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Friday, April 15, 2011

Romney On Compulsory Health Insurance: ‘I Like Mandates’

Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney’s biggest challenge in the GOP primary might be explaining the differences between Romneycare and Obamacare--how the health care plan he signed as governor of Massachusetts in 2006 differs from the federal health care reform enacted last year.

Beyond differences the two plans may have, the linchpin of both is considered the individual mandate: the requirement that individuals buy health insurance or pay a penalty.

Romney, as recently as 13 months ago, has staunchly defended the mandate in the law that he signed in 2006, arguing that it forces people to take responsibility for their own health care.

“Let me tell you, there’s a big difference between what we did and what President Obama is doing,” Romney said in a Mar. 7, 2010 Fox News Sunday interview.

“What we did, I think, is the ultimate conservative plan. We said people have to take responsibility for getting insurance, if they can afford it, or paying their own way. No more free- riders. And we solved this at the state level – not a federal plan, but a state plan.”

Romney went on to describe the mandate as the “biggest pro” of his health care plan.

“It’s a plan that has pros and cons,” he said. “The biggest pro, in my view, is that we don’t have free riders now expecting other people to pay for their health care costs. And we’re also able to have individuals, who otherwise would not have the kind of specialty care they need, receiving treatment.”

Two weeks later Romney said during an interview on CNN’s Larry King Live, “right now in this country, people that don’t have health insurance go to the hospital if they get a serious illness, and they get treated for free by government. My plan says no, they can’t do that. No more free riders. People have to take personal responsibility. I consider it a conservative plan.”



Anonymous said...

I don't have health insurance because I cannot afford it, period.
If I go to the doctor, I pay the bill when I go. If I should end up in the hospital, God forbid, I'll bet there will be no FREE treatment. I will be billed and I will have to pay it.
For him to make a statement about people getting treated for free by the government is outlandish!
Maybe if I was an ILLEGAL immigrant, then it would be FREE, but not as a citizen!

Anonymous said...

12:32, maybe if you weren't so ignorant you could find a job that would give you benefits like health insurance.

Illegal immigrants don't get some special government program that gives them free health insurance. They don't get benefits that aren't available to citizens. In fact, most government benefits are only given to legal residents. The only "free" health care illegal immigrants can get is emergency health care at hospitals, the same thing that's available to anyone else.

I guess it's easier for you to blame your situation on illegal immigrants rather than look at why you are in such a crappy position.

Anonymous said...

If you go to the hospital, you will get treated. AFTER treatment, you will be asked how you will pay for the treatment. If you don't have insurance and say you can't pay for it, you will be asked if you would like to talk to Social Services about assistance through funded programs. Many actually refuse and the hospital doesn't get paid by anyone. If you don't qualify for assistance, they will send you bills for a while then turn you over to a collection agency. How you choose to pay it is up to you but I don't want to pay it for you.

Anonymous said...

1:14 Anon
Why do you feel it necessary to attack someone like that?
I have a good job. However, my job no longer provides health insurance. It has nothing to do with my skills or my abilities. It has to do with economics and my employer could not afford to offer the benefits any longer. Since I handle the books, I know exactly where the financials stand and I totally understand him making the move to save his company and OUR jobs! It was better for me to have a job than to not have a job so I stayed. I'm thankful every day to have a job!
As far as free healthcare, you contradicted your own self. Yes, the illegals DO get free healthcare when the show up in the emergency said that yourself.
It appears to me that you are one of the upper eschelon OR you are on public assistance to get your medical paid for. Either way, we're all not so lucky.
I never said I was complaining about having to pay - I said Romney was wrong in his interview.
So, before you go off attacking someone, maybe YOU should think about your post before you hit publish your comment.
Your attack was totally unnecessary AND ignorant!
People like you are the reason I stepped away from this blog for awhile. I'm so sick of the personal attacks!

Anonymous said...

To 3:18 -- my tone was indeed harsh, but when you say stupid stuff, that's what you get.

Illegals don't get some sort of free health care that's not available to citizens, like you claimed. They only get emergency care, something that's available to everyone, even you if you showed up to PRMC's emergency room. If you are a U.S. citizen or legal resident, however, you can get Medicaid, Medicare, and other government programs. So it's exactly the opposite of what you said.

You want to make comments that illegals get a bunch of free stuff that citizens don't get, then don't be upset when someone calls you on your ignorance.

I'm sorry I hurt your feelings, but maybe next time you should stop and think before you spout off. Learn a little something about the subject before you decide to write anything about it.

I'll agree with you that my comment was probably unnecessary. However, it certainly wasn't ignorant. The only ignorant comment between us is yours. That's why I wrote what I wrote.

Anonymous said...

To 12:32 and 3:18, it's 1:14 and 4:37 here -- I just want to apologize. I've taken a little bit of time to think about it and my ugly tone and personal attacks were uncalled for. Obviously, hiding behind anonymity lets someone do what he or she would never do in person, and that's what happened. I'd never say those things in person so I shouldn't have given into the temptation to say them anonymously. I know my words were hurtful and that was their intent. I am sorry for doing that.

I had a disagreement with you (and I know I'm right about the underlying issue), but we could have had a civil discussion about the issue. I certainly didn't need to be a jerk about it.

So, again, my apologies.

Anonymous said...

Apology accepted and appreciated.
We can agree to disagree.

Anonymous said...

bottom line is romney is a rino and needs to be sent packing! he's not much different than obama when it comes to social policies. Mass is going broke under the health care he implemented while governor there!