DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, November 27, 2011
The Shocking Truth About The Crackdown On Occupy
US citizens of all political persuasions are still reeling from images of unparallelled police brutality in a coordinated crackdown against peaceful OWS protesters in cities across the nation this past week. An elderly woman was pepper-sprayed in the face; the scene of unresisting, supine students at UC Davis being pepper-sprayed by phalanxes of riot police went viral online; images proliferated of young women – targeted seemingly for their gender – screaming, dragged by the hair by police in riot gear; and the pictures of a young man, stunned and bleeding profusely from the head, emerged in the record of the middle-of-the-night clearing of Zuccotti Park.
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Good piece. I hope the one's who are so down on OWS read this and get past their bias to really understand what is taking place.
Yes, because protesters who assault and rape others, and attack police officers with bottles/rocks/urine are PEACEFUL lol. That's rich right there. Truth is, if these protesters were peaceful, they wouldn't have been handled like they were. Egging on police in riot gear with bottles of urine, and rock throwing usually doesn't end too well.
I hope the one's who are so down on OWS read this and get past their bias to really understand what is taking place.
November 27, 2011 9:05 AM
I see it's not going to happen. People take one or two instances and paint everybody else with the same brush.
They are in for a rude surprise when, not if but when, it happens to them.
Thank goodness not everyone lays down for such treatment.
When is that little boy going to show up and declare the emperor has no clothes?
And will some still be blind to it?
9:33am must be a Cop or a Cop wanabe. At first I had the same feelings though I must admit. That was until I looked at a whole bunch of the videos and what I see is straight up VIOLENT BRUTALITY on the part of police officers who are supposed to be charged with keeping the piece. I have to admit I am a little tired of this occupy movement but to treat NON VIOLENT protesters the way they are treating them is WRONG!
Lazy, complacent commenter. Your view is so one-sided. Cherry picking certain rare occurrences, repeating mis-information and ignoring details is not good for anyone.
I guess you will be in a panic when the protesters start returning the violence they have been receiving.
I bet you would still be happy living under a king.
The protesters are misfits and losers they are funded and employed as useful idiots by George Soro's and are just part of the bigger movement of ending Capitalism and moving ultimately to a one world government of which we will all be drone slaves.
Did every single Tea Partier think Obama was a Nazi? Did every single Tea Partier bring guns, or Obama=Hitler posters to every rally? No. Several did, but it did not mean that every Tea Parier believed that or acted that way.
Same with OWS. Every group has less-than desireable crazies (see: parties, Republican, Democrat.) The core message does not change, and the entire crowd are not criminals because a few might be.
Funny how the most ardent "anti-police-state," "big-government-is-evil" people completely support police tactics and political policies that attempt to silence OWS.
Which side of the debate are you actually on?
The Tea party got a permit and followed the rules and the law and then went home. The Tea party is not a part of a one world government take over either.
Which side of the debate are you actually on?
November 27, 2011 4:40 PM
I don't think they know. They don't like OWS so as far as they are concerned the police can do whatever they wish to them.
But if the police did this to someone they like, they raise holy hell.
To them, only a select few can have and use rights.
While they throw their own to the wind.
The protesters are breaking the law therefore I support the police enforcing the law! There I said it real slooooow for you.
8 55pm.
Since when is protesting unlawful?
The protesters are breaking the law therefore I support the police enforcing the law! There I said it real slooooow for you.
November 27, 2011 8:55 PM
I will return the sentiment and ask you this. Who do you support when the police are breaking the law?
If you support the police when they use excessive force and ILLEGAL METHODS, I hope they give you a baton across the forehead.
I would support that.
It really bothered me to read about the tactics used to silence the media. Show your credentials and be moved away from the activities in question.
The other thing that bothered me was the possible coordination with Homeland Security. When ordinary citizens exercising their rights to assemble and practice free speech are forcibly prevented from doing so, it makes me wonder who the real domestic enemies of the Constitution are.
We saw both tactics (shutting down the press and suppression of dissenting voices) in use after the BP spill in the Gulf last year.
These protesters are doing something about the problems we all face and they are being portrayed as unorganized because that is what is being shown to you on TV. They are a "real" threat and that is why the powers-to-be are trying to stop them (Occupy, anywhere). It has nothing to do with tea-partiers or George Soros. It is what every pissed-off American is thinking about/ facing and wondering what happened to their retirement. If you only watch cable news or local, World news then you are blinded by their propaganda and beliefs. Open your knowledge base and research for yourself whether Occupy protesters are as stupid as mainstream media wants everyone to believe. Unfortunately for the law enforcement they have been directed by corrupted chief executives of states and cities who have been directed by corrupted power hungry delegates ,congressmen and senators to violently put a stop to these people who are trying to bring awareness to an ever-growing acknowledgement of vast misuse of power in the highest positions of our Country. Did you not read the part on "power-hungry lobbyists vying for position?
There are good and there are bad cops and if you pay attention to these attacks you will see that not all of the officers participate, there is reluctance on the majority to bash innocent, peaceful people protesting their rights. But, on the other hand, there is also discipline if they don't do their jobs, so it is a conundrum. I'm not advocating their violence but I am recognizing that as a career law enforcement officer they have a decision to make about losing their livelihood if orders are not followed.
Sometimes, speaking about something for the sake of seeing yourself in print is not enough ~ research outside of the mainstream media and see for yourself what occupy is about. You will find well-spoken, well-educated people with well-defined missions and this you will not see on any current news. It is buried.
Last week, this blog ran an article about a journalist that was fired by reporting the "real news" versus what he was told to report on. Don't fall into the flap-trap of ignorance and being verbose before you educate yourself on the topic.
Regardless of how old you are you should be concerned about the dictatorship state becoming a reality in our Country and instead of spewing nonsense educate yourself and understand why so many people are part of something.
As a believer of something higher than myself I ask for guidance in my thoughts. Whatever you believe in even it is nothing ask for inner guidance for the best outcome for all.
I do not buy into what I hear or see on TV.
I believe a revolution is coming and civil war will ensue. our current administration is breeding this. The force used was preplanned. Look at the military moves taking place in our own contry. They are preparing for the worse case. This goes all the way to the top. They will introduce laws next to disarm us to prevent the inevitable takeover. It is time to awaken this sleeping monster we call America once again before it is too late.
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