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Thursday, January 27, 2011

How To Create A Blogger Account To Comment On

How do I create a Blogger account?

In order to get started with Blogger, you'll first need to create an account. On the Blogger homepage, click the "Create Your Blog Now" button:
Screenshot: Create A New Blog On the following page you'll be prompted to create a Google Account. You can use your Google Account on other Google services. If you already have a Google Account perhaps from Gmail, Google Groups, or Orkut, please sign in first. After you've done that, you'll need to enter a display name and accept Blogger's Terms of Service.
Once you're done with this, you'll be prompted to Create a Blog and get started!


Bigman098 said...

Checking to see if I'm registered

c.l. said...

testing :)

Contributor said...

tap tap this thing working?

Ironshire said...


Craig Theobald

Sherry said...

I think this should have been done from the start.

Anonymous said...

good idea!!!!!

dan said...

For an easier way, you can also just sign up for a GMail account and not have to worry with blogger.

Joseph Albero said...

Libra, allow me to explain. Please try to be open minded.

Each day a team of contributors work together to moderate comments. While 95% of you are honorable people, there are a select few who send in nasty, raunchy, horrible comments. They're so bad I have even had some people quit volunteering to moderate because they became so stressed out. Death threats, constant attacks against my Wife and Grandson, you name it.

By changing over to registered comments, these people may be able to get one or two through but once we spam their name they can no longer comment on Salisbury News. Oh sure, they can create a new e-mail address and then create yet another Blogger account but trust me, they'll quickly grow tired of doing such a thing and they'll finally go away.

This is why we were SLAMMED yesterday when we made the announcement we were considering it. They were so pissed off they started slamming us with comments, again, personal attacks. They claimed it would be the end of Salisbury News.

Look, when you get tens of tousands of people visiting your Site every single day, (including weekends) and you only get 100 comments, believe me, 95%+ of the people visiting Salisbury News never comment anyway. So to ask the very small percentage of you to actually register top do so is a very small request, wouldn't you agree.

Now, there are days when we get up to 800 comments in one day but we reject about 600 of them. Now imagine that we'll never have to see those 600 comments ever again! Talk about a relief!

Between my not going to their Websites and now their not being able to comment, trust me, the Anti Albero Bloggers are highly pissed. They're like grade school kids trying to send personal messages to me through anonymous comments all the time. Can't be done any more.

So please understand, this was a move that is absolutely necessary and will only afect a very small amount of people. If you have to register on WBOC, the DT's and so forth, well, now you have to register here. If people don't like it they don't have to come here, it's that simple. It's going to be a much better 2011.

I'll say this in closing. Yesterday we had the biggest Friday, (in hits) we have EVER seen. Record days just keep rolling in and registering to comment didn't seem to stop anyone.

Westernshoremigrant said...

test test test...... mic check one two

EdenMan said...

Just testing......

Bruce D said...

Way to go Joe. Keep up the good work,and may the anti-Alberos go get a life.

Unknown said...

Just checking to see if the original techno-dinosaur did it right. That is after I messed up my home page.

bks411 said...

Joe, I'm glad you finally decided to do this. I'm glad this will finally free up your time. Since you have gone to this format, have things improved as far as the nasty, negative comments?

Laurie said...


Kimmie264 said...

Hope it's made your day easier.

Joseph Albero said...

bks. OMG, YES!

Life is so much better. You see, most of you will never realize just how bad things were. We'd get hundreds of nasty comments every single day. It would stress everyone out and annoy those moderating comments. Now, we know just how ticked off those Anti Albero Bloggers are because they cannot beat the system.

SO THANK YOU, all of you for registering because you just don't realize how much easier you've made our lives.

Mr. Sketch said...

I registered. Is it working?

Bullard Construction said...

Test #2

Alex said...

hello from a western shore liberal :}

Unknown said...


fishbrains290 said...


Unknown said...

Great idea. If you don't want to be identified, you probably don't have anything constructive to say.

Curious in Whitesville said...


flash1856 said...

Picked up 3 unauthorized signs in my neighborhood yesterday Keep up the good work

BlueEyes said...

checking to make sure working

thatsreality said...

Stuart, some may not want to be identified because they don't want to lose their job. It is good to have an "inside" take on matters pertaing to government, so we wouldn't want out friends that work for government canned for openly discussing issues that their bosses don't approve of? Not all of us are landlords that don't have a boss to speak of.

John said...

great way to weed out the bad apples

Beezer said...

This is an excellent idea. The improved procedure should allow SBYnews to do an even better job as things are more streamlined.

Anonymous said...


Arwen said...

I signed up just for you Joe.

Anonymous said...

one more time!

LadyLibertarian said...

Wow! I have totally noticed a difference since you have gone to registered users only. There has been respectful difference of opinion, and not crappy name calling and general nastiness and personal attacks. It's like being in a really quiet room after all the people from the party have left. AWESOME!

Alex said...

Registering sounds like a good idea in theory, but I think that many peope read your site at work and most corporate firewalls will not allow one to log into google account in order to leave the comment.
Perhaps it's just me, but I wished that you went back to the old comment structure.
There seems to be a huge drop in comments.

Joseph Albero said...

Alex, this Blog isn't about you. It's about me. Like it or not, Salisbury News is sticking with registered comments only. As for the lack of comments, THANK GOD. If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. Our hits are up by at least 10% and I was 100% correct in thinking the comments wouldn't make a difference in our daily traffic. In the mean time, we're loving LIFE around here because guess what, we finally have a LIFE!

Alex said...

I know it's about you and if hits is all that matters, then it's cool. However, from usability perspective, it has become less convenient to enjoy your site. In other words, people do want to say something nice but are precluded from it by the fact that firewalls do not allow logging in. This lead to the next point.
You seem to have lost a critical dimension of your blog (or any blog for that matter) - a debate. I guess it's a trade off; debate vs. nasty comments
This is not to bash you or your site, and not even for publishing. I don't live on ES, and am completely neutral. I read your blog, and especially comments, to understand the dynamic of the entire political spectrum of my State. It's just an opinion from someone who is a student of usability engineering.
Thank you

Joseph Albero said...

Alex, It's unfortunate you feel the way you do but I am the one who has to deal with 16 hour days and living with nasty, hateful anonymous comments. They are gone now and there is a peace within that just can't be explained unless you've experienced it day after day, year after year.

YOU and everyone else can still comment and there's not been ONE complaint outside yours from others.

The fact that even more people are now visiting, many now know we have made the serious change and are more comforted knowing the personal attacks are gone for good.

You can claim firewalls keep people from registering with Blogger but that's a bunch of crap and you know it.

Salisbury News is about the articles and not nasty personal attacks. If you don't like it I welcome you to go elsewhere. We're NOT going back.

tanker46 said...


Phillyboy said...

Just checking, thanks

Anonymous said...

Welcome Aboard everyone it is going to be a fun ride :-)

Anonymous said...

1, 2, 3 - testing to see if I did this right.

Amberlynn said...

OMG I did it all by myself!