
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Coyote Shot Near Hebron

Coyote on Cherrywalk, reportedly shot today near Hebron.


Anonymous said...

coyotes have been on the shore for years. its just not well known

Anonymous said...

if this animal was innocent and didnt harm property or pets/lifestock, i want a name. this has gone on for too long. rednecks out here have been shooting feral cats, rabbits, and innocent foxes for the heck of it, and im tired of it. if you did it without reason, i hope you get what you deserve.


Anonymous said...

Almost missed, sure it caught the heart though. Probably dropped in its tracks. Where there is one, there is more. Aim steady.

Anonymous said...

coyotes are not native and wipe out populations such as rabbit,fox , your house pets they even are known to kill fox. they have been migrating down from the upper shore for the last decade. It is said if you see one there is ten more...

Anonymous said...

wtf.. im mad. This isnt right. Isn't this illegal? ...and this what Animal control is for right???? What did this coyote or whatever do to the person that shot it? I want names as well. Who sent this photo to you they should have charges pressed for animal cruelty.

Alex said...

Connor you're right. In fact I hope that whomever shot this creature gets shot too. Stupid rednecks.

Anonymous said...


That innocent fox does a lot of damage digging dens in farm fields.

Bullard Construction said...

Coyote season ended March 15. As much as I and many others would like to be able to take out coyotes and foxes to bring back the rabbit population, this girl was taken illegally. Buy a license so the DNR has the money to run itself, read the book that came with the license, and lobby your congressmen for changes in the laws, but shooting out of season will surely bring you bad news.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Connor. I would love to have had this beautiful animal living on my almost 400 acres and God help the person if someone were to shoot it on my property. Has the DNR been contacted Joe? I have contacted them on occasion for illegal hunters and they have gone out of their way to help me and find the poarchers.
There are coyotes living near the Selbyville/Williamsville area. I don't know if they are native to this area.

Anonymous said...

Check with some of the counties over in Virginia where they had to put a bounty on these critters.
They are nasty, destructive and dangerous. They also breed like rabbits.They wouldnt think twice about making a meal of a family pet.

Anonymous said...

what did he do to anybody to deserve being killed?

Anonymous said...

Climate change and human over population is driving these animals out of their area's causing them to move and become a problem to you. They should not be shot. They should be relocated out west.

Unknown said...

you can take out predators if they are causing damage at anytime. if you call animal control they will come out tomorrow and set a box trap, call NRP and they will have someone there in a few hours. Fox and Coyote are very bad for smaller animals around. We use to have quail around now we don't. We use a nice level feild that the farmer could tend not the farmer can't tend it with out messing up equipment due to fox dens in the fields. Just because it is an animal that people don't know or hear much about does not mean they aren't really bad for the envirnment around here

Anonymous said...

"what did he do to anybody to deserve being killed" He was born a coyote an animal that in western states is considered a pest to be shot on site!Do not try to humanize HIM HE was transplanted here in an attempt to rebuild a native population on the Eastern Shore. Based on the probability it was seen during daylight hours rabies may be a concern. Once they settle in an area any domestic animal under 50 lbs. that's outside is fair game!

Anonymous said...

Coyotes DO NOT breed like rabbits, 7:16. As a matter of FACT less than 50 percent of the pups will survive to adulthood.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you all just love'm till they kill one of your poodles while you are out getting a cappucino. Between these and the foxes, they are killing off our quail, rabbits, wild turkeys, and small domesticated animals. If I found one on my property I would kill it.

maurice p said...

thanks for killig it.if it got after my pets or even seen on my land i would have done the same

Anonymous said...

for all you bleeding heart liberals, what did he do? he was breathing, just like you. unfortunately we can't do the same with you!

Anonymous said...

Why did this animal deserve to be shot? He/she were in their natural habitat. Mr. Connor, why don't we all give you a 5 minute head start and see if "someone" can drop you in your tracks.

Anonymous said...

Most of you are idiots. These animals are not pets. They are predators! Once the population gets up, your dogs, cats, waterfowl, etc, will be the targets!! Feel sorry for this animal all you want, but someone probably just saved some small child's life. When coyotes move in, most other wildlife move out.

ranger3325 said...

Alex you hope that a PERSON is shot instead of a animal and you have no proof that this animal was not shot for a good reason ie : rabies ,endangering people ,killing other animals and you call them a redneck ? Time to look in the mirror Bubba !

Anonymous said...

You people worried about a dumb coyote. Would you still be worried if it killed your pet or small child?

Get over yourselves.

Anonymous said...

I saw one just last week on the new Beaglin Park drive where they are building the condo's behind the new strip mall. This is now in city limits.

Anonymous said...

9:02 PM

Alex is a moron. Learn to ignore him.

Anonymous said...

Feral Cats,coyote,Fox all fair game from our point of view. If you had to tend the field where the fox are destroying you would see things differently.To the dumb A people feeding these feral cats in our neighborhood please trap them and let live in your house so they'll quit pissing around ours. As far the coyote they are killing off game like crazy and serve no purpose on the shore. If all of you tree huggers would get out and really see nature then maybe you could look at this without your blindfold on.

Anonymous said...

In spring, females den and give birth to litters of three to twelve pups

They have even colonized cities like Los Angeles, and are now found over most of North America. Coyote populations are likely at an all-time high.

Anonymous said...

well done! to whoever shot it! i gotta shoot two or three foxes every year around my place! i leave em lay right in the field for the bussards to eat!

Anonymous said...

how did they manage to shoot it in that spot? was it standing on its hind legs? obviously im not a hunter, just asking, cuz it looks weird

A said...

you guys..your acting like its a freaking tiger or something. if you seen it outside you couldve called humane society / animal patrol whatever...UNLESS this animal was charging crazily at the person that shot DID NOT deserve to be shot. I understand they aren't pets, they are preditors well how many coyote attacks have we had around here ? I didn't even know they existed around here so what problem are they causing? Bottom line...the animal didn't need to be shot...

Anonymous said...

The idiocy displayed here regarding the shooting of this dangerous animal is breathtaking.

you bleeding heart morons have no clue about anything that lives outside the supermarkets and malls.

coyotes will wipe out our wild turkey population, that we've fought so hard to reestablish, in a heartbeat.

if any of you whiners had just an ounce of common sense, you would throw your computer away and never offer your 'expert' opinion on any website or blog ever again.

The fact that you can even breathe without help is incredible.

let's see how long it takes for one of your precious coyotes to snatch a baby out of its mother's arms.

will you still cry for the coyotes?


Anonymous said...

This one really has left all the bleeding heart liberals with their wet panties all wadded up. You should post a picture like this at least once a week so we all have something to laugh at (not at the picture, but at the ignorant responses). I love it!

Anonymous said...

Wait till a pack of them start chasing your children around your yard to attack and kill and eat them. as well as watching one savagely kill your domestic pets. I have seen both cases when I lived out west. Believe me it aint pretty. Once that happens you sissy s will be begging those bad ole rednecks to come out to your neighborhood and kill them.

Anonymous said...

You shot my dog! ROSCOE!

Anonymous said...

I am not a hunter and I do not believe in hunting for the "sport" of it. However hunting to eat and hunting to protect is perfectly acceptable. Coyotes are dangerous animals and they will and do wipe out native wildlife as well as prey on domestic animals and live stock. I doubt very seriously someone shot the coyote without cause just to brag to all of their friends and a very public blog. (especially if it really is not in season, which I have no idea but it was stated by a previous commenter)

Anonymous said...

Coyotes are found in ALL Maryland counties. This is nothing new. Don't agree?? Then take your head out of the sand.

Anonymous said...

Who cares if they are in all counties? They are in most states now as well.

In season or not, (I didn't even know there was a season for them) if they are that close to be seen and shot, they should be shot.

If I see one in my backyard you can believe he will be shot. DNR can go to hell.

And so can all you bambi watchers that think they are warm and cuddly little dogs.

Anonymous said...

Coyotes and foxes are very very shy of humans, if this one had gotten close it is usually a sign of rabies. When this happens, it is very dangerous to have foxes/coyotes near by. Most especially near homes, businesses, schools, and daycare's. These animals have been all over the shore for years. Right now the pop. is up, and the season it out, but there are instances when you have to kill one or two. These animals are dangerous. All you idiots on here talking smack better get out and learn about things before you have diarrhea of your mouth. Local hunters and farmers (aka "Rednecks" to most) help control animal populations around here, mainly deer, geese, duck, fox, nutria, coyote, raccoon, etc. So if you want to keep bad mouthing people down here, I suggest you move across the "puddle" and keep your A$$ near Annapolis or Baltimore. We don't need you down here. - A Local Redneck

Anonymous said...

Any dog that needs protection from predators as small as a fox shouldn't be considered a dog.

Anonymous said...

These animals are predators and are expanding thier range because of the decreae in habitat and the absence of any natural enemy. They are increasing their population in Maryland and Virginia at the rate of 29% per year. If one comes on to my property I will know they are here for my chickens and they will meet a similar fate to the one in the picture. Foxes the same way as well as raccoons. We have every right to protect our livestock - law or no law. Interstingly enough if you call ?DNR they will tell you the same thing. Libs had better get a grip.

Unknown said...

These comments are hilarious.
Over the past year this coyote has most likely killed turkeys, rabbits, squirrels, birds, livestock, deer, etc...
But according to the left its not OK for a human("barbaric redneck")to kill a coyote?

Don't be so foolish

Anonymous said...

I really believe the DNR transplanted the coyotes here some years ago to cut down on the deer population. I never liked the idea of that. Because I know they are capable of attacking and eating your pet dog or cat and yes even your small child playing in your back yard. So I don't feel sorry when seeing a dead coyote. Wake up you stupid liberal tree huggers. How would you like your child attacked and eaten by a coyote.

Anonymous said...

The comment regarding the shot. While it may appear that it was shot from below, it was actually shot low enough on the ribcage to actuall blow the bottom off as the bullet passed through. Also, do you liberal idiots realize that Redneck is a derrogatory term? Especially the manner in which you are using it. What would you say if you found out that a lady in her 60's killed this in her back yard?

Anonymous said...

According to the Maryland guide to hunting and trapping for this year, coyote are permitted to be shot year round from sunup to sun down. Night hunting ended in March.

Anonymous said...

I just love the sensaltionalism of the shoot anything that moves menatlity. Coyotes will not wipe out entire turkey and rabbit poputlations. Coyotes will take out the weak thereby doing their part in the balance of nature. All I hear is how the deer herd needs to be thinned. Maybe a few coyotes roaming around would take care of that so called problem? As for them killing children, now get real! How often does that happen compared to a domestic dog killing a child? Using that logic we shouldn't allow people to have dogs as pets. Coyotes only attack for food or if threatened.

Anonymous said...

I would love to have had this beautiful animal living on my almost 400 acres and God help the person if someone were to shoot it on my property.

Well this comment along with others show that we have total ignorance on this blog.

Let's see, check the numbers, turkeys on the decline, quail on the serious decline, almost no timberdoodles left, all since DNR introduced the originial pair to these parts seven years ago.

Beavers on the increase due to DNR transplant (I witnessed this one myself) and we are already experiencing the deforestation of certain species of shoreline tree due to beaver action.

Who introduced the Nutria? At the time it was the equivalent of a DNR "scientist".

Now we have this new breed of scientist adopting an "introduce it and see what happens" mentality.

Hey city-fied tree huggers, I can't wait until a rabid Coyote interrupts your toddler at play on your perfectly manicured lawn.

Yeah call DNR or animal control, that'll work! The gubmint will protect your precious little boy or girl.

Shat for brains!

MM said...

This animal was not in its natural habitat...coyotes have been brought here to help with the deer population; however, they have been very dangerous and destructive. In fact I know of several farmers (my family included) in which coyotes have caused fatalities and harm to numerous livestock. These animals are not meant to be on the shore. As much of an animal lover that I am...all of the so called PETA need to get over themselves and help out with actual abused animals like the 2 horses that were just taken in Somerset County due to near starvation.

Anonymous said...

8:30 am, I am so NOT a city fled tree hugger. My family has owned thousands of acres in the Wor/Som counties areas for generations. We know all about wildlife/habitats/trees etc. We've never exerienced problems with wildlife including foxes. Humans have been our big problem. We have foxdens in our fields and our farmer hasn't a problem with then nor has his equipment ever been ruined. We have quite a few foxes and turkeys and rabbits and of course deer and quail. None are getting wiped out.
I also wish you would use some class-calling someone shat for brains is so low class and trashy-typical shoot anything that moves mentality!

LadyLiddy said...

Before I returned to the shore I was a property manager in Annapolis. We had coyotes on our property and the residents were up in arms. Many elderly condo owners were afraid to walk their small dogs. When I contacted animal control, they would not attempt to trap the animals. We just had to learn to live with them. They were often out during daylight hours and hung around the trash dumpsters.

Anonymous said...



Yes, of course, I am low class. And I shoot anything that moves as well. I also enjoy pulling legs of flies and torturing small cute puppies. I am also quite impresssed by the amount of land that you own now, and have owned in the past.

Perhaps you should familiarize yourself with certain fatal and near fatal attacks on human children and adults.

There are numerous small children that live in the Hebron area, it's easy to be an enviro wing nut until your child or significant other winds up dead.

One more thing, I can assure you that you are not keeping the records that I am keeping regarding my properties. I do multiple surveys on multiple species. Your blog post reagarding what you think is happening on your "huge expanse" of properties means nothing to me, and your family name, whatever it is, means even less.

You can't call it yours until you double what your father gave you, I have, have You?

Anonymous said...

There is no animal on Earth as stupid as a freaking liberal!! None!! It's a wild animal morons, you want to protect it then go catch one and let it live in your house with your kids. Don't want to do that? You morons think everything is ok as long as you don't have to deal with it right? A bunch of whiny sissified criers who have nothing better to do than spout your 'live and let live' and 'can't we all get along' crap! Only the strong survive baby and you are weak!! I feel sorry for your children having to deal day to day with pansies like you!

Anonymous said...

What bunch of you morons would like to have a coyote as a pet? Oh he deserves to live blah blah blah, that is until he gets hold of one of your cats or dogs. Then the tune changes. If you dont like to see the picture or what the story is about go spend your time being more productive such as writing a letter to your councilman or something, complaining on this blog will do you no good. Do you see the teeth on this thing ? I am in no way shape or form a redneck but coyotes are dangerous to EVERYONE inclding HUMANS. No good would come out of a coyote living on your property....not one single thing I can think of. Thats what is wrong with the United States anymore bunch of people with no intestinal fortitude afraid that making one false step will piss someone off.

Anonymous said...

You liberals are a bunch of idiots. This is an invasive species. They need to be eradicated when seen. I don't hear you screaming about killing nutria, zebra mussels, or mitten crabs. They are killing off the native species.

Anonymous said...

8:15 a.m. thanks for clearing that up, like i said i know nothing about gunshot wounds or hunting. and for the record, i could care less if it was shot or not :)i dont want one in my backyard and if i had a gun and saw one, id probably shoot it too.

Anonymous said...

I can not get over the fact of someone wanting a coyote in their area. Anything living is at risk whether it be your kids, grand kids or house pets . For those that have a problem with people getting rid of this kind of harmful animal here is what you do. If you ever see one bend down and attempt to pet him and tell him good boy. Then write back on this blog and tell how it went if you still have fingers.

Anonymous said...

Ho Hum! Now really how many children have been attacked and/or killed by coyotes compared to the number of children killed and/or attacked by someone's pet dog? The coyote attacking children excuse is so lame. Try using common sense instead of sensationalism in your arguements please.

Anonymous said...

I can't get over the fact of someone wanting pet dogs in their area 10:49! If you look into facts certain dog breeds are dangerous and have hurt and killed more house pets and children than coyotes every have. We can't go eradicating every species because of a perceived threat to humans and house pets. For that matter swimming pools have killed more children. Should we eradicate swimming pools?

Anonymous said...

So we should get rid of coyotes just because they MIGHT kill or harm a child? Sounds like the "liberal" way of thinking to me. Where does parental responsiblity come in as to teaching children about wildlife?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I can not get over the fact of someone wanting a coyote in their area. Anything living is at risk whether it be your kids, grand kids or house pets . For those that have a problem with people getting rid of this kind of harmful animal here is what you do. If you ever see one bend down and attempt to pet him and tell him good boy. Then write back on this blog and tell how it went if you still have fingers.

I would say thats a perfect idea. Morons might not make it back to the computer because I am sure the coyote wont stop with their fingers.

Anonymous said...

I just love the name calling.......when all else fails and you don't have a valid point then start with the name calling seems to be the solutions. I'm still wondering should we eradicate certain dangerous dog breeds known to have killed children? I know besides the hated Pitt Bull breeds, Cocker Spaniels, German Shephards, Dobermans etc have PROVEN to be dangerous, much more so than coyotes.

Anonymous said...

I had a pet goat killed. Didn't kill it for food, she had her face chewed off. I get my cats spayed and neutered, they get killed or disappear. My yard chickens, ducks and geese get killed. Foxes and coyotes are out of control. They are coming onto my farm and kill my pets when there is wildlife to go after. If one comes onto my property and I am able, it will be dropped dead. And I am not a redneck, just someone who makes an honest living and loves her animals.

Anonymous said...

For those who think it was a horrible thing to shoot this invasive species have lost their mind. This animal attacks pets, cows, pigs, chickens, livestock, etc. If this invasive species starts killing off my way of living it will be shot on site. They do not belong here.

Joseph Albero said...

anonymous 12:27, the animals were here first. We are invading on their land. You may not have respect for wild life but you'd think long and hard if they were out killing you for trespassing instead.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
So we should get rid of coyotes just because they MIGHT kill or harm a child? Sounds like the "liberal" way of thinking to me. Where does parental responsiblity come in as to teaching children about wildlife?

If you idiots can really compare a coyote to a dog or a swimming pool to rationalize it then by all means you go ahead and let the ones on your property live. If you havent read the news today there was a dog that attacked children getting off the school bus the other day in Maryland. The dog was killed because it began to bite children running from him. SO THE MORAL IS YES, IF THE DOG IS A THREAT THEN IT SHOULD BE KILLED. Coyotes are not house pets, they do not think rationally they see food or something that resembles food and they instinctively attack it. There is no MIGHT to the situation, only a WHEN. It is ingrianed in there DNA, some dogs become defensive and attack becauase they feel threatened, not because they think you are food. Swimming pools really? If you cant swim then yea I would get rid of those too. Nice logic there genius, you really showed your true colors with this comment. Brilliant.

Anonymous said...

Usually I agree with most of what you say, but even though the animals were here first we are the dominant species and should preserve safety and our homes at all cost. God forbid this coyote got hold a child, instad of a few bite marks a dog might leave, a coyote would probably devour them. It is not safe to let those animals wander around and threaten the community. There is not one positive thing you can say in defense of a coyote, nothing. They do nothing but bring trouble to those they are around.

Anonymous said...

Ho Hum! Now really how many children have been attacked and/or killed by coyotes compared to the number of children killed and/or attacked by someone's pet dog? The coyote attacking children excuse is so lame. Try using common sense instead of sensationalism in your arguements please.

Ho HUm! How many coyotes are in Maryland as compared to pet dogs? I am sure if you were to look up statistics of a highly infested coyote area the numbers would be dramatically different. Thats common sense for you. Obviously coyotes are rare around here since it made news that one was killed.....

Anonymous said...

They were brought here on the shore by DNR to help control the deer population. Instead they kill all the rabbits and turkeys and your pets along with the deer. they are dangerous animals that hunt in packs and in no way should be in this populated area. The dumb tree huggers that think they should control nature never get a clue. If the tree huggers were around in prehistoric times we would have to be worried about T Rexs eating us today.

Anonymous said...

I say leave the coyotes and foxes alone. They will take care of our rodent...I mean, "toy dog" problem.

tedh said...

Hey Joe if someone stocked your pond with Snakeheads would you leave them there or would you get rid of them? There is no difference. They don't belong here.

Anonymous said...

According to the Maryland guide to hunting and trapping for this year, coyote are permitted to be shot year round from sunup to sun down. Night hunting ended in March.

May 19, 2011 8:29 AM

Thanks for posting that and providing an ACCURATE fact.

To the morons who say how many children were killed by coyote's, wouldn't you agree that one is too many? BTW. dogs that kill and sometimes attack people are put down, meaning killed.

Joe, gotta disagree with you. We were here long before any coyote's showed up on the shore or the state for that matter.

I'm old fashioned. I still believe you can do pretty much whatever you want on your own property. I am not going to wait for a coyote or anything else, to kill one of my grandkids or neighbors kids to act.

I wouldh hate to stand and wring my hands and say, but they usually don't do that.

If some of you prefer the life of a wild animal over a child, person or pet, shame on you and don't move next to me.

Anonymous said...

While doing some light research on this I came across this little tidbit. Coyote attacks happen more frequently when they lose their fear of humans. Duh.

That usually happens when they are fed by humans. So keep that in mind if anyone is thinking about making a wild animal a pet.

Joseph Albero said...

tedh, Here's how I look at it. First of all, I have ponds, not pond. Secondly, my property is clearly marked no trespassing. That being said, IF someone attempted to trespass on my property, (especially to cause harm) I would shoot them on the spot to protect my Family. They's never make it to one of my ponds, so I don't worry about little things like that. DO YOU?

Anonymous said...

@joe 338pm

so youll shoot people to protect your family but you wont shoot potentially dangerous animals? wow.

Joseph Albero said...

ANONYMOUS 3:46, Let's get a few things straight here. There's a MAJOR difference between a wild animal and a "potentially dangerous animals". I do NOT shoot wild animals, period. If its mating season, a buck could easily kill a human. Does that mean we should all shoot them because they're potentially dangerous?

Now, as far as the human thing. Humans can READ and SEE. My property says NO TRESPASSING. If you, (or anyone else for that matter) is stupid enough to enter my property knowing I could POTENTIALLY shoot you, well, you get what you deserve. Don't do it and there's no danger. However, there are too many nut cases like the Anti Albero group that I would have absolyutely no problem whatsoever doing what I have to do to protect my Family on my own property.

Anonymous said...

There is a chance that these guys can be infected with rabies. All they have to do is contact a coon with the disease which is part of their food. However the law is the law. I certainly hope this animal was tested for rabies.

Anonymous said...

I looked it up and there is a MILLION to ONE chance of getting attacked by a coyote. Good Lord I've never seen anyone (except those coming from the western shore) freak out over a wild animal. If you want to hunt that's fine with me but don't use the "dangerous" and "destructive" excuse. Kinda reminds me of the "starving deer" excuse.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who is going to raise free range chickens or even penned in goats should invest in a dog suited for the purpose of guarding livestock. It goes with the territory and you shouldn't invest in these animals without some safeguards in place. And another thing, goats should never be penned in a fence in which they can stick out their heads.

Anonymous said...

The only thing I can say is you people just better not ever leave the eastern shore and travel out west. Ya'll would be scarred for life. I mean between the bears, moose, wolves and yes coyotes it's very dangerous and you're children may get attacked. Don't ever camp or hike through a nation forest-those big bad wild animals may get you. For that matter don't even travel to western MD. Too many Black Bears.

Anonymous said...

That shut them up Joe.

Anonymous said...

The bottom line is that is within the laws for this animal to be killed. If you don't like it, contact the State DNR and lobby to have the law changed. If they are just left to breed, I wonder how long it would take for them to start getting out of control, and causing lots of problems. Then, people would be saying, Why didn't we stop them before they became a problem.
Joe, I don't think the comment was as much about someone comming on your property, but let's just say you found snakehead fish in your ponds. Would you eradicate them?

Anonymous said...

good grief would this had been such a big deal if the critter had been hit by a car
you would think flesh eating aliens had landed

Anonymous said...

Please stop all your whining about killing poor little animals do you have any idea how many deer are shot and left to rot in a bean field by farmers using crop damage permits issued by DNR

Anonymous said...

I bet if Connor and Alex had their precious little felines eaten by a Coyote they would demand it be hunted down. beta male Idiots.

Bullard Construction said...

Wow, Joe, you're getting the hits today! I just got back from work and found one of your commenters had read the Guide to Hunting & Trapping a little closer than I did that stated only night hunting ended March 15. The rest is all day hunting year round except Sundays.

Like that guy on Swamp People says, "SHOOT'EM!, SHOOT'EM!, SHOOT'EM!

I would think rabbits & turkey taste better and would like to see more of them, so it's good to know that they are fair game if i happen to see one. Hunting laws like these are there for a reason, and the DNR counts all the populations all year long to keep the balance right. As far as I can see, they all do a great job, but I wish they would treat Fox the same way. Rabbit is yummy food!

Anonymous said...

You all make sick! If this animal was doing harm to anyone or anything yes do what you have to. If not let it alone. Live and let live. If we keep building in their area, where are they to go? How many more empty house and apartments do we need? Soon there will be no wild animals left(including deer). map50

Anonymous said...

just got back from Gander Mtn.

Got my predator calls.

taking plenty of ammo for all the Wiley Yotes i can shoot.

Saturday should be a good day, provided i haven't been raptured.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you map50. I've never seen people like this-they must be afraid of their own shadows. We spend time at a friends lake house in Virginia. We see not only coyotes but bears also and no one's freaking out and running around shooting them! The residents of the area are happy to see the wildlife in their backyards. Everyone knows the rules-no feeding the wildlife, observe from a distance, use animal resistant trash containers.

Anonymous said...

its typical there are few thrills left in the Shore mentality since the last lynching

Daddio said...

I suppose that the Road Runner can now rest easy, with the Coyote out of the way?

Anonymous said...

Lets go shoot these Lilly livered cry babies on here.

Anonymous said...

There's a 'million to one chance' because they still have fear of humans.

Y'all would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.

We are not building and encroaching onto their habitat. They are growing in numbers and migrating, and as some have pointed out, they were purposely introduced into this area.

I more I read these comments the more I would want the coyote near me than some of you. At least the coyote has a brain.

If he is near enough, he is a threat. If he is in the woods, he is safe unless a hunter sees him. If he is near human housing or populous areas, he is a threat. And that also can mean he may have rabies.

I just don't understand why you can't grasp this.

Anonymous said...

Coyotes are in every U.S. state except Hawaii.

Anonymous said...

4:28 You have got to be an idiot. I did not say my goat got her head stuck in a fence and something ate her face off. I found her in her stall with her face gone. Second of all, I don't have fences a goat or any other animal can get their head through. I am much smarter and better at taking care of my animals needs than that. My free range chickens walk my yard and my farm. At nights they go into their chicken coop to sleep. Then they get up at sunrise. As for dogs, I have those also, but because I am such a good animal caretaker, I do not let my dogs run loose to harass and visit my neighbors and get hit on the road. If I am outside, my dogs are outside, if I am inside, my dogs are inside, if it is night, nothing runs loose. I could and would say more, but I don't think you are worth anymore of my typing time. Before you spout off your keyboard, try kicking in some common sense as I do when I take care of my animals.

Anonymous said...

Sarah palin shoots them out of helicoptors. That's the way to really erradicate them.

Anonymous said...

I guess lil Red Riding Hood had a loaded barrel.

Alex said...

8:17 too funny.

Anonymous said...

If i am not mistaken Adam and Eve were not coyotes. Man was put on earth the rule over all animals whether on land or sea.With that said we have to use common sense to avoid abusing our authority.

Unknown said...

If you want to enjoy more without harming any animal species then you can move to the hunting games. Coyotes are some of the most wary predators you can hunt. These animals require serious stealth and some innovative coyote lures to get them close enough for a shot. Cass creek offers both electronic coyote calls and hand and mouth calls that allow you create realistic Coyote sounds to bring them within range.