Donald Trump, Jr. and Eric Trump have drawn the ire of PETA after photos surfaced showing the brothers on a wild game hunting trip in Zimbabwe last year.
TMZ first posted photos from the trip under the headline, "Donald Trump's Sons Ignite War Over Animal Butchery." During the hunting trip, the Trump sons reportedly killed a number of exotic animals, including an elephant, crocodile, kudu, civet cat and waterbuck.
The photos were criticized by the animal rights organization PETA, who said in a statement toHollywood Life:
"Like all animals, elephants, buffalo, and crocodiles deserve better than to be killed and hacked apart for two young millionaires' grisly photo opportunity. If the young Trumps are looking for a thrill, perhaps they should consider skydiving, bungee jumping, or even following in their anti-hunting father's footsteps and taking down competing businesses—not wild animals. If the Trumps want to help villagers, they have plenty of resources at their disposal."
Hunting is legal and in a lot of cases a necessity.
Unless you are hunting to feed yourself or your family I have never understood how people go out and kill just for the sake of killing. There is no sport to it. Man with a gun and an animal is no contest. The animal will lose. It seems to be about pride and bragging. Hey I killed this or that animal. Kind of makes humans pretty barbaric huh.
Good shooting.
peta who? hunt,fish,harvest. cycle of life.
consider the source of this article. don't be so naive.
The leftist don't want us to have the ability to feed ourselves they want us all on welfare.
2:55 they were hunting to feed people! Is it too much to ask that people read an article before developing and spouting an uninformed opinion? Isn't that the very least you can do?
PETA kills dogs and cats!?!? Their shelter is NOT a no-kill shelter. How can they try to assert themselves and put themselves on some sort of moral high ground when they kill HARMLESS house pets?
PETA has my respect. I believe that stands for People Eating Tasty Animals.
Can't we just hunt liberals?
1:33 I did read the article. Maybe you should. No where does it say they were hunting to feed anyone. As for PETA yes they
do kill far too many dogs and cats. Although all shelters have to as ignorant people won't spay and neuter their animals. As far as hunting exotic wildlife there is no reason other then to say you have a trophy.
Hunting as a sport----not the traditional "shooting fish in a barrel" type where all sorts of bait is used to lure the unsuspecting animal in for the kill-----Giving the meat to the needy, or for themselves to eat & not doing overkill seems----Fine.
Any other way is nothing but killin to kill----it's no sport when they aren't hunted!!
Actually the type of hunts described are what's called "Tribal or Village Permits" The hunters involved pay a very kind upfront bundle of money and then donate every bit of the meat to those that owned the rights to the permit. A friend of mine has been fortunate in that he's been on several of these and all he talks about is how grateful the folks are for the meat. You see when you can't afford shoes you don't buy a gun and hunting equipment. These folks are dealing often times with the deadliest game which can only be killed one way and only by those that have the equipment to get the job done. This is information I have first hand knowledge of not something from somebody with ulterior motives!
How is hunting a sport. Football Basketball Soccer. Those are sports. Some. Animals have been hunted to extinction for what you call sport. I bet if I stalked and shot humans it wouldn't be considered sport it would be murder. Why do people think animals are here for humans to do whatever they want to them. My bible says God gave us custodianship over the animals. Seems like we have done a hell of a crappy job. Hunting to eat is one thing hunting for so called sport is just wrong.
Kill to eat only!
yes 5:27, PETA does stand for people eating tasty animals. for the life of me i can't figure out why they are always complaining.
i've said it before; they need to get a "real job". for the most part they are ignored; similar to al gore and his crazy theories about something called global warming.
Had you read the article 2:55 you would have read this:
Despite of the backlash, Trump Jr. has made no apology for his actions, and responded to angry tweets from animal lovers and activists with some of his own.
“You think we wasted the meat? It fed a village for a month… I’m a hunter, I won’t cower from that because of some losers,” he said via Twitter. “Actually the money from hunting fees preserves animals and habitat. Complaining does nothing. Bottom line is without hunters $ there wouldn’t be much left of Africa. Nothing we hunt is endangered, that’s just how it’s spun by anti-hunters."
If you kill it you have to eat it. All of it.
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