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Sunday, December 18, 2016

Principal Of James M. Bennett High School Speaks Out About Recent Fights

Good evening JMB parents, staff, and students – this is Mr. Briggs and tonight I would like to address some of the events of last week that have cast our school in a negative light.

First, let me emphasize that it is the behaviors of a very small few that are negatively impacting the excellent school that we have here at James M. Bennett. I am proud to serve as the principal of the best school in Wicomico County, and take on the great responsibility of ensuring that we have a safe and secure learning environment for all staff and students. Last week we had an assault and an unrelated fight that put various members of our school community at risk. Please understand that these actions are not acceptable and will not be tolerated for any reason. Any student that puts any staff member or student in danger will receive the maximum consequences allowed by the code of conduct, and in addition, we will also seek prosecution to the fullest extent possible.

JMB parents, staff, and students – we will not allow the actions of a handful of students who are not focused on coming to school and taking advantage of the excellent academic and extra-curricular opportunities that we have to offer, to ruin things for the vast majority who are here for the right reasons! While any number of disruptions such as fighting is too many, this year’s group of students and staff members have cut the number of these occurrences in more than half from what they were last year at this same time. And we will continue to work together to reduce disruptive behaviors even more by maintaining high expectations for all students and giving severe consequences to those who are disruptive.

Over the weekend I had the opportunity to speak with a number of JMB parents, who while expressing their concerns over the events of last week, also expressed their appreciation for the excellent staff that works with their children each day. As principal, I am honored to work with such a great group of caring individuals who consistently go above and beyond to meet the needs of all students. Together as a unified James M. Bennett High School - students, parents, staff, and community – we will continue to work together for the success of all students.

For those parents who would like to discuss the issues of this past week, or any other issues of concern, I invite you to a Principal’s open door session this Tuesday night, December 13th, from 4:00 to 6:00. I look forward to continuing to work with each of you for the success of our JMB students!

This week is going to be a great week at JMB!!! And if I don’t get to see you or speak to you before the break, I hope everyone has a great holiday season with family and friends!!!

Thank you,

Frederick L. Briggs
Proud Principal of JMB


Anonymous said...

Great letter!

Anonymous said...

Rick was an excellent principal at Mardela. Of course we were sad to see him go. But JMB is blessed to have him now. This message shows deep down what he is all about. He is truly there for the kids, but he's not going to tolerate disrespectful thugs. Give him time, and hopefully JMB will be rid of kids who don't want to learn , who ruin it for those who do.
A Mardela High Parent

Anonymous said...

"This week is going to be a great week at JMB!"

Well Mr. B, it could be GREAT if discipline IS handed down to the appropriate trouble makers.

OR it could be GREAT - as in a disappointment if the trouble makers are handled softly.

MANY eyes are watching Mr. B AND school board members, many many eyes. The non-sense MUST stop and now!

Anonymous said...

Rick is a class act! always has been.....

Anonymous said...

^^^^ This (7:59 pm)

Anonymous said...

This letter reassures me as my granddaughter attends JMB; hopefully there will be follow through.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't erase what happened. If he had control over the students there would be no incident to discuss in first place. Can say Wesco or Savoy would've never let this get out of hand to the point it was last week. The students would've been suspended or expelled in spite of money. If adults don't toughen up and stop backing down from kids they'll continue.

Anonymous said...

zero tolerance. one strike and you are out. threaten or put your hands on another your done!

Anonymous said...

Rick was an excellent principal at Mardela. Of course we were sad to see him go. But JMB is blessed to have him now. This message shows deep down what he is all about. He is truly there for the kids, but he's not going to tolerate disrespectful thugs. Give him time, and hopefully JMB will be rid of kids who don't want to learn , who ruin it for those who do.
A Mardela High Parent

December 11, 2016 at 7:33 PM

Back in school in the mid to late 70's I had a teacher named Briggs. Certainly this can't be the same one?

Anonymous said...

Smoke and mirrors , excuses , excuses , the events such as this have been cut in half ? Politics in the school , wtf .

Anonymous said...

8 years of crap have caused the educational system in the country to fail , Trump will end this crap with his own true laws that will be enforced. It's called the "domino effect " . You had your time with obama , now it's our turn , call it what you want , white power , white supremacy ,. We call it obey the law , whites , blacks , hispanics , etc. , NO more racial cards to be played.
We have the royal flush.

Anonymous said...

Another thing I'll mention , I do believe we still have the resources in staff to bring the system back . However the teachers need to be educated again and not brain washed. WE need good teachers , not liberal left wing nuts , not racial biased witches , not low level UMES grads that are by nature racial motivated. We need true history .

Anonymous said...

It will be safe for my child....she is staying home.

Anonymous said...

They need to do what they did when I was in school back in the seventies. Get in a fight, you get expelled for the rest of year. God help you if your parents got called. You knew what was coming when you got home. There needs to be zero tolerance period. Expel these thugs. Make it clear, schools are for learning. If your not there to learn, get the hell out so others who want to learn and have a future can do so. Make them learn there are consequences for your actions. No in school suspension, and no alternative school!

Anonymous said...

They are not even allowed to suspend students! They give them ISS. Which is crap. Expel? Nope, they just move them to another school?

Anonymous said...

Good for you 7:57 AM Parent. All parents at that school should be doing the same thing until they get the "slugs" out who are causing all the problems. Not fair to the kids who really want to be there and learn, however, parents have to make a stand and let administration know they are not going to tolerate this mess any more.

Anonymous said...

His son

Anonymous said...

Don't just expel them lock them up. Give them a life lesson. This is what you get for assault and attempted murder. Once all trouble makers are in jail, guess what no more trouble makers.

Anonymous said...

Suspension or expulsion isn't enough anymore these kids are out of hand and the school and it's principal have no idea how to take back the school . I'm not saying I know the answer but if appropriate punishment isn't assigned then it will continue I have a senior student at jmb and she is scared of the bullshit that is allowed to go on and we as parents do t even know the half of what goes on behind those closed doors . All I can say is thank GOD this is her last year at this mess of a high school

Anonymous said...

I agree!! Expell them

Anonymous said...

Mardela does not have the same make up the diversity as JMB. What might have worked at Mardela may not work at JMB. A few as he has articulated could cause harm to many of the others. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

no thug left behind

Anonymous said...

shouldn't a lot of county students be at maple shade where they can learn a skill such as aggravated battery, first degree assault, oh wait, they already know that one, and throw in a few misdemeanors to get em through the rough times - like when their gov't checks arrive a day late.

Anonymous said...

Question: How is that private schools do a better job with way less funding than public schools?

Anonymous said...

4:11-Any child can excel if he or she has the will to regardless of where they go to school.

Anonymous said...

Students know the consequences are minimal, so they disrupt schools at their will lowering the quality of education for all students and putting their safety at risk.
Meaningful consequences and public notification will improve the learning environment while increasing safety for our entire society.

Unknown said...
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