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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Boehner Misses Cuts Target, Postpones Debt Limit Vote

WASHINGTON — House GOP leaders have postponed a vote on a plan to trade more than $1 trillion in spending cuts for an increase in the government's borrowing cap that would be nearly as large.

GOP leaders had promised a vote Wednesday, but Rep. David Dreier of California said Tuesday that the vote was postponed because congressional scorekeepers said the bill won't produce the budget savings promised by House Speaker John Boehner when unveiling it Monday.

Republicans are also struggling to shore up support for the measure among conservatives unhappy over its promised budget cuts.

Dreier said the measure could come to a vote on Thursday after it's modified.

The Congressional Budget Office said Tuesday that Boehner's plan only has about $850 billion in savings over the next 10 years.



Anonymous said...

Blind partisan idealogues, especially the loon wing of the tea party, can't seem to focus on the fact that most economists have been screaming that our problem has to do with spending on the long term; huge cuts now are only likely to hurt the economy.

Blind partisan idealouges on the left can't seem to understand that we can't afford to provide healthcare and living expenses for everyone. Like my mom used to say "stop trying to feed the whole neighborhood"

Anonymous said...

That's sad when the Leader of the congress attempts to hoodwink his own party freshmen. At least some folks read the budget and busted him on it.

Anonymous said...

This just proves it has been Boehner who has bent over backwards and that the Democrats are obstructing the process.