Tomorrow morning at 8:00 AM I will be providing what I feel is by far the most important message Salisbury News has ever delivered. I am asking you not only to stop in tomorrow morning, (or any time tomorrow) to view this message, I am also asking you to please let others know it is available. I'm very confident once you see it you'll be more than happy to ask others to come here and see it.
I do not often ask our readers to reach out and encourage others to come to Salisbury News. However, I'm doing so now because it's that important. I'm NOT looking for the "hits" to drive our numbers up, we already enjoy an audience far and beyond what we had ever dreamed of. However, once you see this important message you'll want to encourage others to see it as well. At that time you'll truly appreciate why we are reaching out to more than just the normal every day traffic. You'll be proud to ask your business associates, friends and family to view what we have provided.
Spread the word Ladies and Gentlemen. Tomorrow will be a very big day.
Please tell me you are posting Jim Ireton's resignation!
I posted this as public on my facebook page stating that this is the only news I trust.
Petition to oust Ireton? Got my signature!
I will work the streets and go door to door to get a petition signed. I will also take the time to confirm they are registered voters.
WMDT is reporting that Wilbur was fired except representing the Waste Water treatment plant lawsuit.
2:49, their report is almost word for word from the Daily Times. Things that make you go hmmmm.
Joe, I hope your big news is that you will build SBYnews into a print and TV organization to compete with the losers in Salisbury MSM. No one can believe anything in the paper or on TV any more.
Mr. Wilber:
Thanks for the bad memories!
2:49, their report is almost word for word from the Daily Times. Things that make you go hmmmm.
January 14, 2012 4:31 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Joe, I hope your big news is that you will build SBYnews into a print and TV organization to compete with the losers in Salisbury MSM. No one can believe anything in the paper or on TV any more.
January 14, 2012 5:09 PM
Well, Joe, obviously what you are doing is doing the job, so I wouldn't expect an expansion into other media. Keep on keepin' on!
Or could the truth about the BOE be unfolded right here on SBY News.....
Is Jim Ireton getting fired from the BOE?
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