When you have Shanie Shields and Laura Mitchell as cheerleaders for his subsidized housing, section 8 housing and affordable housing projects, so afraid to even call them what they really are, it's getting scary.
Laura Mitchell seemed to want to create a new name for Ireton's project and maybe that's exactly what we should rename Mayor Ireton's Downtown revitalization plan, "Ireton's Projects".
Ireton wants to reduce impact fees by 64%, who do YOU think is going to ultimately pay for it in the end, YOU. YOU will be paying for his "Ireton's Downtown Projects" too. While WATERFRONT property brings in the HIGHEST tax revenue, Ireton wants to surplus every ounce of TAXPAYER OWNED waterfront property and turn it over to PROJECTS, subsidized housing, section 8 housing, affordable housing OR "Ireton's Downtown Projects".
No matter what you label it, the City of Salisbury has far more of these projects than most Cities across the state, yet Shanie and Laura want even more. So much so, now they believe their communities DESERVE it.
I'll repeat myself from a Post several days ago. How many student housing, affordable housing, section 8 housing and or subsidized housing projects have been built in the last 6 years, A LOT! How many new homes have been built, next to none! I'd say Jim Ireton and President Obama have in fact fulfilled their vision of CHANGE right here in Salisbury.
Salisbury no longer needs Mayors that will give away everything they have left to BUY VOTES. Salisbury needs a Mayor that can sell and market this incredible community/City. What Ireton, Shields and Mitchell are proposing is EASY and anyone can give things away. You wouldn't want your car salesman selling every car on the lot for cost at your dealership, would you? How about at a massive loss or well below its market value? You see, this is why we need to get the school teacher out of there and a businessman IN.
Shanie Shields said last night, my people are sick and tired of looking at River's Edge in my district. Well Shanie, I was sick and tired of looking at Feldman's for more years than you've been subjected to. It takes time to gain interest in such property. She said her people would love to access the marina. OK, low income housing units, just what kind of BOAT do you think they'll be parking in that marina Shanie? IF they can't afford housing, how are they going to afford a Boat, let alone the fees to PARK the Boat there for months on end.
It seems pretty clear to me that the City of Salisbury has delivered more than enough when it comes to these projects and that the spot light needs to be directed at Wicomico County now as they would probably be ranked pretty darned low when it comes to such mentioned projects.
When Shanie Shields tried to say her constituents didn't have enough housing projects in her district, Council President Terry Cohen spit out 7 projects on the west side without any hesitation and I've learned there are even more than seven.
Again, please remember that these, (most of them) are multiple dwelling units. So when you think of how many new homes have been built, think of ALL of the multiple dwelling "Ireton Projects" that have been built.
How long are we going to continue to provide housing for people on the backs of hard working Americans? Salisbury has done its fair share and that was proven last night. Salisbury now needs a Mayor that can build Economic Development, sell what Salisbury has to offer. Please, tell me what "projects" have proven to be an actual success for a community like Salisbury. Do they help raise property values? Does crime go down? Does it mean we need less Police Officers?
While Mayor Ireton wants to deliver a plan in which 30 years worth of current and former Council Members REJECTED, just because Obama is making it easy to get access to government funding for such projects doesn't mean it's the way we should go. Certainly provide a FAIR SHARE of subsidized housing, (which I believe we've done) but it is my strong belief this will further hurt this City in many more ways than one.
How many more fenced in communities do we need like Pemberton Apartments. THINK Ladies & Gentlemen. How inviting will Downtown Salisbury look then?
Welcome To The Ghetto!
She keeps referring to them as "her people" just exactly what does she mean by that. If I would says "those people" the naacp would be knocking on my door.
I will never visit the downtown area again if they do this.
Buying votes Jim?
Cambridge has more than its fair share of section 8 housing ... look what that has done for them!
So what you are saying is there is going to be a compound in the center of Downtown. Great!
You can say goodbye to business like Kay's Jeweler's. This plan Will destroy our town.
It is a proven fact that lower income neighborhoods have a higher crime rate. They have very little respect for their property, when 9 times out 10 it is someone else's property.
This has good ole boy network written all over it!
It's already bad enough that we can't sell our house and move out of Salisbury but now these morons want to make it worse?
I cannot possibly understand the mindset where politicians can keep giving things (food,housing,Social Security) away to people that contribute NOTHING to the greater good of society. I thought Democrats were for the 'greater good' of all people? I once read that liberalism/statism was a mental disorder and laughed it off as a joke, but now I really think it's true.
If my taxes are paying for "YOUR" house then NO I don't think you should have waterfront property. What is wrong with our nation. The government wants us so dependent on them so we are just puppets.
Jim Needs to give it a rest. I am tired of hearing about his bogus petition,his hissey fits, its time for him to leave town. Find somewhere else to tear down. Build section 8 housing over on his street.
See how he would like it. He wouldn't!
Jim what do you think your mom and dad think of your actions. They are good people with a son who is making as a$$ out of himself.
Think about it and just keep your mouth shut.
River's Edge already looks like a Section 8 project...and I'm certain that Hanna would love to have the new business that would certainly flow over to Brewriver.
The only work some people do is thinking up ways for the rest of us to give them something for nothing. They really do feel entitled and get upset if you imply they need to earn their keep.
Damn Joe, you hit that nail on the head with a hammer...
I made that same exact post the other day...
The local govts are trying to push these things that cost us money and in the long run even more, just to get a small house built or something just to get a million in free funds from the feds which will be spent to do nothing but by votes or to bad mouth someone else because the current mayor can't take responsibility...
Hey Ireton why don't you build a low income housing development in your neighborhood? Having more low income housing will send "good", "hardworking" people running from Salisbury, and parents are going to stop enrolling their children at SU. Stop and think of what is best for our community and not how this will affect your political standings.
RE: 10:30
Pols aren't giving Social Security away, they are giving my money back that I contributed to.
Jim is just a little kid what do you expect.
To all Salisbury residents:
Visit Somers Cove Apartments aka Crisfield Housing Authority in downtown Crisfield, Maryland you will see downtown Salisbury, Maryland in 10 years.
This is a joke right? Jim and his people are not seriously thinking about putting section 8 housing downtown are they?
I hope we can get another candidate from the westside to run against Shannie.
With Shannie leading the west side, is that all they have to look up to? I personally know they can do better, why doesn't anyone step it up and run for council?
Hardly ever do you see anyone from the west side speaking up at council meetings. They must like their standard of living as it is, and don't need anything except more low income housing.
Are there any minority businesses downtown? Maybe the key isn't low income housing, but more minority businesses downtown with some vison for a vibrant downtown without more low income housing.
I'd rather see grant money used to enhance minority business downtown, that would take care of Shannie in any future elections. Real business owners wouldn't allow this to happen to our downtown.
Are their ANY minorities with business or real estate interest in downtown Salisbury at all? With more minority business downtown, it would end these dead end ideas of the mayor and his cronies.
Some how, some way, Ireton's ideas are for making more white people richer if you follow the money in the land deals and annexations.
Don't forget Mike Dunn's influence in this city made him a millionare and he bragged about it. Want more of the same?
This will not fly! We are destroying our town. Damn Liberals!
"Now don't forget I got you this beautiful waterfront home so you have to vote for me."
Signed Jim "Dumbass" Ireton
WHAT? Say goodbye to my property value.
Mayor Ireton, show me one example of section 8 housing that isn't a depressing, soul crushing failure! This isn't politically correct to say, but someone has to say it. Poor people do not take care of things that are handed to them. If you are poor in America, you are irresponsible or lazy or both. Stop having babies you cannot pay for. Get married, rent for a few years until you can afford a house. I did. Didn't seem to kill me.
Poor people simply do not care about things given to them. Within a few months, you'll have all sort of baby's mammas and low lifes hanging around, dealing drugs and such. This is compassion? Forcing them to live in crappy houses surrounded by other low lifes who don't care?
Market Street, Mojo's, will close in a year. No one will go downtown to eat.
Unbelievable that a mayor of city would choose to take its most valuable property and convert it to a ghetto. This will ruin what is left of the city.
Baltimore City has or had Murphy Homes and Perkins Homes. Let's call Ireton's project Ireton Homes.
Just a reminder or an FYI for those unaware which Shanies seems to be, there is no shortage of affordable housing in Salisbury-NONE! And by affordable housing I mean those that are governed by strict rules such as limits to number of occupants and pets.
I agree with 11:30.
They need to change the bs resolution 1312
"Shanie Shields said last night, my people are sick and tired of looking at River's Edge in my district."
Hey Shanie, I can assure you the potential homeowner who would have bought a condo in Rivers Edge would be sick and tired of looking at your peoples drug infested Crack Shacks.
River's Edge is much more appealing in its current state than the ghetto housing across the street from it.
I agree with 11:17am. The worst city planning I have ever seen is in Crisfield with the Somers Cove development.The mayor's plan is even worse.I'm glad Salisbury will see new leadership after the next election.
Go ahead, Ireton. build some beautiful 2-3 bedroom apartments, trim them out with the best landscaping, playgrounds, pools, and workout rooms. Then watch as they deteriorate into what EVERY SINGLE PUBLIC HOUSING project becomes --- a ghetto. Trashed building, inside and out, drug infested, crime ridden areas full of single mothers and graffiti. Kiss the tax base goodbye and cancel every event Salisbury holds on the waterfront. Businesses will close (robberies, shootings and fights will drive their business straight into the ground) and the river will become even trashier than it is now. On a scale of 10, Ireton's stupidity is off the charts. Home values will plummet. Middle class will leave and Salisbury becomes the new Detroit. The only things that will go up is the number of police and our taxes (just OURS though, the recipients, of course won't be paying for ANYTHING).
I am moving if I can sell my home in the City.
Please tell me this cannot happen!
All that would do is turn downtown into an even bigger gar hole!
I really like you Joe.
I saw you on news you did great!
And the societies collide again.
Wicomico county DOES have subsidized housing and they are also BROKE.Half the houses WHA owns in Salisbury area are boarded up because they cannot afford to bring them up to code.Many are sitting empty in Doverdale area.
As far as adding MORE "free housing"....We do not need more of these type of properties if we want to make the area more desirable.It is a fact that these types of communities are riddled with violent crime and rampant abuse of the very system that sustains the people within them.
As soon as a a private landlord moves in a subsidized tenant,previously stable neighborhoods are systematically destroyed and it spreads out until there are only tiny pockets of nice areas to live that only the very wealthy can afford.No thanks.Keep the CHANGE.One only has to look at Carver Manor in DE,Somers Cove in Crisfield and Pemberton Rd area of Salisbury to see what "joys" subsidized housing brings and how fast things go downhill.
Pools in a housing project? That is not smart, just Google "McCarron Park Pool". Re-opened after taxpayers foot the bill for a FIFTY million dollar restoration only to be shat in and serve as the home of several assaults.
The lights are on but no is home.
Anonymous 1:24pm
I still think Jim gets his marching orders from Annapolis. Anonymous 10:38 said the government wants us so dependent on them so we are just puppets. That's not exactly right. The democrats want 51% of us to be dependent on them so they can be reelected and make the Republicans pay for it all.
I liked Laura Mitchell's idea, if they biuld it I hope they call it "Ireton's Projects." AKA Another Failed Project
Well said Joe, well said... The City of Salisbury can ill-afford to create a public housing project in these high valued areas. I do agree that there is a need to reduce some development fees to encourage new growth (revenue producing projects). This needs to be well thought out. Let's not be hasty and do the wrong thing...
Desperate people do desperate things.
Jim is desperate! Nothing is going his way.
Very well said Joe. The truth is the truth even if it hurts. It is a proven fact that poor neighborhoods are high in crime and poorly maintained. This is not what Salisbury needs.
Stead Fast Joe.
You have this Town on its ear.
How can Shanie get away with saying "My People" but if I say "Your People" I am racist.
I call BS on this Political Correctness!
I Love my new shirt! My husbands walks up every morning looking at Albero For Mayor! What can I say they are great for sleeping in!
Jim is off his rocker Totally.
This is the best Jim and Laura can come up with. He is joking Right?
I saw Jim on the news and he said we just put Salisbury up for sale at 60% off. He was talking about impact fees or something. He looks so angry anymore, what is his deal?
What the parking tickets are not bring in enough money.
Laura and Shanie can live there LOL
This makes me sick to my stomach. I have no desire for dinner now. They can't be serious are they?
I watched last night. Someone made a comment yesterday about how dirty this election is going to be. I think they are positioning for Campbell's seat now. The lies and smears have already started. She is an honest and dedicated public servant and I want to do my part to keep her in ofice. I am a Saisbury voter.
Joe, when is your expiration date? I can't wait until it gets here.
I just saw your TV interview. Great Point you made Joe!
I am going to buy a gun.
I saw Jim on the news and he said we just put Salisbury up for sale at 60% off.
Yup he sure did. Give us your poor, tired, and lazy masses.
OMG you know Jim is so pissed that they put you and him on the same interview. I love how you said Jim ideas are just wrong. Bravo Sir Bravo!
anonymous 5:08, what are you talking about?
Joe I think they are wishing you dead.
The citizens of Salisbury need to get off their butts and go to a meeting. It appeared that no one was there to voice their concerns. How do the business owners of Downtown feel about this?
The Catcher In The Rye
Man I wish I could cuss on here. I would tell Jim he is a bleeping bleep who needs to go bleep himself because I am so bleeping tired of his bleeping bleep I could just kick him in the bleeping bleep. But since we cant cuss I will just say I am disappointed in Jim.
Anonymous said...
Welcome To The Ghetto!
July 24, 2012 10:00 AM
You said it! Brother
Well now we all know where to go to get our drug fix. Beautiful Downtown Salisbury.
This is a shot in the dark but I hope I am comment number 69. It is the year I was born. LOL
Well I think I will quit my job, have 3 or 4 kids and not get married. I will have food, cable, cell phone, electric and lets not forget waterfront housing. Yes that is make I am going to do.
I agree with the name of Ireton's projects. Or how about this for the new ghetto name....
J immy
I reton's
M ess
And call it Jimmy Town.
Joe Albero You Are Awesome!
Anonymous 5:25pm
Great Article. You are so spot on with this. We don't need anymore projects here. We are already Little Baltimore.
Brad Gillis tried to bring more section 8 housing to Delmar and they told him NO! Maybe I should move there? I certainly would rather have a business there especially if this happens.
Anonymous 5:29pm
Sure Right!
Citizens Arrest, Citizens Arrest Jim
Jim you are under Citizens Arrest for being the WORST Mayor in the history of WORST Mayor record keeping.
If this passes I am going right into the Government Office building and tell Jim exactly what I think of him and I can promise you this I will not use the word BLEEP!
Can I make a suggestion Joe? Move this to the top, the comments are very interesting to read.
Read between the lines. This isn't a traditional Section 8 housing initiative as you've known it. Ask yourself what's "hot" in MD politics these days...same sex marriage. I think Ireton's goal is to create a gay destination for (minority) same sex couples. 3rd Friday would become Rainbow Friday and many would not have to drive all the way to Rehoboth as they had been. Think about it. It could in fact create an economic boom for Salisbury as gays across the area converge there. I think that history will prove me right.
Add princess Anne to the Crisfield projects visits. Commissioners there haven't seen a housing project they didn't like
lmao! jimbo wants to develop his own little anacostia on the waterfront here! Think the wicomico river is bad now just wait! This city will make baltimore look like a thriving metropolis!
I'm not surprised that there are those among us that react negatively to an affordable housing proposal. I'm not even surprised that there are those that immediately assume that an affordable housing community is a bad thing. I am however surprised that not one commenter to this post is of the opinion that affordable housing has any positive traits.
As an affordable housing professional of more than 20 years and a Republican (and I'm not the developer of this project), I'd like to highlight some positive notes that are not being talked about here.
First, affordable housing does not mean FREE housing. Typical affordable rents are between 65% and 80% of market rents in the area. In Salisbury, that's around $750 for a 2 bedroom apartment.
Second, affordable housing brings stability to a neighborhood by providing a decent place to live for the guy that's washing the dishes in the kitchen of your favorite restaurant or the cashier thats checks you out at the grocery store when you go home tonight.
Third, affordable housing enhances commercial development in a community by providing housing opportunities for the lower paid employees of local employers.
Fourth, the affordable housing proposal for River's Edge is a privately owned and developed property. The only "subsidy" involved is tax incentives that allow the developer to raise capital from investors and lower interest loans. It will not be owned by any housing authority or government body. It will be owned by a business and investors who are on the hook for millions of dollars if the property doesn't cash flow or becomes a burden to the community. This means that the owners must make a long term commitment to the community.
Fifth, there are ample examples throughout Salisbury, the region and the country of how affordable housing is good for the community....WHEN MANAGED WELL. The unfortunate thing is that the poorly managed property gets 100 times the publicity of a badly managed one. A bad example is Pemberton Manor. It was driven into the ground by bad management. Westbrook Commons is a good example of good management.
Sixth, low income people are not bad. There are plenty of bad people who are low income, but low income doesn't equal bad. I can assure you that the waitress who attends to your dinner this evening if you go out is low income. That cashier at WaWa who sells you the milk and eggs your spouse asked you to pick up on your way home is low income. The janitor who sweeps the halls of your children's schools at the end of the day is low income. These people aren't bad. They don't make as much as many of us, but that in itself isn't a crime.
What the community needs to be worried about is not an affordable housing proposal but the quality of the owner and manager of the end product.
If managed well, River's Edge would be an asset to this community. Not the nightmare that everyone is envisioning.
anonymous 6:52, I think what YOU are missing here, besides all of your liberal viewpoints is the FACT that WE will be paying the DIFFERENCE as taxpayers.
It is time for people to get on their own two feet.
LOOK, we have 99 weeks of unemployment, FREE Obama Cell Phones, food stamps, welfare, enough is enough.
That is a RIVERFRONT property and quite frankly there is NOTHING you can sell me on that will convince me "WE THE PEOPLE" need to fork out even more money for projects like this any longer in Salisbury.
Ireton sees the federal money flying in and tries to HIDE what he is really attempting to do. But don't you worry, I have another Post to expose even more coming up.
Nice speech anonymous but I'm not buying it.
Joe you speak the truth. The problem with that is "some people" don't want the truth out there. You know the Good Olde Boyz of the area.
I note the liberal defender didn't once mention property value or crime. And they shouldn't because neither support the notion of adding "people storage" to downtown.
Joe ,
I have worked all my life , what I have I earned. Nobody gave me anything , I'm tired of this crap , Shanie and her constituents
along with Mitchel can kiss my butt.
Both of these ladies are 15 samich eatin dummies.
I'm not gonna support these negroes anymore , get a job and earn your keep , who ever you are.
You can say what you want about Mexicans , they are very hard workers and they do work. The blacks want a free ride into the next century.
Albero For Mayor!
Please tell us Joe this will never pass. The City Council has enough sense not to let this happen. I would rather see Downtown stay the same then to see this happen.
Jim will not have enough people backing him. Even though he likes it!
So what you are saying is that we will have a prison looking apartment complex in the middle of Downtown? Lovely.
He said--
"We have put Salisbury up for Sale."
It is not yours to sell Jim!
Anonymous said...
Add princess Anne to the Crisfield projects visits. Commissioners there haven't seen a housing project they didn't like
July 24, 2012 6:45 PM
Then keep them there!
Free Zoo, Sell the Parking Lots, Section 8 Housing, Raise taxes boy old boy Jim you really have a lot of great ideas. NOT
Jim Ireton has sold this city out to his new developer and SAPOA buddies. That's my opinion.
Did anyone notice that 6:52 listed six '"facts" on affordable housing but fails to produce an actual example of this working. Annapolis has these complexes spread throughout the area and when you try to pinpoint all the hotbeds of crime activity, guess where all signs point to; the projects. The only people that benefit from these projects are the developers and contruction companies.
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