One of the members of the Class of 2010 in the U.S. House of Representatives has revealed he has little patience for the politically correct arguments that Islam is, in fact, a religion of peace and nonaggression.
"Don't try to blow sunshine up my butt," U.S. Rep. Allen West, R-Fla., warned a member of a town hall meeting audience who had challenged him to identify a single verse in the Quran that tells Muslims to attack America.
The comments came earlier this week at Pompano Beach, Fla., during a question-and-answer time at his meeting. A questioner identified by the Palm Beach Post as Nezar Hamze, executive director for a branch of the Council for American Islamic Relations, confronted West, demanding that he point out where in the Quran are the orders for Muslims to attack America.
"You recently told the Marines that the terrorists that attacked the United States, the people that are attacking America, are followingIslam, and they are following the instructions of the Quran," he said.
"So, a very simply question. I'm not going to take a lot of your time. Can you show me one verse in this Quran where it says to attack America, attack Americans, or attack innocent people?" he said.
West noted the Quran was written in the 8th or 9th centuries and America didn't exist at the time, but noted, "The truth is out there." He cited the multiple Quranic references to attack and kill "infidels."
He started listing a series of battles before he was drowned out by applause and cheering from the audience.
"It (Islam) became violent," West continued when the cheering died down. "Something happened when Mohammed enacted the Isra, and he left Mecca and went out to Medina. It became violent. You explain it to me.
"Maj. Hasan was shouting allahu akbar. The people that flew those planes … were shouting allahu akbar. I've been on the battlefield my friend," he said.
"Don't try to blow sunshine up my butt and tell me…..," he said, to more applause.
The Muslim activist responded, "I'm ashamed to be here with all of these people when you attack Islam, you attack…"
An audience member interrupted with, "You attacked us!"
West said, "I went to Muslim countries to try to defend the freedom of Muslim people. Don't come up here to try to criticize me. Put the microphone down and go home."
There's more here, including video
[Don't you love this guy? -- Editor]
You have to love a guy who could care less about political correctness and just tells it like it is. Mr. West is truly a breath of fresh air.
I'm a U.S. Marine.....this guy was forced out of the Corps for his behavior in Iraq. A man is judged by his actions, not by his words.
West owned the cair guy! It is nice to see a representative who knows the truth abouth the muslim religion and is not afraid to speak it.
PROVE IT, EdenMan.
Otherwise it's libel.
West is retired from the Army- a Lt. Col.
West obviously uses muslims as a convenient whipping boy to rile up his base.
#1 I can take both biblical verses and historical evidence and paint the same violent picture of Christianity or Judaism (which is exactly what islamic extremist do for their followers)
#2 I wonder does West have the same opinion about the muslim soldiers who fight and die defending the U.S. as well as the foreign muslims who have signed up to fight side by side with our troops to preserve their respective nations.
#3 EdenMan, until your comment, I did not realize that West was the same guy who they tried to court martial for shooting the gun while interrogating the enemy combatant. Now on that case, West had my full support.
#4 These stories always make me wonder how many of you actually know/interact with Muslims in any meaningful way and how many of you simply know what they see on Fox News? Kind of like forming your opinion about blacks by watching rap videos.
May God bless this man!
I love this guy, YES!
You sympathize with a snake, you get bit.
I'll take the word of a 22 year vet who's actually been in the thick of it any day.
West was an Army exchange officer at the II Marine Expeditionary Force at Camp Lejeune from 1999 to 2002.
a quick google search will find you the examples you seek. I am a Christian and my comment was not made to degrade fellow Christians. It simply points out the fact that religious texts can be presented both in a good and a bad light, depending on ones motives. Seems to me West's and other politicians motives are pretty clear. And to paint an entire religion, especially one that encompasses an enormous portion of the world's population, into one basket is just foolish.
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