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Tuesday, September 06, 2011


Welcome All! I pray all your clean up is completed from the storm. Also how was your Labor Day, again it is hard to believe we are moving into fall! Life moves fast!

Delmar High; what’s up? As most of you know I grew up in Delmar and am a great fan of the town and school. Now that we have moved back there I’m trying to pay more attention. My cousin Greg shared with me something I need more information on, so if you are out there and know this share with me the answer. During the storm I wondered why the High School was not used as a shelter for those who needed it? I am told it was not built to code for that. If not why not?  In my mind all schools should be built to be multi functional , we pay taxes for that building, and so do many people in all towns of the state, help pay for their schools. There are a lot of retired people in the state who also continue to pay taxes without kids in school. Should they not be able to use the school in case of an emergency? I for one think YES! So if anyone out there knows this is true please let me know why!

Health and Fitness News Watch: Now this next part does not really have anything to do with most of you but I just wanted you to be able to take a peak behind the curtain. First of all I still can’t believe there are still many people who do not know what a Doctor of Chiropractic does. First, most people don’t realize chiropractic school and medical school is the same length of time. Yes that is correct, so then where is the difference? After the diagnosis. Medicine has basically three answers for your problem. 1) drugs 2)inject you 3) cut you. Now again I’m not anti drugs or surgery but our philosophy is let’s try the most natural approach first. After our diagnosis we adjust ( bring the body back to it’s most neutral position to allow the body to heal itself), next we look at your stress, your nutrition, along with pH, how much water you are drinking, and what type of exercise you do. Our goal is to not only get rid of the symptom but to bring your body back to health. Does this science work? Well we have had five different MD’s work with us and they all continue to refer us patience as well as much of the “educated” medical community whom I have worked with over the years. Now let’s look behind the curtain. There is a group who are trying to add drugs to what a Doctor of Chiropractic can do. Let me be clear I am 100% against this as well as is most of our profession. So if you MD”S out there see any legislation out there about this please let me know because I will be happy to do what I can to end it! Why? First it is not in the art, science, or philosophy of a Doctor of Chiropractic. In my assumption it would water down what we do. Yes I do on occasion refer to the MD’s to give a med or even a possible surgery consult. There is only one God and it is none of us that is why I believe there is a time and place for drugs and we already have those professionals in place to handle this. Since 1895 Chiropractic has been a specific and unique profession, my opinion is we keep it that way! Any questions CALL ME 302-629-4344, if not nuff said! Curtain closed !

Politics: Man I get tired of this! One of the liberal T.V. shows started this thing with Rush again. From the start of Obama reign Rush has said He hopes Obama fails. I for one have been in agreement. NOW PAY ATTENTION, I wanted him to fail and yes as Rush explained because we don’t want the economy to decline. Has it over three years? Hard to continue to blame Bush this far out. Do you want employment for Americans who are black? It is about 51% unemployment for Americans who are black, we don’t want that , do you? Throwing money to union companies for so called stimulus money. Seems most unions pay their union dues to re elect Democrats, I don’t like that and have not seen where my tax dollars have made this country one bit better over three years. It has been said many times our disagreement with Obama is not just because he is black but they insinuate that is certainly one of the reasons. Yes, I agree there were probably some uneducated people who did and who did not vote for him because he is black! Please don’t put people like me in that category! I don’t like big government, don’t confuse this with no government. As for segregation the only kind I am for is you are an American or you are not!  I can go on but lack of space stops me. If you are conservative want smaller government, want all to be equal, then take time to get to know us, you may be surprised! Stop segregating this country! I believe it seems race issues have been worse with this president then in the 60’s and 70’s! Let all American’s stop this! Can I get an oh me or an AMEN! Stand up and REPRESENT America!

That’s it for now as always you must choose, remember the POWER lies with you to continue the same beliefs or change! What will you do?

Yours in all areas of life,
Dr. Michael A. Triglia
A.A.S., B.S., D.C.

**Dr Triglia is a Doctor of Chiropractic, if you would like to set an appointment CALL NOW 302-629-4344


Anonymous said...

Delmar High was built to code. However, it cannot be used as a shelter because, I believe, of the amount of glass. Delmar Elementary is acceptable, but does not house a generator.

Anonymous said...

I usually skip over these articles when I read The Guide. I wish I had realized beforehand who this was from and I would have scrolled past it.
This guy is way out there most of the time. There's no way I would want to go to any physician who I felt would try to force their political/religous views upon me, and that's what I feel would happen.

Anonymous said...

Nicely Written Article!

Anonymous said...

I knew Mike in school. He was always smart.He graduated when I was in the 9th grade.Congrads to him for his success and outlook on life.