The images you see above are just a select few of the hundreds I took while investigating the Salisbury Waste Water Treatment Plant. Many of you are familiar with this story as it was taking place around 7 years ago.
I simply drove right up to their front door and started walking the grounds. They had no idea who I was and never questioned me. There was a lot of construction going on and I was fairly new to the Blogging World at the time.
Once I was able to record and document all of the illegal activity I contacted the MDE. They came to my home and started viewing the pictures and could not believe what they were seeing. They had no idea there was a sludge pit in an area the City clearly designed to be hidden from the rest of the world. They were illegally pumping water by the millions of gallons into the River.
All the while former Mayor Barrie P. Tilghman was going public stating the WWTP was 99% compliant with the MDE, it was untrue. She was always claiming it was on time and under budget.
Barrie Tilghman and Council President Mike Dunn were telling people I was a liar and the information I was publishing was not true. THE PICTURES DO NOT LIE and that is exactly why the MDE immediately created a task force and spent 3 straight days down at the WWTP writing violations.
There even came a time when they started putting colored stickers on their construction helmets in order to make sure if Joe Albero walked on the property people would be able to tell because I didn't have the blue sticker, LMAO! The workers immediately told me about the stickers. There were NO, "no trespassing signs" anywhere at that Plant until my pictures were published. Now there's a fence around the entire Plant.
Then Barrie Tilghman allegedly tried to have a NO FLY ZONE created over the WWTP because I stated I'd simply go up in a plane and take pictures, in which I did.
So I believe the Citizens of Salisbury should reward former Mayor Barrie P. Tilghman with the honor of proposing to renaming the WWTP the Barrie P. Tilghman WWTP. I can't wait for the election, how about you?
New Posts to fall below.
Oh yeah you'll get my vote.
1) That is hilarious.
2) You have to rename it as such.
3) You will be a great mayor.
So you are stating the fiasco was entirely Barrie Tilghman's fault and no one else was involved.
You are my hero. It really takes the pain away.
I just love it. What a legacy.
Barrie "Is A Waste" Tilghman
It is forward thinking like yours that is going to turn this city around.
John Jacobs sure left town fast.
How about this:
Barrie's Biggest Boondoogle"
I've a feeling that many elected officials will go down in the very near future
I guess the shoe must fit if you can't print the comment about your less than mayoral attitude.
It is the poultry growers fault so busted!!
The sad part of this whole thing is the damage done to the land and our river. It will be years before this can be reversed if at all. As far as the namimg...makes sense...afterall they're both turds.
This is why we need you joe . This good old boy network has to end!
They should gather a big salad bowl full of that waste sludge and make everyone responsible for this disaster eat it.
This city will never be right!
Bye Bye Jimmie Boy!!
I am relived to know help is on the way.
Only 14 months away and things will start to turn around.
Can't wait until the Mike Lewis's of the world get voted out!
Classic, I love it... Even Colborne Dykes would love that one Joe...
Sounds like the former mayor in mention is full of sludge...
I love the way you said "human feces" That's the worst kind.When most folks step in a pile of dog crap they complain.I guess we consider ourselves more highly evolved because we "supposedly" have a safe place to put ours.Ours is much much worse.
Mayor Ireton is metaphorically swimming in the stuff. And he is not smart enough to crawl out of it and stand in the rain like the guy in the movie.
I would rather that you name just the discharge pipe after her.
There will come a time when the plant actually works and she'll be mistakenly remembered as the person who made it so.
Its about time the community stand up and give her a taste of her own medicine. I get reminded every time I get a bill what she did to us. She should be reminded of what we think of her too. I do every time I flush.
12:52, If you think of Barrie Tilghman, every time you flush, that's just weird!
This is really sad. All the money wasted and all this damage done to the waterways because certain people did not do their due diligence and were in to much of a hurry to push something through so it looked like they were accomplishing something. They accomplished something alright.
Thank God for Mrs Cohen and Mrs Campbell and Mr Spies who don't have the attitude other have of hurry up and get this done.
There's been too many multi million dollar fiascos in Salisbury already.
You said it all 1:36
What makes me believe you will fulfill your promises?
Liarton and Louweasel didn't!!
I love it. You are gonna have the dream team working 24 hours a day trying to keep you from getting elected. You have three votes from our house Joe. Everyone is talking about it and I have yet to hear anyone say they won't vote for you. Its in the bag dude.
Renaming it is cute but do you think these people will ever have to pay for their behavior? Will anyone be punished or is this just another distraction to steal millions from the folks of Salisbury? As mayor will you investigate it further and take action against those who polluted our land and wasted our money?
I can't wait for the next election either. ALBERO FOR MAYOR
This settlement also makes it tough for Dunn to run for mayor on his record of failures and lies.
How many comments do you see on here that say something negative about Joe as Mayor...
To me, they're all F.O.S.!
Be careful for what you wish for. The next Mayor is going to need to determine how the City of Salisbury is going to pay that addition $60,000,000 to complete repairs to the WWTP. This will certainly require a huge tax increase on Salisbury residents. You maybe the hero now, but the next Mayor is going to need to find $60,000,000 from somewhere or someone.
This is exactly why you will serve us proudly. You tell the truth even if it hurts.
The money will there because Joe knows how to run a business and make it successful.
I just hope Joe is able is fix all the problems before it is to late.
Joe you should have open house next Friday. A Meet and Greet for 3rd Friday.
Just Sayin....
Reading your blog and having a snack at the same time NOT A GOOD IDEA!!
These pictures are very disturbing. Without you we never of had the truth. How long we can keep our head in the sand?
Do they still have leaks?
I feel for you Joe, yet I compliment your Integrity & values.
It's terrible the corruption going on in this town & has done for so maby yrs now. It'll take a long time to get things straight again!!
The 3 on the council work their hearts out to not let "these type things get by them & are all for the protection of the people. Some just cannot see that ---Unbelievable!!
You'll win Joe---know it! You've a lot to work on "fixing" of the Mess that has beenb made in this county!
You are going to be the HOTTEST Mayor Ever!!!!!
Anonymous 6:11pm-
You took the words right out of my MOUTH!
Thanks for reminding us of this. Out of site out of mind.
Just a quick 5 minute Google search and you can find multiple law suits this company is involved in and has been involved in dating atleast back to 1979.
Why wasn't that picked up on?
The company that I worked for when contracting out jobs, we would literally toss their list of references in the trash that were given to us by them. We did ask them what states they have done business in and then had someone check the various courts to see if any lawsuits had been filed. This is a common practice in the industry when dealing with 10's of millions of dollar projects. I believe most cities and towns do similar fact finding before signing on with a company or contractor. The mayor and council at the time were very much asleep at the wheel, and not taking their job or their reponsiblities seriously.
Anything that works should not have the name barrie t (no caps deserved) connected to it
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