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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Today's Survey Question

Which Federal Government Department Or Agency Would You Cut?


Beezer said...

I would cut - the US Department of Agriculture. The farm subsidies are rediculous.
To pay farmers not to plant crops is totally unproductive.

Moreover, why should the US government subsidize US grain prices when we can easily buy the same grain from an international source much cheaper. The US farm subsidy program is protectionism.

I say bring an end to US subsidies immediately.

Ironshire said...

Department of Education and then move on the the NIH. Both suck huge amounts of tax dollars and produce nothing.

Craig Theobald

smitty240 said...

HUD, without a doubt!

Karloff said...


Bob said...

Dept of Education. Then move to the IRS. Then to the DOT. Then Dept of Energy.

Anonymous said...

first the NEA than shrink agencies like the NSA FBI and DEA that retired military personal bilk for jobs and consulting gigs

LadyLibertarian said...

All of them....Most are unnecessary and do nothing but waste money that could be going directly towards the issues that they are supposed to be addressing or "fixing."

Mardela said...

Amtrak - let private industry take over the railways

BIA - Indian Affairs - let the native indians earn the wealth from the land they live on and manage the mineral deposits. Then they can grow as a culture and rise from the controlled poverty we restrict them to.

CFPB - Consumer Finacial Protection - Are they really protecting us from the greed of Wall St?

These are just the ABC's of where to start.

Daddio said...

Start off with the Dept. of Education. Schools are handled by the states, and the fed should keep out of it.

Next, do away with the Energy Dept. It was created during the Carter Administration to get the US weaned off of foreign oil. An utter failure, since we are more dependent on foreign oil since the late 1970's.

Then on to the Agriculture Dept. I believe there are more employees in there than there are actual farmers. As others have pointed out, a big waste of $$$ and resources.

There are dozens of others that are paper-pushing bureaucracies. The International Trade Commission is just one example. Formerly called the Tariff Commission, they have no actual power to impose or set tariffs. They only recommend to congress, who is influenced more by lobbyists than such agencies.

Anonymous said...

Boy, Ironshire's comment was so ill-informed, I had to sign up for an account. NIH doesn't produce? I guess you think the littany of medical breakthroughs we've had in this country appeared out of thin air.

Unknown said...

The answer is easier than most think. Just get rid of any Government worker that tries to justify why they should telecommute and work from home. Most claim they don't need to be in the office to do their job. If that's the case, the job they are doing really isn't necessary.

lastword said...

I learned something today. I never knew the government owned Amtrak.

It was formed when Nixon was in power and was supposed to be short lived. (Government involvement).

After reading about it, Amtrak will never be privatized. If that were to happen it most probably cease to exist.

I would suggest TSA be drastically cut or completely done away with or privatized.

They have ballooned to over 62,000 employees and provide no real service. They have never caught a terrorist. Both TSA and private screeners in airports have failed to detect bomb components in tests.

I think any government agency one could think of could be cut to some degree and made more efficient.

The one agency I would disagree on being cut would be military (defense).

They have already been cut and cut again. Bases closed, benefits reduced,etc.

Most of enlisted, especially ones with families, have to utilize welfare, food stamps for example.

I personally think that is a disgrace. The very ones we put in harms way to protect us cannot afford to feed themselves and their family?!

On another note, we should do away with the provision that allows congress to vote themselves a raise.

Tom Cropper said...

20% cuts across all departments would be a good start.

Alex said...

DoD, way too big and misutilized.

slf said...

We should cut out foreign spending; then there WOULD BE NO NEED TO CUT DOMESTIC SPENDING!! Why do we keep giving to foreign governments and hurting our own citizens? Charity begins at home. By the way I am a conservative and do not believe in continueing welfare etc programs (welfare, Christmas, school supplies food stamps, rx assistance,etc.), Medicare and Social Security are contributed to by the people who receive the $.

RevGlenn said...

EPA or IRS, or both

lastword said...

DoD, way too big and misutilized.

7:49 PM

Explain please.