Why does some think it's such a big deal? It's only about email... Right?
The Republicans are just in a witch hunt, it's really not that big of a deal!
One thing that has been particularly disturbing about the public shrug off towards Hillary Clinton's email scandal is this:
Does the
general public really understand just what it all meant?
With Democrats running subversive tactics to shield the ugly truth while trying to make Republicans look like they're on some Agatha Christie Witch Hunt, it's no wonder many Americans allotting a whole hour for news a day, will not fully grasp the deal behind the deal of this scandal. It's easy to fall prey to Megyn Kelly telling you 'it's only politics', but it goes so much deeper than mere politics. It actually goes as deep as Clinton Cash, where the onion layers are so many, it's hard to peel in 20 minutes or less.
We can all sit around and hypothesize whether or not Clinton possessed a criminal intent, but it still doesn't erase the cold-hard facts. By placing top secret emails on an unsecured, undocumented private home-brew server, she is telling Americans she's dangerous, bent on selling out America. Her own lies about said SERVERS and DEVICES (plural and emphasized) are indicative of what we call, Guilty Knowledge. Meaning, she knew what she did was illegal and tried to conceal it from Congress, but more importantly, you, the American voters.
With this article, I task you to investigate the reality behind the hyperbole and decide for yourself if this is really what you would deem presidential behavior.
If you take the time to really process what this says, you'll quickly see this has nothing to do with political parties or some big, mystical Right Wing Conspiracy. There's some real concerns - no, evidence indicating we should be worried for our safety.
It's four easy points, you can't afford to ignore.
Why did she have servers in her basement when she has the whole of our government to keep all her communications safe at her disposal?
Clinton maintained it was for 'convenience.'
Well, being the Secretary of State entails being inconvenienced sometimes, particularly when working with classified documents and communications. Is it her job to maintain this information in the strictest confidence while keeping us safe? Yes.
So, how is it safe when foreign actors can gain our most classified information simply by hacking into her unprotected system? Anyone with reason can clearly see, it's far from safe, it's dangerous.
Does Hillary Clinton make YOU feel safe?
Anyone looking at this first point would have to question her choice between our safety verses convenience, she demonstratively took the latter.
Why was there a need for off-radar servers?
If Clinton was purely altruistic and honest, why would she desire a server system off the grid? There's virtually nothing about our classified information that denotes this as logical.
Furthermore, there in lies what every right thinking person would call, intent.
In fact, all work-related communications are subject to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) . The mishandling of said information is illegal because her home servers hid it and then she purposefully move it from the government to an unsecured device(s). Anything the Secretary of State - or any other department within the Federal Government - is ours. We bought it. We paid for it.
So why is out there of for everyone in the world to see?
Why lie?
What was the purpose of the lying to Congress after shielding the existence of these servers?
Again, if Clinton was a law-abiding person, she wouldn't have hidden its existence in the first place. Furthermore, as we now know from FBI Director James Comey, there was not one, but several servers and devices. (Hardly convenient.) Clinton repeatedly lied to us and Congress about the number of devices and servers involved.
She only confessed to their existence when 'caught' with the goods.
For honest people, this is probably the most troubling of the entire caper.
While we can understand why the State Department didn't want us rooting through her clearance level intel, the fact remains consistent, they knew she had illegal servers and neglected to admit it, until... they were caught with the goods. Additionally, Director Comey's statements of facts, verifies Clinton's extreme carelessness with this sensitive information.
Most Disturbing...
For those who don't understand clearance and classified information, let me boil it down to normal comprehension as the government always complicates the simple.
Special Access Programs (SAPs) are so high even Congress is not cleared to read them. (Bear in mind, the FBI is not clear whether or not the people, her lawyers, read this highly sensitive information when they performed their churn & burn before handing over her emails to the State Department.) They range from telling locations of covert assets (spies) to potential enemy actors plotting to do harm to the United States in any capacity - financial, hacking and attacks. And if breached, they endanger not only our intelligence community but each and every one of us. This is serious beyond reason and why many in Congress questioned Benghazi with deeper scrutiny.
Why all the truculence when questioned by Congress?
It is normal for a review committee to conduct investigations and hearings when situations go a rye. Congress was merely doing it's job as per their sworn oath. They were representing us in trying to ascertain what happened in Benghazi, not just to give the victims' families closure. One of the functions is to discern if a breach could have been avoided in some way -- perhaps through some procedural change or policy adjustment.
Why was Clinton so belligerent during the hearings pertaining to Benghazi?
Usually people get pretty worked up when cornered. As we see with children, nothing puts a person in a tizzy faster than being caught in a lie. Often times, the web of deception becomes so convoluted, it's hard for even the savviest of liars to keep up with its many twists and turns.
Basic FACT: Clinton and her team's lies about a YouTube video unraveled when Congress discovered she admitted it was a terrorist attack to many on the actual night of said attack. The video 'story' came later. Yet, even though she was clearly busted, she got more angry because with every unraveling of one lie, another came forth and the list became long. As Congressmen Chaffetz, Issa, Jordan and Gowdy exposed her dishonesty in a public forum, her anger was more for the fact she could not longer cover up her dereliction of duty.
In short, that pivotal moment, she's proven her incompetence for her many foils and bungling while at the State Department. If anything, her resume lays out a well-routed argument why she is unfit to be the President of the United States. However, in her mind, she really doesn't care about her misdeeds or continual trails of untruths, even when sitting before a Congressional Panel.
To her, she was untouchable.
It turns out, she is untouchable... or is she?
As long as some sit at big fancy desks in DC whom owe her for their position, probably. However, we the people don't need to buy her chuck n' jive!
Why? Because we don't owe her anything.
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Why Does It Matter? Because it does... |
* * * *
UPDATE after the above article was written:
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Former President Bill Clinton Attorney General Loretta Lynch |
As many of my readers are already aware, it seems the big Email Scandal has yet taken another most ugly turn.
On Fox News Channel's The Kelly File last night, it was revealed by DC correspondent, Catherine Herridge, FBI agents working on the Clinton Email Investigation, were forced to sign Non-Disclosure Orders (Gag orders).
Surprised? I should say not.
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Clandestine Meeting in Phoenix |
However, the most intriguing information that seemed buried among the goop about gag orders and clandestine meetings was this:
The DOJ raised the bar so high it was impossible for the FBI to meet the requirement to recommend criminal charges...
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DC Correspondent for Fox Catherine Herridge |
Read that line a couple of times and let it sink in!
This is MUCH MORE IMPORTANT than any gag order, kids. This shows a clear cut collusion to make it impossible to criminally charge Hillary Clinton for her crimes against State. This piece of information should not leave anyone to guess as to what it meant and yet, many have ignored it - making the gag the big thing.
One statement says it all -- and it would be good for Congressmen Jason Chaffetz, Trey Gowdy, Darrell Issa and Jim Jordan to get those papers and agents before they go missing, too.
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FBI Director James Comey |
Clear collusion to keep Clinton out of a criminal trial was their plan but because of their own clumsy bungling, Lynch and Clinton have just shined a brighter spotlight on something they wanted to remain hidden. Their assessment of the intelligence within our population is astounding as it denotes they believe we're too dumb to see their corruption!
While Comey can't choose nor change his boss - but we can in November!
It just gets better by the hour when we watch the continual journey to ruins of those in power...
Safe to assume, the jig is UP!
Stay tuned!
WOW, great article.
Well done!
If this article doesn't shed some light for the many clueless nothing will! It's sad to say most will remain silent with their heads in the sand, simply because they think their vote doesn't matter.
Some just don't get it and never will. Some others don't want to get it. Yet others don't want anyone else to get it. Pity the first, educate the second, and overcome the third.
If the Queen in Waiting were not possessed of the support of that and those under her future predecessor's control, the conflict would be over.
Good post !As we get along with the election , you will see the truth about it. Never in the history of this country have we experienced police killings and protests for what? Obama land and ruled by his subordinates .
Martial law very soon , I really doubt there will be an election , if so , guess who will win!
She already made an apology , she's OK now.
This was well done but, Clinton supporters won't read this ! I wish they would but they won't!
Good Article as usual. I believe there is no clueless people on this subject. They don't want the tax payer "free" stuff to end. They know it will diminish with Trump as POTUS and they will have to work.
It has nothing to do with free stuff {that would continue till jobs were brought back, many years for that to happen} It got nothing to do with color...most blacks didnt bother or go out of their way to vote for obama, especially not the second time. The voting system is corrupt, its tun and controlled by crooks controlled by this crooked administration and yes there's just as many crooks on both sides of the isle. Notice how the media continuously claim such a tight race between Trump and Hillary? So when it happens you wont be to shocked. How about all those UN military vehicles secretly being made in the USA, now being shipped and stationed all around us, the trillions of rounds of ammo bought and stored by this administration. You see folks, if it wasnt already in the fix to have Hillary in control {where they'll blame her for being irresponsible and cause for all the forthcoming catastrophes}...why would so much planning go in ahead of time for all the Marshall law stuff...the ammo, the UN vehics, all the military equipment to LEO's around the country,the last cpl executive orders, all the efforts put into dividing people....its already decided who will be the next president....sadly...its not likely we could even trust the fbi to oversee the voting process...
238 you regularly call it Marshall law when it's MARTIAL LAW! Can you please write that on a piece of paper 50 times so it sinks in. MARTIAL LAW!
1:53. Clinton supporters have read this. And they see it for what it is.
Thank you Anon 411, you beat me to utter. Your local PD being issued old military equipment has nothing to do with Martial law. The military spends billions masking that equipment, as the wars WERE drawing down over seas and the excess equipment was no longer needed, a need among the local departments was identified. They give us that we wouldn't otherwise have excess to that can be useful for riots in Baltimore, responding to floods, hostage barricade situations, etc. Does it get used often- not really but asking for it after it's needed doesn't make much sense. Rifles and shotguns that many small departments just can't afford, or raise taxes so they could get them. The rifles are useful when you know you're going to a call where you know you're going to be outgunned if you respond with pistols only like a barricaded rifle user. Most of the equipment we get is purely defensive in nature and too expensive for small departments to afford. If local law enforcement were to be part of some occupying martial law force, do you really think we'd do that to or own families? I don't know of any cop willing to do that to their own community or family. Trying to quell a local riot is one thing, enforcing martial is just way beyond serve and protect and were not doing it. Stop spreading that manure.
Wow! One of the few Clinton supporters that can read!
You purposely back a lying psychopath for president because she's a she? God some people shouldn't be allowed to even vote because they don't have the brains God gave a slug. Once again someone voting against morality actually opting for someone to lie to them! Liberalism is a mental disease not an ideology. No wonder someone wrote that book about how to talk to them if you really have to. Their thinking is free of logic and reason. Sick.
This person is more in the minority than you think 654. I don't know one democrat that's voting for her. I know a lot of liberals and most are just as horrified by Clinton as my republican friends. Independents don't like her either. Clinton and her homies are fooling themselves if they think she's going to anything close. We see her for what she is!
You think maybe the reason for the Clinton server is because of the Clinton Foundation! Information? Think about it.
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