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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Have You Had A Posh Vacation Lately?

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Anonymous said...

Lady Blah blah, Is living high life on our tax dollars...arrogance!

Anonymous said...

"Moooovin on up" "We finally got a piece of the pie"
Weeezie and George

Anonymous said...

The liberals don't mind. They are to stupid to realize they are paying for it out of their own tax dollars.

Anonymous said...

Very few liberals actually pay taxes.

Anonymous said...

I guess get it while you can. Elections are comming up and they can go back where they came from. Where ever that was?

Anonymous said...

It is a lie of course. But what the heck if you keep saying it enough people will start to believe.

It's all about people like ANON 8:56am wanting to believe something that fits within their ignorance.

thomas augustus littleton said...

Um, there was no cash crunch for the either Bush family, the Clintons, the Reagans, Nixons, Carters or Kennedys, either. Being wealthy & living like a king has become synonymous with being president for fifty years. It does't matter if the president is Democrat or Republican, they and their family are going to live the high life!

The last president I remember acting like a responsible citizen who watched how he spent tax payers money on his personal life was Harry Truman...look up how he & Bess travelled home when leaving office & what he told corporations who offered him high paying jobs after leaving the White House!

Anonymous said...

Make them reimburse the Tax Payer for all non - government related activities / expenses ASAP. They need to start paying their "FAIR SHARE" and practice what they preach to the Tax Payers.

Anonymous said...

It's kinda funny how the MSM has been keeping her off the radar recently....

Anonymous said...

Thieves they should be arrested.

Anonymous said...

To 10:43 Her butt is too big for radar.

Granny said...

Thanks, TAL. Glad to see someone who recognizes balance and doesn't just make comments based on their own ignorance. In answer to the question, yes, I have taken a posh vacation lately. I recommend to all who can afford it. If I were Mrs. Obama, I would get away from Washington whenever possible. Good for her.

Anonymous said...

Just out of curiosity, how do her travel expenses compare to other First Ladies, taking into consideration inflation, etc.. I somehow expect it may not be that different. As was stated earlier it is more a sign of the office than any one party or group. How much of the travel is subsidized by non-taxpayer funds, if any. Again, just curious.

Anonymous said...

9:22, liberals might be stupid, but I bet they know the difference between to and too. Nuf said.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully the Obamas' will both be unemployed soon. They see the writing on the wall. She is taking advantage of the American people while she can. She is probably laughing her head off at us stupid conservatives.

Anonymous said...

How many nights have they actually spent in the White House?

Anonymous said...

Agree with 10:38.

Anonymous said...

When a liberal can no longer rationally defend their position they scour for language and punctuality mistakes. But hey when your a life time student on the tax payers dime I'm glad they learned something even though they will never pay back into the system. I would rather have common sense than an education and no common sense.

Anonymous said...

And what was Camp David for? If the presidents are not going to use it then sell it. I just wonder how much Camp David cost the tax payers yearly to just sit unused. I thought that was for presidential get aways because of the security invested in the property.

jaycee said...

now maybe she can get rid of that "sour puss". does she ever smile?

Anonymous said...

She's taking advantage of the position of her husband. They should have to re pay every dime. Why don't they go to Camp David or their own property to save money? And, who's paying for Uncle Omar and Mom Mom? Come on 2012!!!

Anonymous said...

We prefer to eat--but then we don't have an overflowing cartful of magic "swipe your EBT--it's free" money to spend on inflated-price food
We have tp budget carefully and pay for our own--since $ stolen from our paycheck before we see it is paying for the obese tattooed foodstam shopper I see with full carts--sometimes 2--after the first of every month.
If you are so poor I should subsiuze yoour groceries, how can you afford new big colorful tattoos?