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Sunday, February 06, 2011


Dear Senator Madaleno,
As the President of the citizens group VOICE in Wicomico County we would like to know why a Senator from across the bay would be introducing a bill that would try to by pass our county's Revenue Cap? Now I know your county has a similar cap but your citizens left an opening for the county council to over ride the cap with a super majority. That was a drastic mistake. I know how many times your county council has taken advantage of this and raised taxes. I mean after all, anything can be considered an emergency right? So why would you be doing this if it really doesn't affect you? Who was the person from our county who contacted you to do this and what explanation did he give? Our people would surely love to know who is behind this type of politics. You can believe this will come out on the Senate floor. I'm sure you wouldn't like it if we came to one of your county council meetings and encouraged your county voters to amend your County Charter to remove the section that allows them to over ride their cap. I ask that you reconsider SB316 and withdraw it before this goes any further. I would also ask that you contact whoever ask you to do this and tell them that they need to visit the results from the last election and explain to them what the results meant. I'm sure this type of politics would be appreciated by his constituents in his next re-election bid.


Unknown said...

The name of the person responsible for the attempted R/C bypass should be published so we all know what action to take, we are assuming this person is an elected official.
Joe we will be monitoring this site for more info, thanks so much. kn

Unknown said...

This Bill is absurd. There are young adults getting diplomas in Wicomico County that is at a learning level of no higher than a 6th grade level. I know that as a fact because neighbors of mine have four young adults that fit solid in that catagory. Now Law Makers, Politians, wants me to pay more taxes to go specifically for Teachers salaries, benefits and retirements. This is definitely a Union payback just like requiring all State Workers, Union and non-Union members, to pay Union dues / fees. Taxes are supposed to benefit all citizens not a specific group. Politians should cut their benefits and retirement so they pay for their ridiculous legislation instead of tax payers.