DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Friday, January 14, 2011
Louise Smith Makes A Faith Based Decision To Step Down From The City Of Salisbury Council
In what seemed like a forever long announcement, Louise Smith, (after consulting with Pastor Perdue) has chosen not to run again for City Council.
40 people attended today's Press Conference, (no WBOC or WMDT) yet she had multiple copies of her speech for the Press. Nevertheless, Louise expressed her experience stating she never intended to get into politics. She went on for a good 30 minutes telling everyone what she did for the taxpayers, (more details later) and finally expressed the first year she donated $1,200.00 to charity and the community. The second year she donated $2,500.00 and last year $4,000.00 of her income. I personally thanked her for paying it forward and I believe this is an excellent example of what is right in our community.
Louise Smith stepping down could be great news to Mayor Ireton as he has had numerous issues with Louise not placing any of his campaign promises on the agenda. It's a bummer for SAPOA as they will have to work very hard to get candidates to step up to the plate to represent them.
The big question now is, will Gary Comegys run. I had the opportunity to ask him but to be perfectly frank I did not feel this was the time to ask him of such. He looked tired and weak so I simply asked him how he was feeling.
It takes a BIG person to run for Office these days. The Blogs and the Press can take a roll on those not ready to deal with today's media. Salisbury News, (me personally) will not be attacking candidates or individuals any longer. We will simply provide opinions and facts but no more attacks, that's over.
A lot of jaws dropped just as soon as Louise stated she would not seek re-election. I'm sure many felt she pulled this Press Conference together to announce she was running again. However, when asked numerous times in the past few days what I thought she would do I replied, she's not going to run again. I mentioned that Mike Dunn and Lynn Cathcart pulled the same Press Conference when they chose to step down as well.
So what does this mean for the taxpayers. It means you better take a good hard look at your candidates! In closing I'd like to mention this final note. Before the Press Conference started, MOST of the people attending the meeting had to ask where it was being held. MOST of them had never been in the GOB, or at least to a meeting or the third floor.
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The weasel has made my day -- and why is she pointing at Debbie Campbell?
One word: Hurray!
Please keep your promise not to attack candidates. There is no purpose in smearing a candidates name. I feel there have been good potential candidates who chose not to run in the past because of the fear of smear tactics against them and their family.
Thake God she's not running agin. But it would have been nice to watch her get spanked by all she lied to.
Joe I see you as the next Hearst. Your blog could be as important as his news papers were.
Louise Smith steps down. Orville Dryden steps up as a candidate. I don't know him at all, but I have to ask if there is a link?
You lick my stamp, I'll lick yours?
Thank you Louis for walking the walk. At least you have given back to the community, which is more then we can say about a lot of you naysayers on this blog. You gripe and complain about the city, and where it's going, but why aren't you out there leading the charge for a change in direction by being politically active. NO -- you instead bad mouth individuals that have come forward, not for personal reward, but to give back to the community. Try being constructive for a change. Joe at least has taken the high road for this election, maybe you should try to do the same thing for a change.
JOE, Sorry you will be just offering your opinions in the upcoming elections.You have exposed alotta wrong doings by people unjustified to hold office except to better themselfs or their crooked coharts. You gave a lot to salisbury over the last 5/7 yrs and your family suffered too. I just wished you were able to run for office. Good Luck.
Nice to see Shanie had her boss sitting with her. That must be one of them who explains what was said and how she should vote. Sorry Joe, just noticed it and had to say it. Who is Smith pointing to?
6:22 Louise gave to Salisbury all right. She gave us a toxic property just this week that will probably cost millions and is now off the tax rolls, she gave us a fire boat for $1,000,000, she furloughed police and refused to support the administration in bidding on insurance and legal to see if better quality and value was available. Thank you, Louise, not...and that gavel. I'll be glad to see that go with her.
I hope she comes to a city council meeting to listen in from the other side of the table... hope somebody slams that gavel down at her if she tries to make a comment... what goes around, comes around and bites you in the rear.
Joe, You are right. Anyone who has or is running for office, especially local, must truly care. There is no pay involved, and unless there is some obvious agenda, they just want to to something good.They are walking into doomed budgets with the realization that there is no way to make everyone happy, but just try to choose between right and wrong and base decisions on pricipal. Hats off to anyone that has run or is running for local offices!!
Hip Hip Hooray, shouted gleefully as I kick up my heels!
She went on for a good 30 minutes......Not Her!!!!
Aw... Look at the Slum Lords in the Audience!! And look who is in the front row, none other than John Cannon one of the biggest crime, I mean slum lord families in Salisbury.
10:31 is a hater. Hes probably poor or made a bad business decision latley.
You gotta be kiddin me, no profit margin anymore. I wold love to guide her to her mirror. What a confused old lady.
When Terry Sell owned GNI. Which doctors made up the groups. Thats where it all started but Johnny boys dad goes way back. Milford goes way back to. How much money is enough???
Boy... reading this drivel makes me want to pack my bags and leave this God forsaken town. The regular commentary on this blog is indicative of some very small minds. All Mrs. Smith did was try to serve the community honestly. She followed her ethical principles. Just because she doesn't tolerate inappropriate behavior from the mayor and the eye rolling, constant interruptions and general incivility from the local know it alls Debbie and Terry does not make her corrupt. It means she holds people to a standard of behavior as was HER JOB as Council President. Disagreeing with Debbie and Terry doesn't mean she has been bought by the landlords or any other party. That continual over simplification is not only inaccurate, it is a tired argument. Why don't you usual suspects come up with a fresher political strategy at the next Camden Associaton meeting since your candidates are all honorary attendees. Talk about corruption.
I can't think of anything she did "for" the taxpayers.... however I can think of many things she did "to" the taxpayers...
Saturday's Daily Times article was SO full of "Look at MEEEEE" from Louise when, in truth, she has done little to benefit the city in the four years she's gripped the gavel.
In response to Smith's announcement, Shields said, "I want everybody to lift me up in prayer three times a day."
Shields added that she's not surprised, as there comes a time when "you have to let things go. Whoever gets elected needs to communicate civilly and not bring a know-it-all attitude to the council."
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