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Monday, January 30, 2012

With Oil Pipeline To US On Hold, Canada Eyes China

The latest chapter in Canada's quest to become a full-blown oil superpower unfolded this month in a village gym on the British Columbia coast.
Here, several hundred people gathered for hearings on whether a pipeline should be laid from the Alberta oil sands to the Pacific in order to deliver oil to Asia, chiefly energy-hungry China. The stakes are particularly high for the village of Kitamaat and its neighbors, because the pipeline would terminate here and a port would be built to handle 220 tankers a year and 525,000 barrels of oil a day.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Obama and your job killing agenda

Anonymous said...

All of you scream "job killing agenda" but have trouble pointing to any sound facts to support your claim. I'm not surprised.

Anonymous said...

1:40 you need to lay of the crack pipe and get off of welfare so you make sound judgements.