10:26 AM Not sure how your comment relates, but I hope you also live by you own words.

Anonymous said...

10:00 AM - "...Are we not a democracy where majority rules?"

No. We are not. We are a Republic where the rights of the individual outweigh any other conferred rights.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like job promotion in Wicomico County 101!!!!

Anonymous said...

True, we are living in a Republic. The rest of your statement not so much.

Anonymous said...

From teacher to small coffee shop GM is a step up?


Anonymous said...

The good news at least she is not teaching our kids

Anonymous said...

Fascinating to watch this all unravel. Did anyone notice that the employee stated that the owner was not involved in this but it came from "management".

Quite the disconnect when management doesn't have a clue how the owner wants his business run and creates potential legal issues.

Don't people in this organization talk to each other?

Anonymous said...

No legal issue since he resigned. No discipline nor was fired. Armchair legal experts go back to watching Perry Mason.

Anonymous said...

6:27 PM Are you speaking from experience on being an arm chair lawyer?

Discrimination is discrimination.

Doesn't matter if he was fired or if he resigned. He can leave based on discrimination and the hostile work environment they created. And the fact that he felt he had no choice but to leave, screams that he felt he was in a hostile work environment.

Keep you day job, because there is no future for you in the HR field.

So yes, there are many big legal issues.

Anonymous said...

No. They do not. Tried to take some concerns to ownership and got ZERO RESPONSE. Arrogant, unappreciative disconnected bunch
Very, very disappointed in Tim who was all about an assist when HE NEEDED IT