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Monday, May 23, 2016

SPD Press Release 5-23-16 (Shoplifting)


Anonymous said...

Get a job ! Lazy bums.

Not a Condemer said...

Ever stop to think one of them could be one of your loved ones or a close friend? You Do Not know their they do it for necessities, like food or a babies needs, do they do it to support an addiction they can not control or have been unable to get help for, do they do it as a cry for help or to get noticed, etc.. You DO NOT know these peoples' reasoning. Shoplifting and any associated "rush, exhilaration or thrill" from doing it can be additive just as much as ANY drug. Think before you shoot-off your un-informed, un-educated, gossiping mouth! A very wise and forgiving man once said "Let ye without sin cast the first stone". Are you the sole person on this earth who is without sin? If so, Congratulations to you, and thank God for ALL of the loving support you must have received from you loving family and caring friends. Tonight you should kneel down and thank God for your great life, and while you are at it you might want to ask forgiveness for "Casting the First Stone" and being a gossip.

Anonymous said...

9:08 aka "Not a condemer" First tell me what a "condemer" actually is. Did you mean condemner? Maybe you should change your name to Hypocrite. What you just did was condemn people. Please practice what you preach. No matter what their circumstances are, they stole something and therefore must suffer the consequences. How about you go over and bail them out and take them into your home so you can make sure all their needs are fulfilled so they won't have to steal in the future.

Not a Condemer said...

You sound like the type of person the rest of us should feel sorry for. At least someone who would lend them a hand and help them to not do the same thing again would be a part of a solution, and not a "holier than thou"! I sincerely hope that if someday you get in some kind of trouble there is someone who will be willing to offer you a hand. Thank you for correcting my spelling and grammer. You must be one of our countries illustrious educators whom routinely promote and graduate kids who cannot spell, write or perform simple math, while at the same time proclaim they are overworked, under appreciated and underpaid.

Not a Condemer said...

To Anonymous: Why do you hide behind the tag "Anonymous"? Why are you sooo hateful toward those who have made a mistake? Did someone close to you take something from you? Apparently they also took what little Compassion you may have ever had. Let it go.

Anonymous said...

LOL!!! You are using a name you just made up, not your real name. I could make up any name I want. You are just as anonymous as anyone else. Once again all you are doing is condemning people. No I am not a teacher. I do however try to take the time to make sure things are spelled correctly. My spelling and GRAMMAR is not perfect and neither are you!

My life is just fine. I was RAISED by parents that taught me right from wrong. Since you want to preach the bible to some but don't want to follow it maybe you should look up the 10 commandments. There is an important one in there about NOT STEALING.

I have more compassion in my little finger than you do in your entire body. I have NO sympathy for a thief. I will feed, clothe and care for someone in need not someone that just wants to steal. If someone is hungry they can go to Halo and get a meal. There are other places to go as well.

Anonymous said...

ya'll miss the point. spd releases their weekly walmart shoplifting report and meanwhile the drugs gangs thefts robberies assaults rapes get no mention. Oh what a perfect little town we live in. SPD has cleaned da bury up! yea!

Anonymous said...

Old habits die hard don't they Jay? Glad they caught you.