
DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, January 10, 2010
An Insult To Our Democracy
YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE THIS! 1 1/2 minute long and straight from C-Span - how a vote was passed. This is how the House will pass healthcare. Just watch this. This is our Democratic-Controlled House at work. It's their way all the way. (the video is very short and very maddening).
If anyone wonders about our current Congress and especially the House of Representatives this youtube will open their eyes. Watch this, then cry.
We are losing our nation and everything it stands for.
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Democrat Nazi's !
welcome to American politics?
this happens to both parties when the other is in office.
at least we will all benefit from the bill!
It's an easy cop out to say it's all politicians and then sweep it under the rug . I have never seen a republican act with this kind of arrogance first off the main stream media would have been all over it !
9:55 you are nuts , an an obvious idiot!
I hate war , Ellenor hates war , but it's very obvious that civil war is at hand. That old fart needs it between the eyes.
Gotta love party politics. Political parties are an insult to our democracy, always have been. Instead of working to accomplish the most good it's all about posturing yourself for the next election.
The good news is these democrats will be voted out this year so we could start impeachment hearings very soon !
It dosent get anymore treasonous than that right there!!!!
Anon 10:28-
i think its people like you with a radical militant agenda that give this country a bad name. CIVIL WAR?!?! Pathetic...
so you are saying that you would be willing to shoot and kill innocent people or US soldiers because our current administration wants to implement health care reform legislation?
it seems like you are really just going to be the next wacko to shoot people at work or the mall...
I was formerly friends with a Liberal/Democrat and could not stand "His way or the highway" and never could reason with him. So I understand completely how this vote was passed,
Dont sit on your a@*. Lets do something before its too late !!
10:38 health care reform has nothing to do with it, it's obvious you have miised the boat.
We don't have good government practice and it will be very hard to regain it. The only way to turn this government around may be with radical decisions , just like you see in the video , dummy.
You would rather lie down in the street and allow a socialist agenda to drive over you and take over the reigns of power than stand in the streets and defend your God given rights to freedom from repression and tyranny?
What a sad commentary on how our schools have watered down the history books to such an extent that the citizenry no longer thinks there is anything worth fighting for. Our founding fathers fought to establish this republic and if necessary, we should be willing to defend it from ALL ENEMIES, foreign and DOMESTIC! The patriots who are trying to uphold the ideals of our Constitution are being painted as potential right wing extremists, but who is mixing the paint? The very group that would have our country torn apart and rearranged into a socialist format.
If we don't defend the UNITED STATES (not America) against such social engineering, then we will all be the worse off for it.
Reminded me of Mike Dunn and Louise Smith's brand of parliamentary procedure, except that the speaker actually allowed the comments to continue.
10:28 is exactly right!
10:38 > radical militant agenda? NO! patriots demanding the re-establishment of the Republic. This behavior by Murtha was the most blatant example of usurping our political system I have ever seen.
Mr. Albero, thanks for posting this. Maybe now people can see why the second American Revolution is virtually inevitable. A second Continental Congress was held in November of last year, just 2 months ago. (www.cc2009.us) This is the political end of the resistance the same as Franklin, Jefferson, Hancock, etc., were. Militas are currently organizing under the ARM (http://www.theamericanresistancemovement.com/) as independent citizen militias required by the Constitution. Independent in function but united in the cause of restoring the Republic and the Constitution.
Soon, the Continental Congress will meet again and the agenda will depend on how the current congress, senate, president, and state and local governments respond to the Articles of Freedom established by the Continental Congress held in November.
The word is they will call for the Assembly of a military force to remove the existing Congress and Senate and try them for treason. For those of you who think that military and law enforcement personnel don't recognize that the constitution they were sworn to uphold is being torn apart in this charge toward socialism by our government, think again. Most will not take up arms against their family mambers, friends, neighbors that they know to be good, law abiding citizens. Some will. May God have mercy on their souls.
This is not how our founding fathers meant this country to be. The constitution has been violated so many times by the existing government that we can barely recognize it. Politicians have sold this republic out in order to remain in office and line their own pockets so often that our people are starving and living under bridges. Our nation is so far in debt that we can't even service the interest. They are manipulating the media in order to paint a picture of a recovering economy but it is a false economy. It must end.
"In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a Patriot."
I'm speechless but it doesn't surprise me. I remember the CHAD conspiracy where a group of Democrats ran into a back room with a box of ballots. SHAMEFUL.
I think your paranoia is showing...
I just not a violent person, I act with votes, phone calls and letters to reps- not with gungs and violence like you and your wack-job militia (terrorist group) pals are threatening.
I voted for Obama, I back the bill- and i LOOOOVE that the very people that I voted to send to congress are cramming it down your throat.
get used to it- you have another 7 years to go.
11:51 This to will pass and the pendulum will swing back hard the other way so don't complain when it does !!!
11:51am, It's those like you that ignore the Constitution and all the laws, procedures and policies in place, only because you think your getting something for nothing, but the truth is you'll lose everything and get nothing but more empty promises and lies from the current government. Remember, it is those that have trashed and destroyed our Constitution that are drawing first blood. Are you willing to defend the ones you voted for...with your life?, like those that have defended the Constitution in the past and will again in the very near future? Let the bodies hit the floor....
With the way things are going i will be surprised that Obama will get another four years.
I agree with Anon 11:46. Also, the time for intervening at the ballot box has passed. I have just read some of the Articles of Freedom on that website about the continental congress. There can't be any compromise on the constitution. It's the law of the land. The government has to fix it now by repealing all laws that violate the constitution or the people will do it themselves. Now I'm going to the other website about the resistance and find a militia around here in Delaware. Molon Labe!
Our republic will be restored within four years.
12:48 You seem like you know what's really going on in our country. go to the American resistance website listed in the comment above. Go to the link at the top and go into the chat room. keep going there until you find someone in the room called "Redbird". he has a group in your area if you are interested. God Bless America! No NWO!
you people are friggin nuts
What do you think the democrats and the MSM would be doing if Bush had tried some of this crap ?
It doesn't matter who is trying it. It is unconstitutional. NO MORE! I hope they do assemble a military force. A new continental army. It's a scary time to be alive. How many here support such a movement?
Militia psychopaths! Your reactions are as sad as they are scary... as they are funny.
have a black president for one year and all of the wacko's come crawling out of the wood work!
Go ahead and form your little terrorist group so we can finally bring our troops home... to fight you guys haha "Iiironyyy"
An option very worthy of your consideration!
Pass It On For Our Country
and the memory of our Founding Fathers!
At least read this. Form your own opinion, even if you disagree with this issue, but at least read it. You and I owe that to our country. All I ask is that you consider the suggestion here.
The entire Congress of the United States is corrupt. And I mean both Houses and I mean both major parties.
I realize that a few Members of each House are trustworthy,
but, as a group they are absolutely the most corrupt bunch to ever disgrace our Nation.
In November of 2010 the entire House of Representatives
will stand for re-election;
All 435 of them. One third of the Senate, a total of 33 of them, will also stand for re-election.
Vote every incumbent out.
And I mean every one of them. No matter their Party affiliation.
Let's start all over in the House of Representatives with 435 people who have absolutely no experience in running that body, with no political favors owed to anyone but their own constituents. Let's make them understand that they work for us. They are answerable to us and they simply have to run that body with some common sense.
Two years later, in 2012, vote the next third of the incumbents in the Senate out.
We can do the same thing in 2014 and, by that time we will have put all new people in that body as well.
We, the People, have got to take this Country back
and we HAVE to do it peacefully.
That's what the Framers of our Constitution envisioned.
I am also suggesting term limits on the new bunch -- 4 years for representatives, two terms that’s all AND 12 years [2 terms] for senators. NO EXCEPTIONS! THE LONGER THEY STAY IN OFFICE THE MORE POWER THEY GET AND THEY LOVE IT AND WILL DO ANYTHING TO GET RE-ELECTED. WE HAVE TERM LIMITED THE PRESIDENT NOW LET'S TERM LIMIT THE LEGISLATORS.
And we do away with their Special Retirement system and their health program (they should have same health programs everyone else in America does). When they are through serving their country they go back to being private citizens. They should view their service as a privilege; after all it was designed to be a part time job to represent the voice of the people, NOT the special interest groups and those who can do favors for them. If they don’t like this proposal then don’t run for office…
I'm sorry you think I'm paranoid simply because I refuse to stick my head in the sand and not acknowledge the travesty being foisted upon the citizens of the United States.
You and the brotherhood of spineless amoebas that would allow the destruction of our country and the principles that allowed it to grow to become the most powerful nation on the face of the earth are enough to gag a maggot. The manner in which you hide behind the coat tails of the Demoncratic Party is sickening.
Do I support the Republicraps? NO! I don't support any individual or group that would allow the overthrow of our country's basic principles. We didn't get to the point we were at some 25 years ago without doing something right, but we have strayed so far from that path it's nauseating. It's time for a new day to reinstate the ideals our founding fathers had in mind and put this country back on the straight and narrow.
And if you think I'm a bit harsh, I might be, but at least I don't hide behind the ubiquitous "Anonymous" label!
As a former Marine and combat veteran I find Mr. Murtha's actions disgraceful but sadly consistent with the growing trend in this country. It is time to push back or get out. Apathy will only serve to further their cause. Wake up people!!!
The Obama adminstration treats our brave soldiers like terrorists and the terrorists like American citizens.We are prosecuting Seals that are the best of the best for what--a bloody lip to a murdering terrorist who just paraded the burned corpses of US private contractors? The Obamas have a picture of Mao on theor Christmas ornament? Does anyone remember how many millions of people Mao slaughtered? Congratulations all you 1960 socialist hippies, you have brilliantly ruined our country through media, academia and politicians.
7:10 THANK YOU for your service and I'm am ready to defend our nation along side you on our own soil!
I'm sad to say that the time for peaceful resolution is over. 7:10, 9:00 and others are right. There will be a time very soon for action. And you guys who think that the entire military will take up arms against their relatives and friends are sadly mistaken. When the SHTF hide under your beds. We'll restore the republic and make America safe once more for freedom and liberty for you. Then you can sit back and enjoy what everyone else fought for. If it were up to me, we would take the people who condemn liberty and the republic and ship you to mexico after the republic is restored. I'm talking about you 6:24 AND your family. Why should you enjoy what everyone else is getting ready to fight for? If you want communism go to China!
"The Obamas have a picture of Mao on their Christmas ornament? "
The Clintons did as well as horny anatomically correct ornaments. Hillary proudly carries on the Progressive plan started by Teddy Roosevelt designed to make us a Marxist Dictatorship. This plan includes Bankrupting America and they are very close to achieving all of it. It also includes making the elections a joke. Looks like 2010 will be completely rigged to me. I wonder if Obama only won through fraudulent votes though McCain is also a progressive and would have been a worse President in my opinion. He could have possibly passed their agenda with bi-partisan votes.
Progressives are always too stupid to see that force in the end wins. Tyrants prevail over progressives every time as they can not be reasoned with. Just look how Iran has Obama twisting in the wind. They are building their Nukes with no sanctions because Obama is far to stupid to know he is being played like a Violin. If and that is a very big if Iran stooped enriching it is because they have enough enriched or are about to put a better process in place.
6:24 You just exposed yourself as a racist ! We know this is about our Constitution but idiot racist's like you are only hung up on skin color . I too will seek out a militia group and hope to cross paths with you to your detriment !
6:24 and all others interested. Develop your underground now. Medics who will treat your wounded without notifying the government. Find people who can give food or help with ammunition. It will all come down sooner than anyone knows.
Don't panic folks, I just fired him too.
Rational folks like me see ARM as a terrorist group. True Story. It's literally a collection of the most unstable, paranoid and overly-armed people in our society.
in 7 years, Obama will be leaving office and we will all be a little older- but that's about it. You will all feel just as embarrassed as you did after you "geared up for Y2K" only now you will have tons of ammo sitting around instead of a generator.
and I don't think 6:24's comment sounded racist at all- he/she was just pointing out that you people never freaked out like this when a white dem was in office... you have to admit- it a little "coincidental"
The government, police,politicians, terrorists and anyone else that have power over your life are our enemies folks. The police are a necessary evil, but remember who they work for. It's not us. Most are criminals with a badge. And the government is selling us out down the river.
You may or may not believe this but time will show that I am correct.
Get yourselves a stash on un-registered weapons. When the day comes that they take the 'legal' ones, you will have something to fall back on.
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