Ronnie Chambers, who was his mother Shirley's youngest child, was shot in the head while sitting in a parked car on the city's West Side. A 21-year-old man who was also in the car was wounded, police said.
Shirley Chambers, whose two other sons and daughter were shot in separate attacks more than a decade ago, was left grieving again on Saturday, WLS-TV
"Right now, I'm totally lost because Ronnie was my only surviving son," Chambers said.
This can't be! Chicago has gun control laws!
So much for gun control laws
Sounds like they need dealer laws!
gotta wonder about her parenting skills that got 4 children killed
Oh no guns killed someone, not the criminals!
City run by gangs. But don't worry the cops will protect you.
Anyplace you have gun control laws crime will increase. Look what's happened in Australia in the short time they enacted gun control. In Chicago it's black gang related drug wars. Same thing in New York, Detroit, LA, etc.
Probably four messed up kids.
Home of the PRES...
obama is truly gifted
I wonder how many of those "kids" had a job? Or EVER had a job? And where was the father(s)? And what example did the mother set? The chances of 4 boys in the same family being killed (by mere coincidence) is astronomical. But, cross the wrong people in the drug game and the stats are much more believable. She misses the checks more than the kids....
1:46 PM
You don't have a clue.
1:46, at what point does one decide to move from a neighborhood? @ the death of one, two, three, four of your kids, or do you just wait for them to shoot you as well?
Just askin' you where your "line in the sand" is!
Thats' FOUR "you don't have a clue" retorts. I'm TOTALLY overwhelmed by your extensive vocabulary and your command of a wide range of witty repartee. If you aren't a cop, you should run for Congress. Your precise logic and unwavering dedication to reason is winning people over by the minute....did I mention you have a great sense of humor, too? You just need to man up a bit. Sign your name, you sissy.
Sign your name, you sissy.
January 27, 2013 at 10:21 PM
Clues? Nope, not here.
Once again gun control at its best. Gun control only controls the honest law abiding person whick equates to punishing the law abiding person by removing his/her constitutional right.
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