Conducted by the Cato Institute, a think tank headquartered in D.C., the study
Maryland’s minimum wage is $7.25 per hour. D.C.’s is $8.25. That means welfare recipients in both states receive more than twice as much per hour than someone working a minimum wage job.
D.C. has the most second most generous welfare benefit package in the country, after Hawaii, and Maryland comes in 10th.
I am SO MAD right now.
Honestly, after these last two Posts I just want to shut this Blog down and flat out GIVE UP.
Say it ain't so--Joe
How in the world do you get that kind of funding??? I've been unemployed for a year and I hear from the state is I don't qualify?????? Maybe because I'm over 58????
2:28 PM the only reason you don't qualify is because you are not BLACK!!
I know - it makes me boiling mad also. This is a STARTLING REVELATION!
You probably haven't multiplied at an alarming rate either 2:28 and the majority of you Baby mommas/daddies have to be incarcerated.
Joe - this is what the government wants to do, is to get people hooked or dependent on government. It is scary to think that the IRS is in control of Obamacare, yet they have decided to not verify income through 2015. But you can bet you butt that eventually they will hone-in to take everything you have after that. Our nation is already strayed and it is to late to turn back now. We are as socialist as the Soviet Union.
This is sooo disgustingly wrong. Most of these folks aren't worth the minimum wage in the first place...lazy, calling in sick, showing up drunk, incompetent....
Now we're paying them even more to sit on their lazy @$$es!
I say cut that program to near nothing...let 'em die of starvation (that'll take a while!) and put the money to curing cancer after closing the debt.....
perhaps you wouldn't be so mad if you actually thought critically about claims like this BEFORE letting them soak into your political mindset. The estimates are grossly misleading at best, straight-up dishonesty to support a political theme at worst. You people show why a bit of Common Core might be a good idea. Obviously we have a generation or more of folks who don't think; they simply regurgitate whatever "information" is thrown in front of them in print.
@ Anon at 3:11 pm
"We are as socialist as the Soviet Union."
We are worse. The SU did not have a welfare system, in fact, a person who did not work was at risk to go to jail. If you were a single mother you pretty much were on your own, unless your parents agreed to support you. So such notion as "a single mother on welfare" with a little army of future Democratic voters in tow was non-existent.
not bad. sit at home and make almost $1000 a week i believe this is not taxed. $720 in maryland. awesome dude. what a great country, where do i vote
Yea I made this point once before on a previous MW post and got harassed by commenters calling me a liar. Sad isn't it.
3:18 - can you be specific as to what you find so mis-leading in the article? Anecdotal evidence, but I am aware of folks who make fairly decent livings from disability, welfare, unemployment, etc. I also know individuals who need help and can't get squat. It is a rigged system - if you know how to manipulate your circumstances, there is money to be made.
I jut don't get it. I am a divorced mom with one child in college and one in Hugh school. I survive on my one income by budgeting and spending wisely. I shop thrift stores for clothes. I have never been on section 8. I tried to apply for food stamps and medical assistance when I had major surgery and was out of work for 4 months. I was denied because my debt outweighed my income. After my divorce I relied on my credit cards to get us by. Although I had shott term disability its only 1/3 of my income. We faced eviction but I was able to draw $ from my 401K (which I no longer have) since I can't afford to contribute to it. But every 2 weeks when I get my paycheck I see all the state and federal taxes taken I wonder where its going. I don't go to the grocery stores the beginning of the month because I don't like to see young people with their EBT cards buying steak & shrimp & crabs in the summer when those are luxuries for me but my income is being taxed so they can eat better than I do. My story is not unique at all. I feel for the seniors who have paid into social security and worked all their lives try to decide between medicine and food. Its just not fair. I started out with minimum wage and worked hard to eat my salary which is less than $2.00 more than they want to raise the minimum wage up to. If its raised it will drive all prices for food and gas up. Its just frustrating!!!
This is why there is a minimum wage law, so there is a $5 up step if one was to get off the dole and get a job. Even at that, it only allows for $200 a week for daycare. That may cover one, but not 2 kids.
Sorry, but there has to be an incentive to work first, then there has to be a good reason why you get anything, like working your own business.
Unfortunately, the laws have been turned upside down so getting a job creates an unaffordable financial crisis that can't work. Period.
Who thought of that? The DEMS.
We have no recourse but to legislate in democratic Senate.
Im too, Joe. I don't even understand how these money figures escalated so high without oversight from people in charge of these Welfare Programs. We knew those Socialist Democ-rats were Crooked, we just Underestimated how Evil Rotten to the Core Crooked Bastards they really are.
Amen...single mother, no child support and I dont qualify for a damn services had the nerve to tell me im the wrong color and I need to have more f'ed up is that???
Amen girl!
414 your answer is about 10 min. of reading away
February 13, 2014 at 2:42 PM,
I'm Black and I am 57, unemployed for 6 months, no health insurance, no retirement and worked for the county for 25 years. The Maryland State unemployment office has turn me down for unemployment. So this has nothing to do with nationality. It's about employers and politicians in the state of Md who don't give a dam about the welfare of their people. They want us to work hard like slaves with low wages until we die. But, before we die, they want us to pay their mandatory taxes so they can continue to be corruptible. I don't give a dam if I NEVER work again. I am tired of paying taxes for people who don't want to work. I am tired of paying taxes for those who do work the low wage jobs and still COLLECT welfare, EBT, snap, Medicaid or any other federal assistance they can get their hands on. But, I can even get unemployment.
I own a small business and continue to work everyday (well six days a week) to keep my head above water, My house is pretty much "under water" but I keep plugging away to keep my house payment and health insurance payments before I even think about spending money on groceries and personal stuff. To hear that people are making more money not working makes me want to pause and wonder why I am even working anymore. Since I own my business, I would not be eligible for unemployment so I just keep working as hard as I can to I guess, support those that are enjoying the free benefits. Makes no sense to me!
It is disgusting as hell
6:43,Been in business for 20 years and I feel the same way,need a truck but I cant afford a payment for a used one nor alone a new one.Insurances,taxes eat up all disposable income.Bidding against large companies that have boatload buying power and use latinos for cheap labor.
Perhaps a little shaming of these slugs anyone?
Take a photo of them using their EBT's at grocery stores etc...and send it in to the blog, let the public identify them and comment ruthlessly!
Annie Nonymous claiming victimization when the victimization is on a scale way beyond the individual. It's all about you Annie
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