Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump called for charges to be filed against Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton Saturday after the former secretary of state met with the FBI regarding the agency’s investigation into her use of a private email server for official correspondence.
"It is impossible for the FBI not to recommend criminal charges against Hillary Clinton," Trump tweeted Saturday afternoon. "What she did was wrong! What Bill did was stupid!"
The Clinton campaign said the voluntary meeting lasted about three-and-a-half hours and took place at FBI headquarters in Washington.
Clinton “is pleased to have had the opportunity to assist the Department of Justice in bringing this review to a conclusion” campaign spokesman Nick Merrill said in a statement. He also said Clinton, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, would have no further comment about the interview.
See. Common sense reigns at Trump camp! It goes without saying that criminal charges should be imposed. It takes Trump to point this out. GOP and Dems should also be demanding this. Any self respecting law abiding citizen should as well. If she's not held accountable then why should anyone else be held accountable to the laws? See the chain of logic here?
Problem is she didn't break any laws. Bend yes. Break no.
Your kidding right?!
Are you living in some alternate universe? She broke every law for the Secretary of State to break. There's no bending. Did you read the IG report. They basically damned her and disproved every lie she's leveled at voters in her nauseating campaign rallies. And 1005 I don't think 1003 is kidding. They are one of the liberals that lacks common sense! They're so naive they'll believe anything the Clintons tell them. I'll bet they still think Benghazi was as a result of a video; that is if they realize what Benghazi is in the first place. ππ»ππ»ππ» congrats 1003 you made my I'm with stupid list this week! I have to tweet this. It's too ridiculously ignorant not to.
It must be true since Trump is a top legal scholar and well versed in federal criminal codes. He knows way more than any of them book learned lawyers at the FBI, this I can tell you.
At least Trumo isn't a flagrant criminal flaunting the BS like ppl are too stupid to figure it out. What a putz you are 1010. Go back to your liberal coma.
Trump once again showing his intelligence.
Let me get this straight. Hillary sells secret Intel to foreign countries which puts your life in danger yet because Trump points out the obvious you vilify him for it?
He has every right to call for charges and guess what, lollipop, you have same said right!
If you don't realize the gravity of what she did then perhaps it would behoove you to pay more attention to the world around you rather than troll a blog.
Trump won't win the election in MD and you people are too stupid to realize you can't do anything about it.
10:23. Hillary sold secret Intel to foreign countries? Really?
Read Clinton Cash for yourself. It has all the beautifully criminal details of the Clinton Foundation and Hillary's illustrious scam while being paid by ignorant taxpayers who know no better, 1032!
Don't think 1032 could read a whole 256 page book. It's just too much for those folks.
1026 is in for a Brexit moment. Enjoy your euphoria while it lasts!
10:39 Ever hear of the electoral college? How many times have the votes gone to a GOP candidate in MD? You people are too f'ing ignorant that it is just sad.
We'll see won't we. Your ignorance is blissful 1043. Go back to your liberal coma! Come January you have to start working again!
It is too sad that we are stuck with the liberals who keep the status of the electoral college in favor of the democrats.
The truth is...if Clinton were to be be indicted, she will not go down alone. She will take Obama with her and he knows it. Therefore, Obama will never allow an indictment or other criminal charges
Yes, she broke laws, several of them. I went through the security briefing several times and know the law. I don't know if she will be charged.
Of course, Trump doesn't know anything about the law or whether she will be charged. He would be better off to just shut-up when he doesn't know what he's talking about.
1056 heard a little tidbit you might be interested in. Yesterday a conservative talk show host filling in for Hermain Caun said when Obama went to Canada for his Green Meet he said the Bernie was the best ideological proffer. He also never mentioned Clinton once.
Little backstory. Obama hates Hillary. Probably more than life itself. Wouldn't be shocked at all if he's waiting to indict after convention because then Biden can swoop in and save the day. Obama may not be the brightest bulb but he does have ears. He knows her polls are crap. And he knows people will probably not vote for her just on her continuous honesty issue alone! Think about it!
As for the electoral college. If what you say is true, please explain Reagan, Nixon, both Bushes, Eisenhower, etc. by all means.
11:03 They had enough electoral votes to win but not the electoral votes from MD. Do you people have any idea of how the election process works?
10:54 I won't have to start working in January or any other month/year. I retired in my mid forties and am a republican. Why do you assume that someone is a democratic just because they point out facts that are contrary to your uninformed opinions? I switched my voter registration to a state where my vote actually counts. What have you done?
Once again. She breaks the law yet you trounce on Trump for pointing out the obvious. It is no wonder qualified people don't run for public office. Look at what you people do to them without any just cause. I'm not a lawyer but I can clearly see where she broke several laws! I can call for her to be indicted just as much as you can. It's called freedom of speech.
Let me dummy this down for you so you can understand, 1101, Trump is her contender in this campaign. It is part of his job to point out his opponent's deficits. This is generally common practice when running for office. You know. To prove you are better candidate for the job! You didn't chastise any of the other candidates throughout presidential history for doing this, so why Trump? I'll tell you why. You're jealous. You're so stinking pissed that a commoner like yourself had the audacity to run for an elected office - no what THE biggest elected office and might just WIN! Win without all the establishment cheering him or without being some WWII hero general!
It's voters like you that vote with ego and ideological bs rather than common sense that make these elections grueling and almost intolerable.
So for Trump to voice his opine on this subject is perfectly within his purvey and he's right to do so given his position as the GOP presumptive nominee.
So please just STFU because you're making an idiot of yourself and exposing your intolerance for anything not of status quo.
Well fancy pants I'm glad to see you took your snarky pills this morning! Well let's see, I've actually been curing the problems of the world, one moonbeam at a time.
All kidding aside you sound like an unenlightened liberal. If you are in fact a republican then you should know your public persona doesn't speak as such.
The electoral map while MD was one of 3 in blue I'm guessing we're going to have to rely on the other 47 states to pull out a win. Not impossible and certainly more likely given Clintons dubious criminality and shameless flaunting of it. We shall see.
Bend or break the law, I would say this goes directly to intent. She should be arrested and found guilty, just like the guy selling powdered asprin as coke, it is intent.
Actually the FBI is not required to prove intent. In cases such as these the law just needs to present the evidence. Even the prosecutor is not obligated to show intent but it's always good for extra measure. Evidence of breaking the law is evidence. It has no emotion. No filter. No reasoning. It is what it is. Her server (which she has admitted many times) is actually enough as she signed a declaration to keep her work emails within the confines of government security. Private server at one's home is not the same as the security at the State Dept. So she broke the law by having it to send classified emails in the first place. That alone is indictable.
Is everyone still voting on computers?
I hear it is easy to hack computers. Mine got hacked last year. My work computer got hacked this year.
I wonder if there are any criminals who might want Hillary to be the POTUS?
If so, perhaps they could hire someone (CIA?) to hack the voting computers?
Is this possible, or am I losing my mind?
I think the rich people who own the banks and investment houses want Hillary to be the President.
Somehow, some way, they will get what they want.
Maybe the hired Trump to throw the election?
10:03,haven't you listened to judge Napalitano?He will set you straight.
Dear 10:26
When the $hit hits the fan , I will eat and drink from your cup , I will eat from your table with your food . I will enjoy everything you own , so enjoy it now.
Notice Hillary and her staff are still calling it a "review" when the FBI spokesman stated they don't do reviews, they investigate criminal matters. It's the Dems political lingo for the media to pick up on to repeat so that voters will yawn and believe it's a "right wing conspiracy" instead of showing that Hillary is a law breaker and unfit and ineligible to be President of the US.
4:18 Bring it on! In addition to a well stocked arsenal, there is plenty of land to use the backhoe for planting fools that cross the property line!
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