The Pimp My Ride story we brought to you yesterday brought in 17,007 views for one story alone.
How's that Main Stream Media thing working for you now Sheriff????? Come on by, we'll show you the numbers. That's 1/2 of every human being in Wicomico County.
This man is a legend in his own mind! He is one of the most arrogant human beings God gave breath to. Wicomico made a huge mistake electing and re-electing this type of person to any office. He doesn't deserve to be the janitor in a school, that job has too much dignity for this man to tarnish.
He needs a new set of bling rims and some 20's. Maybe some bitchen wheel well lights and hydraulics. What are 20's anyway?
20's are rim size I believe.
OMG...Maybe someone would take him seriously if he did'nt sound like an illiterate carnival barker.
To which half of the human being are you referring?
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