Perhaps Americans need to rethink one of our laws nation wide.
IF ONE citizen properly trained had been carrying a weapon in the Colorado Movie Theater, most would still be alive today.
Nation wide, we have to be concerned for our own safety. The Police can't be everywhere and tragedies like this need to end.
I fully agree. Americans should be able to carry weapons any time they want without registering and without suffocating laws that restrict them. Basic criteria: citizen, at least 18 years of age, no diagnosed psychological issues, no felony criminal record. Maybe a few others. And, please notice that I say Americans. No one who doesn't have citizenship, should be able to have any gun in OUR country. They can be arrested and convicted, period. If they want to carry a gun, let them go HOME and do whatever they want.
Just like Socialism, Banning of guns from the public is a means to prevent the public from defending themselves and ensuring the Government or Dictator is in complete control. We should become more like Switzerland that REQUIRES every citizen to have a gun and learn to respect and use it. WHen the Government gets your guns you will become its slave.
I totally agree.My parents live in SC and carry guns everywhere they go.
Way to play Captain Hindsight, Joe. More people carrying a concealed weapon leads to more gun deaths as more people would be apt to use them in situations where deadly force is NOT needed. This is a tragedy and is heartbreaking, however, these things happen today and is just the way the world is. Maybe less people would have died if someone in the theater was carrying, sure, but in the long run more people will die. Last, let's not forget the killer's use of tear gas (or whatever irritant they have decided it was) so a hypothetical person carrying may have been disabled and not able to use his weapon against the killer.
perfect example of why citizens who want to should be able to arm themselves
"More people carrying a concealed weapon leads to more gun deaths as more people would be apt to use them in situations where deadly force is NOT needed"
More people carrying a concealed weapon leads to more gun deaths? Where did you get that fact? Possibly applies to felons who legally aren't allowed to possess firearms and live in ghettos and shot other felons. But as far as persons legally carrying concealed weapons it is untrue that this leads to more gun deaths.
The guy in CO had so much armor on and without knowing that, if someone had tried to shoot him to stop him it probably would have only resulted in the guy getting angry and shooting them back with better luck.
I do support the idea that tougher gun laws only harm law abiding citizens who have harder time then in being able to defend themselves legally while the criminals will still find a way to get a gun legal or not.
Now go back and re-read what you just wrote. "One citizen who was properly trained." What about the other 19 trigger-happy people who would've just started shooting blindly. From the accounts that I've seen, most people thought it was a theater stunt at first. Some thought they were hearing fireworks. By the time most knew what was going on, it was too late. It's so easy to be a Monday morning quarterback and think you would've shot him down with a single bullet and be the hero of the day. By having more people armed, I'm positive there would've been more deaths from stray bullets, etc. That being said, remember that he but his guns legally and had over 60,000 bullets. Why would someone need so many bullets in the first place?
6,000 not 60,000
Richard, your comment is so out of line it isn't funny.
There wasn't "One citizen who was properly trained." IF they had, they would know the immediate difference between a "stunt" and REALITY.
IF Mike Lewis, (for example) was sitting in that theater, do you really believe he wouldn't know the difference? I know of a LOT of people who have military training who would know the difference as well. The shooter would be lying dead on the floor instantly, as he should be.
You asked why someone should have 60,000 bullets, because it's their right as an American. I have friends who have MILLIONS of rounds, probably to protect people like you.
So you go ahead and SAVE jackasses like this shooter and let him go to jail for the rest of his life.
Your comments suggest people shouldn't have as many bulets as they can afford. Your a scary individual who has forgotten how America was founded. May God protect future generations.
people kill; not guns.
don't take my guns from me; ever.
It is very unlikely that someone in the audience with a gun would have made any significant difference. Of course if most of the audience was toting iron then it may have -- and also may have caused even more fatalities.
Some times the tree of liberty needs to be watered with the blood of patriots-Thomas Jefferson
Long live the second amendment
You liberal idiots that think law abiding citizens carrying guns would cause more deaths are dead wrong. Statistics prove just the opposite. States were citizens carry weapons have less crime and fewer deaths. You don't even realize most all states were you are allowed to carry requires you to take classes in gun safety and responsibility. No one wants to go through the hassle that goes with shooting someone. But when it means life and death it is nice to have the option to defend yourself.
i wonder if this richard christy dude knows how many guns are in america right now.
i'm guessing no
becuase only an idiot would say what he did
"trigger happy??" that right there shows me all i need to know about good ole richard
do us all a favor ricky, move to canada
But you're claiming that everyone should be armed. You can't compare Mike Lewis and the average guy on the street. MIKE IS LAW ENFORCEMENT. You said that they can't be everyone. So how can you compare his training and experience with the average person with a gun?
Some are quick to jump on the gun control bandwagon but this problem goes much deeper.
These mass killings and school shootings are a recent phenommenon. More importantly than gun control would be to get into the pathology of why these young men (mostly) kill.
There has been some correlation made between the use of Ritalin and school shootings.
Hey 12:10 Everyone is required to get license before operating a vehicle but we still have plenty of car accidents. You're going to compare the training that the military and police receive to those who own guns?
All these 'ifs'.
I'm sure the theater had a sticker on their doors that banned guns from the premise. Only the gunman had a gun.
If someone else had a gun, he could have laid covering fire and let more escape.
If the roof fell down, everyone would have been killed.
If someone had noticed the exit door being blocked open, and closed it, he wouldn't have been able to enter.
If this never happened, I wouldn't have to read such bs.
Richard, again, my Post stated a "properly trained" person. I used Mike Lewis as an example but I also added by saying a military person as well.
Do YOU or anyone else believe that this kid woulod have walked into that theater and pulled this IF he knew everyone else in that theater may have had a weapon on them? My Post said ONE but IF we had the right to carry there would have been 50 people in there with weapons. LOOK at the Post below this one. Perhaps that video will wake you up.
I'll add, the kid was heavily protected because he was afraid he might get shot. While he has a proven mental condition he was sane enough to be that scared someone might try to kill him by wearing armor.
I truly believe these sorts of crimes would drop 90% IF the criminals knew there's a strong chance ANYONE could be in there carrying weapons.
So we'll agree to disagree on this matter, respectfully.
To those of you sending in nasty comments attacking me, (Jonathan Taylor) they will not get published. Stick to the facts Jonathan and I'll be happy to publish it.
That being said, perhaps this will help some of you, ESPECIALLY Jonathan Taylor.
It's OK to draft someon at 18 years old or allow them into the military. "PROPERLY TRAINED" they can go out and protect each and every AMERICAN so that they may have the right to bear arms or even give you the FREEDOM OF SPEECH to do what you do.
But it's NOT OK for these same "properly trained" AMERICANS to carry a weapon at all times?
I firmly disgree with some of you.
Question? A Federal Judge struck down Maryland"s concealed carry law a short time ago as being unconstitutional. Does that mean that we can carry now without a permit until a new law is written and signed into law? If anyone has the answer, please comment. Thanks.
"More people carrying a concealed weapon leads to more gun deaths"
Actually, it does not. Researches say concealed carry takes the crime rates down. And life proves this statement, just compare the crime rates in Chicago (concealed carry was banned in 197?)and in Toronto, Canada (concealed carry is permitted).
I said it ten years ago and will say it again. If everyone on the plane was carrying either concealed or openly, no one would ever hijack a plane again. Same goes for theaters, grocery stores, the mall, every public place. Guns carried openly would make almost everyone more polite.
July 21, 2012 11:10 AM and Richard Head Christy are obviously left wing nut liberals who are to stupid to realize guns kill people, not normal law abiding citizens.
I just saw a picture of Jim Ireton at a ribbon cutting cererony for Downtown Wellness Associates on the plaza. The clown was wearing flip flops. I see him attending numberous functions wearing shorts and a t-shirt. This guy is a poor representative of the people of the City of Salisbury. No wonder the city is in such bad shape. We deserve better.
Basic criteria: citizen, at least 18 years of age, no diagnosed psychological issues, no felony criminal record. Maybe a few others. And, please notice that I say Americans. No one who doesn't have citizenship, should be able to have any gun in OUR country.
He met all of these requirements, although I have not read where he has mental issues like others are claiming.
Those who commit mass murders are often angry and isolated, but usually aren't mentally ill, violence experts said Friday after a shooting during the midnight screening of "The Dark Knight Rises" in an Aurora, Colo., movie theater. James Holmes was arrested as a suspect in the shooting that killed 12 people and wounded 59 others.
“It takes a certain degree of clear-headedness to plan and execute a crime like this,” said James Alan Fox, a criminal justice professor at Northeastern University in Boston, who has written several books on mass murder and school violence.
There are exceptions – Jared Loughner, who shot and killed six people in Arizona in 2011, gravely injuring then-member of Congress Gabrielle Giffords, was diagnosed with schizophrenia. Mental health experts say people with mental illness are not any more likely than anyone else to become violent, however.
With all the gun laws we have, all the precautions, you cannot predict when this will happen.
He bought his guns legally. Had no criminal history. He was a student in med school.
Banning other citizens from carrying, even restricting WHERE they can carry, helped him do this.
He obeyed the law and used the laws against the people in the theater.
And some of you want MORE laws?!
NO LAW PROTECTED these people. In fact, the law HURT these people.
Some are worried about stray bullets from armed citizens. Are they any worse than the bullets from the shooter?
Even if there were any 'stray' bullets from citizens, they would have been directed at a common target.
The shooters bullets were RANDOM and directed in all directions.
I'll take the ability to shoot back over cowering behind a movie seat any day, no matter who is shooting back at the gunman.
I agree with you 100% Joe. As a Veteran I have seen and understand the impact of proper gun training. If this Guy knew the theater was full of people who are armed and trained to defend themselves he would of thought twice. But he knew the only possible guns in there criminals. We have allowed ourselves to become the sheep. And the comment about tear gas any service member has been through training for situations like that.( atleast us Marines did)
If carrying a weapon were allowed then maybe this guy would not have taken on the whole movie theater. I think that is point of the post. He could have had possibly twenty weapons firing back. I can tell by their comments the people that are not familiar with fire arms. You don't have to be x military or leo to know to respect a weapon and know how to use it. I grew up with guns, no keys to our house, and the keys in our unlocked cars. I also had a 38 in the glove box when I went out alone at night traveling the long dark roads in southern md, nobody ever got shot or evehaves an accidentally discharged weapon. We also didn't have a lone gunman opening fire on a group of innocent, unarmed citizens in an public place!
A government that wants to take away our guns, is a government that's afraid we might even try and take our country back from it's tax & tyranny.
Dick Christy I shoot more in a year than anyone at the Wicomico County Sheriffs Dept. I know I could double-tap him in the head no problem at 10 rows away with tear gas or not. It's instinct now due to my practice. Wanna test me on that?
The framers of the Constitution new what they were doing. they gave every citizen the right to carry a gun. we the people let our government take it away. we the people really don't care what the government changes as long as it dosen't directly affect us. well guess what, we gave our cuntry away. Time to get involved and get it back.we the people caused what happened in Colorado. You don't feel so good now do you!!!
As much as I HATE to say it Joe, I agree with YOU on THIS topic and this topic only.
if this guy didn't think there was a possibility of someone with a weapon, why would he be wearing full body armor!!
Shooting him with a hand gun would have just pissed him off!!
Colorado has concealed carry. My understanding is that the movie theater prohibits any guns.
Richard, this is your dad. I'm sorry you are wrong this time bub. we'll talk to you later.
To Richard Christy I guess by your comparison you shouldn't have a drivers license . They should all be taken away unless you are a professional driver or drive to make a living
anonymous 1:55, thanks Julie.
anonymous 2:02, I would have aimed for his head anyway.
anonymous 2:07, TELL THAT to the a-hole who walked in with weapons and killed all those people. Come on people, you ARE smarter then that, aren't you?
Even with full body armor, if he took a 44MAG or a .45 to the head, he's going down, armor or no armor jack!
I agree with Richard Christy. Sounds like many people wished we lived in the good ol' gun-toting days of the Wild, Wild West.
Is it just me, or can anyone else imagine what would happen if everyone was allowed to be a "Gun-Toter"??? Especially with as many drunks there are around here and with as many bars there are in the area, especially in O.C.
We'd probably be hearing about someone getting shot & killed in the news every day.
"With all the gun laws we have, all the precautions, you cannot predict when this will happen."
This statement says it all.
The shooter was obviously afraid to die since he armored himself up, stopped shooting and calmly waited for police to arrest him. He did not want to go out with a bullet so I do believe he went for what he believed to be an easy soft target, a "no guns allowed" theater.
I've got three expert marksmen awards from three separate military training branches. And, I know the difference between "play" and "real" gunfire. He would've gone down with a shot to the chest and a bruised rib and/or a headshot. Period. Law Enforcement can't come close to shooting like a trained Marine. Lewis is nothing compared to the real thing. And, they come in all ages who can defend the helpless. Just look at what a 61 year old man did with two thug wanta be's. And, no one else got shot, you idiot! I'm tired of you pansy liberals speaking about things you have no idea what you're talking about. Crawl under your rock! And, stay there!
Wow! I'm shocked! Ten years ago after 9/11 I said arm everyone on the plane and when the DT printed that, I was shot down like a row of machine guns hit me! Now Everyone agrees with me? Must be the different media I write on!
I've been carrying a weapon for 40 years. I have had a few times in those years that I could have used it. I did not use it , and I'm glad. The situations were different and my life and other people were in danger , but , we handled it the right way.
I chose not to kill or wound , and he or they knew I meant business.
It's a rare occasion , so think it through quickly.
People kill people with guns , knives , ice picks, poison and many other items.
Insane? idiots kill people.
I really mean that bad people kill people. Insanity is just a word for an excuse.
5:47 PM
Thank you. I, for one, appreciate your calm and reasonable comment.
Are you blaming the victims for not carrying guns? It is their fault that some lunatic came into the theatre ready to kill?
Everyone that is talking about concealed carry permits is missing the point. This guy came in with an assault rifle, a gun created forth sole purpose of shooting as many people as possible in the least amount of time. These are the weapons that need to be banned. No ordinary citizen needs these for any justifiable reason.
I just can't believe that the majority of Americans want to go to movie theaters, fly on airplanes, spend time in crowded public spaces knowing everyone has a gun and everyone is certain that they are crack shots. Really??? You folks seriously think this is a good idea? Why would we even need law enforcement? Sign me: Scared liberal.
5:59 PM
Number one, who are you referring to?
Who are you to decide what a justifiable reason is?
The second amendment is the only justifiable reason needed.
If he didn't have these weapons, he would have had others.
In a perfect world, we would not need any weapons.
I don't know about you, but I have never seen let alone lived in a perfect world.
They could pass a hundred new and improved gun laws after this, and it won't change a single thing.
And I seriously doubt they would stop this from happening again.
Oh, you could ban movie theaters. That would pretty much stop this from happening again.
But I bet you like the movie theaters, don't ya?
should Jonathan Taylor be allowed to pack a pistol in a public place?
Many of the readers need to read...reread(?) the 2nd amendment. It gives the right of the people to have an armed militia (read police force). The Supreme Court interpreted this to mean we are also able to have a weapon in our homes for protection/safety. The Founding Fathers did NOT propose that we arm ourselves and settle disputes in a violent manner. Seriously ignorant dialogue in this blog on a daily basis. I read it, but I also read the NY Times, Washington Post and numerous periodicals. Well informed is well armed.
Hey 5:59
Idiots will obtain a weapon , legal or not. Most auto-weapons are illegal. You can still buy them on the streets anywhere.
Wake up 5:59 , smell the roses , you missed the boat.
Send them to jail for a long time or hang them. Want to stop crime , cut off their limbs.
When I see the enemy , identfy and eliminate. Fast and effective!
Then go eat dinner and watch some TV.
5:59 Your spin is astounding. Right out of the Socialist/democrat play book. YOU are missing the point.
Guns had nothing to do with this psychotic murderer.
No one is BLAMING the victims. The Effing LAW is what killed these people. Blame the law.
"Concealed carry is not allowed in venues with 2500 persons or more capacity."
The LAW is what kept these people from defending themselves or the imminent death of others.
police can do nothing to prevent someone's mind from being capable of committing such acts. (That has been nurtured in the liberal controlled public education system for 40 years.)
But, this guy was imitating the police to the tee. People thought he was SWAT. Even the cop that he surrendered to first thought he was SWAT.
If ordinary citizens can't have the weapon of their choice, why should police? They already ban full auto for "citizens" and not for police. That should be reversed also because the psycho's have no legal or moral restrictions.
We should be allowed as the CONSTITUTION defines the right to keep and bear arms. Anywhere, anytime. BAD GUYS DIE.
Not ordinary citizens.
Bad guys think twice about being bad when police are nowhere to be seen. The positives far outweigh the negatives as our forefathers intended. Win win.
Get it?
Hey Gary Bullard...seems as though you are reading what comments you wish to read.
Not "everyone" does agree with you as you claim, so I hope you did not already pat yourself on your back.
Let somebody try that crap in Texas and see they get. There were several members of the military there and I can assure you they would have taken care of this whack job. One of the guys that died had been in the military and shielded his wife. He took a bullet for her and died. They both would have been killed if it wasn't for his actions. They have 2 small children. He did exactly what he was trained to do.
Richard Christy and his ilk are bleeding heart left wing liberals with an anti-gun, big government agenda. The truth is that his statements about trigger happy people shooting randomly and harming others in an attempt to bring down the bad guy is a falsehood and isn't based in fact. Virginia has an open carry law. Anyone who isn't banned from possessing a firearm can carry a loaded sidearm openly. Most choose not to but can. This isn't a new law. It's been around forever. WE need to change the way we look at things. Guns are NOT inherently bad. WE are responsible for protecting ourselves. I'm not blaming the victims in this case but I would point out that every law abiding adult who was killed or injured 15 seconds after this incident began was an adult who failed to possess a survival mentality. Hell even boy scouts know to "be prepared". Most of us live in this fantasy lland where everyone treats everyone else with love and respect. The Aurora incident is a reminder that those who live this fantasy may ultimately pay a steep price for underestimating the capability of some human beings who walk among us. There is no way to know who they are. They may have never been convicted of a crime or been committed to a mental institution. It may not involve a gun...maybe a knife...or a container of household chemicals. The point is that the warrior mentality is the only one to have if you want to increase your chances of surviving any harmful encounter.
1) Situational awareness......know your surroundings.
2) Be capable physically and mentally of protecting yourself...carry a weapon...legally or not.
3) Train yourself to be ready to respond to save your live of that of your family member with little notice.
4) Be proficient with your weapon. Know your limitations because you will be responsible for your actions.
5) Have a warrior mentality.....it may save your life.
6) Police can't be everywhere. In 2005 Supreme Cort Justices Ruled Police Do Not Have a Constitutional Duty to Protect Someone.
Aurora, Columbine, and others should be a wake up call that the nanny state, cradle to grave, big goverment idea simply doesn't work......but the second amendment will. But it's whatever.
5:59.....you are blind. There is nothing in the constitution that requires you to demonstrate the "need" to exercise a constitutional right. People like you are the reason this country has degraded to it's current condition....but that's ok......Obammy will fix it all. Like he did the economy.
No, 559, no weapon should be banned. When the perpeteators come for you with those guns, which they will because they have them without regard to any law out there because they can you will still be shot and killed. dead. as if there is no law starting sentences with capital letters dead. THESE PEOPLE DO NOT FOLLOW 'rules". I want what they have, especially if they are LEO.
He started off with a shotgun, 5:59! Do you want to ban shotguns? The assault weapon ban was just a way to start a list that would grow and grow and eventually ban all guns. Do you know what incrementalism is?
3:54...do you know how many people you come across every day, in traffic, at the store, etc, who are carrying a gun? Obviously not, since you have fallen, head over heels, hook line and sinker, for the pansy-ass idea that if citizens were allowed to carry guns, all hell would break loose and chaotic bloodshed would rule the land. Most people, just like me, don't give a damn what the police think, or what the government thinks, or what people like you think. We carry weapons to protect ourselves and know 99.99% of the time we will never need it. It's that .001% that can mean the difference between a thug(s) taking my life or me taking theirs. You are likely one of those who will feel sorry for the killer thug because his dad was mean to him. I'll feel sorry for him for crossing the wrong person. And Christy, where are you getting these stats and suppositions? From the Book of Made-up Bullshit?
For the person asking about Maryland's law, You must still apply and be issued a permit to carry a handgun in MD. The judge only ruled that it was not right for the MSP to make you prove that you needed to carry.
Assualt rifles ARE necessary for the people to have. Do you think Jefferson would have told Washington that he could only use single shot pistols while resisting and fighting the British (their GOVERNMENT at the time)? The right to bear arms was specifically written to allow citizens to be able to resist, fight and overthrow a tyrannical government. We are going to be able to do that with what? Snub nosed .38 specials? Get real.
It doesnt matter, 559pm what the weapon of choice was for the crime. What matters is the intention and reason the killer had in mind. Whatever happened after that has nothing to do with the caliber, design, or model of gun used! Nor has it anything to do with the second amendment, which may have minimized the damages here.
Guns don't kill people, people kill people, squirrels, rabbits, deer, turkeys, and a whole lot more!AND ITS OKAY, except for the peole part. GET IT?.
Colorado is a carry state. The theatre didn't allow guns. There were ex military who were shot and killed. Sadly unless you came through a propped side door like the sicko that did this, all the marksman bravado wouldn't matter when a semi automatic is being sprayed like a sprinkler across a theatre with the vantage point he possessed. Our focus and total energy should be in prayer for the victims!
"Colorado has concealed carry. My understanding is that the movie theater prohibits any guns."
Looks like that movie theater has a big law suit coming then since they obviously did not enforce this.
There are MILLIONS of military veterans in this country who have been trained in the proper use of firearms.
A ready army.
They should be able to get a concealed carry permit automatically, as long as they have no felony convictions or violent history that would preclude the issuance of the permit.
Imagine how much safer we would be with the additional protection in our midst... and the bad guys would know they were there and armed, too.
you are the epitome of misinformed moonbat running their mouths and spweing worthless gobblygook that is so wrong, on so many levels, it deifies categorization
you and ricky should form a commune and move to north korea.
assault rifle is a defensive weapon, designed to shoot lots of boolets at advancing enemies.
you think the government socialists would rather the serfs be armed with assault rifles, or pitch forks when they come?
and come they will
history, how does it work?
You never hear about all the times gun carrying people have save lives or protected people because the liberal media dont want you to know.
The gun control people should present a plan:
1) to get all the criminals' guns away from them. Like this will happen.
2) to keep all firearms from persons with serious mental health issues.
3) to ensure that hunters can keep their guns. No, I'm not a hunter.
4) to keep firearms legal in the home, for all persons to protect their lives, homes, and property.
Then we can start negotiating.
Again, like you can ever take guns away from criminals. Either figure out how to do that, or go away (far away) and concentrate on Sec. 8 housing and taxing the rich.
An armed society is a polite society. Nuff said!
9:33 PM
I would re-visit the felon clause also.
Having a felony does not automatically make one violent as there are all kinds of felonies.
I am more concerned about a felon being elected to office than I am 'some' felons carrying a weapon.
And why should that be a lifetime punishment anyway? Some killers and others are not punished for life.
Looks like that movie theater has a big law suit coming then since they obviously did not enforce this.
July 21, 2012 9:09 PM
Don't know why I am even going to answer such an asinine statement, but I will remind you that he left the theater and entered an exit door he propped open after buying a ticket and sitting in a seat.
anonymous 6:12, whty shouldn't he. He's not a criminal and he has every right to do so.
should Jonathan Taylor be allowed to pack a pistol in a public place?
July 21, 2012 6:12 PM
Depends on what you mean by 'pack'.
@12:56 concerning md's concealed carry. Check out the maryland shall issue website. The info there should answer most of your questions
Ocean City seems to be able to pass any law they want that is contrary to Maryland state law; i.e. K2 outlawed, Scoot Coups, Salisbury should pass a law allowing conceled carry for us good citizens, than we could help lower our local crime rate!
A 4 sentence post brings in over 70 comments. Only on Salisbury News!
9:54 you are way off base. The 2nd amendment right is a basic human right. It's not subject to negotiation. The constitution says "Shall not be in fringed". Period.
Many good sensible posts (and some not too sensible) bur living in a carry state, Florid, and having a permit, I know of some people here that have permits but I question their ability to use one. It is so simple to get a permit here. I know of a couple women who have no military, LEO experience, never go to the range, etc and they carry a weapon. I can imagine if 30 - 40 people of all ilks were armed in that theatre and all started opening fire, it would be like the Gunfight at Ok Corral with many more deaths or injuries. The aformentioned incident involving the 71 (at least that is the age that was reported here, not 61) was in a small internet cafe with few customers so possible casualties were limited. And I agree with the one post...If an armed citizen had shot at him he best not miss because he was going to get sprayed with automatic fire or shotgun pellets. It was just a shame. Wish the arresting officer(s) had just eliminated him on the spot.
JT would fall under psychotic, and would not be eligable.
WAAAAAAA WAAAAAAAAA WAAAAAAAAA come on people goal oriented crazy person can do what they want to. Five armed cops in parking lot would not have helped. It took seconds for this guys to get off the rounds he did. Now with that said we can not live in fear. I think we should all be allowed to carry. As long as you do not have a felony record.
The bull crap that we would be shooting up the city is crazy. Person A shoots person B for no reason quess what person C shoots A. problem solved all the way around. We would have a much safer society in a year ot two. The little thug that robs our loved ones. He is dead. Problem solved.
It would definately reduce the gene pool of many of these mouth breathing hood rats.
Criminals are armed. The honest American is not. As for Mike Lewis being there he would have to stop Gary from scearming like a girl to get a shot off. Superman wears Mike Lewis underwear. lol
If we all get ten bullets a year that we could use in the name of bettering America I think it would take about six months and America would be a God Fearing, Patriotic place to live again. I know i would be a nicer person. lol
They did not allow guns in the movie theater. Some think that taking away guns is the answer. WRONG. Look at what this guy had waiting at his home for anyone that entered. If he didn't have access to guns he would have just used some type of bomb.
"Anonymous said...
WAAAAAAA WAAAAAAAAA WAAAAAAAAA come on people goal oriented crazy person can do what they want to. Five armed cops in parking lot would not have helped. It took seconds for this guys to get off the rounds he did."
"seconds?" I believe I heard a witness say 20 minutes he was shooting, stopped at one point and continued using another gun.
I'm not buying the argument Jack and others are making in regards to chaos erupting and the Wild West scenario happening if there had been someone in the theater having the opportunity to shoot back at the shooter. It's not been proven so it's not logical to conclude.
It appears as if the opposite has been true and situations that could have turned into mass fatalities have been controlled by some people legally carrying guns.
Considering the overwhelming majority of gun crime is committed by those who possess weapons illegally that is where the gun grabbing should be concentrated.
If the state police spent as much money time and effort into going after felons with guns instead of looking for every excuse to deny a law biding citizen a carry permit quite possibly there would be a difference in not only murder but armed robberies.
This is just the tip of the iceberg! There is a lot of anger and frustration, especially among the unemployed both in the very young and those over fifty. This country is a simmering pot about to boil over.
I think the batman movie has touched a nerve, especially with the disenfranchised in society with college degrees and skills that are no longer wanted or needed because their job has been outsourced overseas!
This country is becoming just like Mexico. You have the very rich and the very poor and little or no middle class.
I blame both political parties for the mess we are now in. We are now paying price for the free trade agreements that were quietly imposed, starting in the eighty's to present. The only ones getting rich are the corporations, wall street bankers, and the government officials in bed with the corporations.
It's the 1780's all over again!
Scott @ 9:25 presents a valid & logical point. The middle class is dwindling, as the amount of people in upper & lower classes are rapidly increasing.
There is a fine line between sanity and insanity, and the "American Greed" of our politicians is "cramming" common citizens into the poor house while saving the corporations that are losing billions of $$$.
The greed of our SELFISH politicians is unrightfully sending many hard-working SELFLESS Americans into unemployment, poverty and homelessness at a FAST rate which will unfortunately result into them resorting to uncivilized & barbaric desperate measures.
Stories similar to this tragedy will continue, as the suicide rate in the U.S. will rise UNLESS...our government resorts back to the selfless ways of our Founding Fathers.
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