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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Pentagon to Mark Gay Pride Month

Last summer, gays in the military dared not acknowledge their sexual orientation. This summer, the Pentagon will salute them, marking June as gay pride month just as it has marked other celebrations honoring racial or ethnic groups.

In the latest remarkable sign of change since the military repealed the "don't ask, don't tell" policy, the Defense Department will soon hold its first event to recognize gay and lesbian troops. It comes nine months after repeal of the policy that had prohibited gay troops from serving openly and forced more than 13,500 service members out of the armed forces.

Details are still being worked out, but officials say Defense Secretary Leon Panetta wants to honor the contributions of gay service members.



Anonymous said...

Another black eye to our once great nation.

Anonymous said...

Before there was "Gay Pride" there were The Few, The Proud, The Marines. And the Marines don't have, don't want, and don't need a special month.

Having a special celebration for gays and lesbians (there is a difference?) dilutes the very esprit de corps that the military tries so hard to establish. Fools!

Anonymous said...

this is disgusting. what has happened to our nation. slidding fast. pray

Anonymous said...

Yoo Hoo!! Say fella's wanna get ur drunk on and do the nasty.

The thought of honoring a homosexual is repulsive.

Anonymous said...

we're here. we're not queer. get used to us.

Anonymous said...

How about you people grow up? - David Hearne

Anonymous said...

Im surprised that the minority makes the laws for the majority now.

Anonymous said...

This is why the military cant win a war with 2 backward nations who have no armor division, no air force, and no navy. They are a bunch of pansies!