For those members of the business community looking for a a “one-stop shop” for permitting, registration, and other bureaucratic entanglements, Ireton’s presentation will be viewed either with disappointment or as a baby step in the right direction. Newly elected councilman Jake Day and unsuccessful mayoral candidate Joe Albero both focused heavily on the need to court new business and on the need to streamline things like the permitting process, often viewed as an impediment to doing business in Salisbury.
Ireton’s plan involves setting up a kiosk on the first floor of the Salisbury / Wicomico Government Office Building (GOB) with form packets useful to developers. Ireton also hopes to install a similar kiosk at the Chamber’s office on East Main Street.
According to the Daily Times’ Jeremy Cox:
…Those changes will be accompanied by a new, business-friendly atmosphere in the city’s staff offices, Ireton said. Those adopting the customer-service approach are the Mayor’s Office; Public Works; Building, Permits and Inspections; and Planning and Zoning.It should be noted that Ireton’s plan for downtown redevelopment was released two years ago. Some members of the business community are skeptical that this “customer-service” approach has been in the works for over a year. One local business owner, who asked that his name be withheld, stated, “I can’t believe that the mayor expects us to believe that it took a year to put some forms together. No one, certainly not the mayor, talked about treating businesses as customers until Joe Albero decided to run against him.”
… (Asst. City Administrator Lore) Chambers, though, said city administrators have worked on the plan for more than a year. Ireton said he was loath to announce the effort during the election season out of concern it would be criticized as a self-serving campaign ploy.
Ireton will present his plan in the lobby of the Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce at 1:30 PM today.
This post originally appeared in the DelMarVa Observer.
I've seen that "kiosk" and it's nothing more than a table with a cheap stand up display and cheap materials.
Ireton, big talk, cheap action.
This is the lipstick on the pig of giving downtown and valuable city assets away without any idea or understanding of how to drive Salisbury's economy. He will create his EDU zone and strip the value of the Linens of the Week property. He won't use them to attract good jobs. He will give them away to his cronies for more housing and retail that pays poverty level wages. Jake Day will be the rubber stamp that let's it happen.
If only we could do what Berlin has done and make Salisbury a destination. It is a shame.
Copying is a part of flatter-ism. But being original is better than being a sequel.
~unknown quotes
WOW Wonder where he is getting ALL of these ideas?
Good thing Joe Albero ran against Jim! The citizens of the city of Salisbury are speaking through Joe to influence the Mayor to do what is right! If only there were more direct way for this to happen...
Has anyone thought of how the election was so lopsided. Joe and Debbie lost by a lot. Maybe some computer person figured out how to swing the vote. I watched a computer person testifying in front of congress how HE DID it.
When a person or organization has enough money they can purchase anything.
I don't know how this can be proven but have some computer people to try and figure it out.
Hope we can figure it out if we have enough people digging up the truth.
People must be talking out of both sides of their mouths.They claim to want SBY to change,but they voted for more of the same.The majority of the residents,or at least those who voted despise change.They can't understand that if SBY "just holds it's own" (as I heard a group of elderly citizens say at the church on election day)it will in affect lose ground.
The election was computer Rigged.
My grandson is a computer person, I will ask him how to do it. If he doesn't know he will ask his friends at work they are all computer people.
I believe too the election was rigged I seen two Smug people Ireton/Day walk around this town for 6 months with smiles on there faces and knowing they had this election in the Bag, LOOK on line "ELECTION COMPUTERS RIGGED".
Hey it only took him 4 years to come up with a plan. Oh boy, we will never get there.
John Robinson has a lot of computer people working for him and he spent a lot of cash to buy the election. He's a known criminal, so I'm sure he 's the reason Joe lost.
I think the election was rigged as well. I don't know how it could be done, buy I didn't think Ireton was that well liked.
Look jim dont blow smoke your democratic policy will not work
Communist / democrats will cheat and lie to win elections...i find it hard to believe their are thatmany stupid people in salisbury..but hey they elected comegys dunn snd shannie..glad i live in frutland leaving MD asap
Anyone remember the forum two years ago when this same question got asked? I went with a friend to it. Terry Cohen said the city offices dealing with business needed an ombudsman to walk them through the process. Tim Spies said every employee needed to be trained in customer service and the first person contacted needed to stay with the business through the entire process. According to a friend of mine, there was also a press conference where Ireton said he was working with the head of the chamber of commerce on an ombudsman.
Once again, Ireton gives no credit where it's due. The on-time audit was due to Debbie Campbell calling it to people's attention. The list is long.
The election wasn't rigged. Just because a few dozen people post here that they can't believe Jimmy-boy won doesn't mean he cheated. It wasn't even close. Joe conceded like a gentleman. You don't hear him whining about cheating. Let's quit the complaining and spend that energy holding him to his campaign promises and working to make this a nicer place to live.
I don't understand. If so many are against Ireton how did he get re-elected? How did Day get voted in?
You had your chance to keep Debbie in. They are already looking into getting rid of Terry and Tim.
You had your chance to get a new direction if only Joe had won.
This is one election I will always refuse to believe. You don't have to show ID to vote. Anyone could of voted.
Anonymous said...
The election wasn't rigged. Just because a few dozen people post here that they can't believe Jimmy-boy won doesn't mean he cheated. It wasn't even close. Joe conceded like a gentleman. You don't hear him whining about cheating. Let's quit the complaining and spend that energy holding him to his campaign promises and working to make this a nicer place to live.
April 9, 2013 at 8:54 PM
We already gave him 4 years and he failed. It was a complete failure.
Did anyone monitor any of the polling sites? Too bad elections aren't held in June, after Salisbury University students have gone back to their real HOMES. Bet the election outcomes would be much different . And all of the years of voting is salisbury NO ONE ever asked for ID. So yes, the potential for fraud is quite high in Salisbury City elections.
I was waiting in line to vote and overheard two men talking saying they had voted twice and laughing.
ID should always be shown at all polling sites just to keep everyone honest and above board.
He seems so giddy. Like a freshman teenie bopper who just got asked to the senior prom. Gotta get the nails did!
Here's a news flash for you....ALL DEPARTMENTS SHOULD BE CUSTOMER FRIENDLY AT ALL TIMES. Why is the mayor just now proclaiming certain departments will be customer friendly?? What a joke!
I never go in to pay the water bill that I don't see the women gossiping, eating at their desks, and talk to the customer in such a rude manner. Whoever hired these people needs a good lesson in how to interview.
The first practice is you don't try to shove as much food in your mouth then talk on the phone.
You greet the public politely and with respect. Without them, you wouldn't have a job.
7:36 wouldn't the city get a break on their health insurance premiums if some of the folks on payroll shed 20 or 30 pounds? Could save the taxpayers some money.
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