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Friday, June 24, 2011

Today's Survey Question

Do you support releasing 30 million barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve?


Anonymous said...

Yes, if it helps keep prices down. Been done before and it will be done again. That's what its for.

Anonymous said...

I agree with using it as a threat and a hedge against speculation but he released way to much of the reserves that we will have to replace a a higher cost. We need to drill.

Anonymous said...

no , however I do support drilling for more in the U.S..

Anonymous said...

Not sure it is the best plan vs open up drilling again, but gotta love what it has done to the price.

Anonymous said...

Not like it's going to help. The US will go through this in 1 1/2 days. This is nothing more than an election move by a president that is falling in the polls.

Anonymous said...

According to the news report I watched, this oil was on reserve for an "emergency," a sort of rainy-day fund. It is arguable that we are in an "emergency" situation. The idea is to drive down prices, thereby helping the economy because drivers will be more likely to drive this summer and spend while they're on the road. I guess it remains to be seen if the plan works. If one day we have a real emergency, we may regret the action.

Rick said...

No. It was nothing but a PR move. We need to let ourselves develop our own massive oil and natural gas reserves and stop sending billions of dollars to a bunch of dictators and thugs.

Anonymous said...

I don't know. What is the Strategic Petroleum Reserve? How much oil is in it? How is it strategic?

Anonymous said...

Nope, we need to get away from fossil fuels. Finally we are seeing electric cars and motorcycles that are way past due. I know it's gonna be hard but after the transition we will all be better off. Electric cars cost around a penny a mile to run, while fossil fuels cost more than 10 times as much. Plus no carbs, radiators, gears, transmissions, fuel injectors, noise, stink, sending our money oversees, etc...

Anonymous said...

No, I don't support it. Gas dropped but now I see it went back up 6 cents a gallon since yesterday.
It's all a political move and is doing nothing to help the common man.
The price will now skyrocket, you wait and see. In the next month, it'll be right at 4.00/gallon again. It's a a game to them!
Another thing, closely related. Anyone notice your mpg going up about 2mpg lately? That's all a ploy too. I'm figuring that they think, oh, let's give them the good gas to increase their gas mileage so that when we go to 15% ethanol, they won't complain as much. That'll mean our gas mileage probably dropping more than the 2/5 mpg it dropped with the 10% ethanol!
Less miles per gallon + more per gallon price, that's helping us a lot isn't it!

Rick said...

The big misconception is that oil and natural gas are 'fossil fuels'. There is a growing body of evidence that the earth is continuously generating new natural gas and oil with oil wells that were previously thought to be dry yielding new oil. I have nothing against alternative forms of energy as long as they are commercially viable and not mandated by the government.

Anonymous said...

lets drill

Anonymous said...

Absolutely not. Oil was already down about 15% from their highs of the year when the President announced this plan. Mind you, in February he told GMA he "would not tap the SPR" in order to lower the price. As a state senator, he argued against opening up the SPR when Mayor Daly(Chicago) was arguing to open it up to lower prices. The move took oil down temporarily to 90$ a barrel. This is not what the SPR is intended for. It is a political ploy, nothing more. I expect the Pres to tap this again, probably soon after the 30 days are up. The Fed Reserve is out of bullets, and probably running out of ink/paper to print more $$. Just another soon to be deemed fail policy from this administration

1155-The SPR now has roughly 650 million barrels of oil. It is in place in case of natural disaster/war/supply disruptions. This is the largest ever release from the SPR, and it wasn't needed.

Anonymous said...

Rick, do you really think you're so much damned smarter than the thousands of SCIENTISTS and RESEARCHERS and EXPERTS who have told us that oil and natural gas "really are" fossil fuels? Has it ever occurred to you that if you tell people that the fossil fuels are "continuously regenerating" and it's not true, that that would be a great injustice!? How can you be so stupid and shallow? Just because you read on some uncredible misinforming website that fossil fuels... aren't actually fossil fuels, now you think you can come and tell everyone that it's a "big misconception". What is this "growing body of evidence" that eluded scientists for the last century and a half? Unbelievable man, you're a joke.

Anyway I just came here to point out that the US uses millions and millions of barrels of oil every day so I really can't see how releasing 30 million barrels (which is like a day and a half of oil for the US) is going to affect anything. What do you think we would use it for if there were actually an emergency? LOL do you think theyd release it to the general public so that in a state of emergency people can still gas up their SUV's and make a trip down to the local shopping mall? What are you people thinking? It would be used for the MILITARY. And maybe that's not what we need anyway. Also I heard that there is more oil in the Alaskan fields than we have ever been told. I'm not going to come here and LIE to you all like "Rick" here but that's what I heard from Alex Jones.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Fossil fuels is a misnomer. If they admitted oil was replenishing, they couldn't raise prices.

But we all know govmutt and big corps don't lie don't we?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, them radio hosts are the bomb. Let's all listen to them. lol

Anonymous said...

Some of these ppl are stupid! Opening the reserves was wrong for the following reasons:
1) Any relief (15 - 20 cents per gallon) will be short lived. Just like the stimulus, as soon as it runs out the true reflection of our condition will again surface.
2) The emergency reserve was meant to supplement any shortages, not manipulate prices. The price increases reflect the falling value of our dollar - not a shortage.
3) Obama is playing every card he can to increase his polling numbers as we approach an election year. This is another transparent attempt increase those numbers which proves he will try do anything to get re-elected.

Rick said...

To 12:47. It's amazing how uninformed liberals like you live and die on liberal talking points from hacks like Alex Jones. Contrary to your insane rant, I don't think I'm any smarter than anyone else. I do, however, know that I am more informed than you on this subject. Good luck with your electric car and windmill.

Anonymous said...

Rick-Oil isn't replenishing any faster than organic material breaks down within the core of the earth. It's advanced drilling techniques that have allowed oil to be pumped from what was thought to be empty fields. Not replenished fields from Mother Nature.

Anonymous said...

lol boy they got him hook line and sinker. and has the nerve to call others stupid. lol