
Where to begin on the sale of the old Firehouse, everything about it stinks. Granted, Palmer Gillis did follow the procedures set forth by the city of Salisbury to purchase the building however, the city did not follow it’s own procedures.
The building and property it sits on was surplussed April 2007 before the new council was seated. One of Mike Dunn’s last votes while in office. The surplus was announced at the council legislative meeting, an offer of $250,000 cash was put on the table to start the bidding for the property.
August and November 2009 the property listed as 115 S Division St is advertised in the Daily Times. The property described is the building and the lot it sits on ONLY. The city of Salisbury did not follow the law in the sale of this property. Advertisement of the property, August and November of 2009, lists ONLY the building and the parcel of land it sits on, NOT the two parcels along the river. The city threw the river properties in as an option, in an addendum but failed to advertise them publicly. While the property known as the Old Firehouse was surplussed by the council the two parcels on the river were not, therefore, they could not be sold with the advertised parcel. Why? Because the charter says any property designated as surplus or unused must be done so by council.
Copies of the addendum were sent only to interested parties they wanted to bid and then posted on the city website. This, according to the city municipal code is not proper advertisement of property for sale. Municipal code states the following; “A notice inviting proposals or an auction advertisement shall be published in a local newspaper of general circulation not less than three times within thirty (30) days prior to the date that proposals shall be made or auction held, and such notice or auction advertisement shall identify the specific property to be sold, the site, side and location.”
It should also be noted.
Only what is surplussed and advertised can be sold. Why wouldn’t Palmer Gillis or anyone else want property that has 2 parcels with river frontage as an option? The city tossed it in an addendum so the public would be none the wiser. They begged the bidders to take the property saying they can have a portion, half or both lots and they would close off the existing street if the bidder wanted them to. This city is being run by either complete imbeciles or the most corrupt people to breathe air since Spiro Agnew. This whole deal is illegal and should be subject to injunctive relief.
The municipal code says; “To assure that all who may be interested in developing real property owned by the city of Salisbury which is surplus or unused are given an equitable opportunity to participate”
One could argue that an offer of $250,000 cash at the podium of a city council meeting is not an offer to purchase and that a RFP should have been submitted. However, the RFP states it was sent to all who showed an interest in the property. This is simply not true, ALL did not receive an RFP. ALL that the city wanted to submit an RFP may have received notice, ALL that showed interest did not.
The code also states; “The director of procurement shall determine whether city-owned land is surplus or unused in accordance with the City Charter and make recommendations to the city council as to the sale or disposition of such real property.”
Of course, Paul Wilber will come back and say it’s ok because it was put into the addendum. This is NOT OKAY! The same municipal code Paul Wilber writes to protect landlords states specifically how surplussed property must be handled. An addendum, sent to only those interested in purchasing the property, posted on a website is not considered public notification
The RFP also states bids will be sealed bids. How were they sealed bids if the council was always making reference to who bid and their intended use for the property PUBLICLY?
The RFP and Addenda also state the proposed use of the property must meet the approval of council. Well, all along the Gillises stated UMES and Perdue was partnering in this venture until the last council meeting when they realized people called and asked questions. After the council gave the firehouse away Gillis admits in the newspaper UMES was not going to partner with him. Representatives from UMES stated they were always more out of this deal than in. I don’t know of any individual that has partnered with Perdue. All this talk about partnering with UMES and the Hospitality program came from Brad Gillis, Palmer Gillis and Karl Binns, who teaches in the hospitality program at UMES. It should also be known that Mr. Binns is a very close friend of Lore Chambers, assistant city administrator.
Now that the cat is out of the bag regarding Palmer and Brad Gillis’s partnerships, or lack thereof, what is the real intended use for this property? Condos in the old firehouse? Bar and restaurant along the river?
UPDATE: Let me take this to yet ANOTHER level, or two. #1, BOTH parcels near the river were purchased with "OPEN SPACE" money. The City CANNOT surplus that property! Idiots! #2, based on the "SCORING" they did for the RFP's, according to their own rules, because UMES backed out, Brushmiller's proposal would actually have been a HANDS DOWN better offer, BY A LONG SHOT! We will be investigating this scoring system this week before all final documents are turned over to our attorneys. AGAIN, I want to reflect on the FACT that your local MSM never picked up on ANY of this. They are simply there, (any more) as a Press Release for most of the stories handed to them. Most of them are way too green to the Shore to have ANY clue what's really going on politically.
HOWEVER, you can continue to depend on Salisbury News to deliver you the FACTS and ORIGINAL stories while the rest produce OUR local news on television hours later, right WBOC. Let everyone else do the work while you take the credit.
Sounds very shady to me. Whatever happened with the LORA group that was trying to stop the sale? I believe they knew all along something wasn't right!
hooray for capitalism!
No. Remember when Doug Church and Brad Gillis wanted to develope the properties next to market st. that was the real thing they were after. The firehouse was a throw back to the deal
Who really cares? Can't we just move on? People are TIRED of hearing about this!
Wonder if Louise understands the question now, after she gets the egg off her face by being taken by the Gillis's. What about the second floor rentals the mayor hates, not much has been brought up about this. Guess he has pet landlords he owes favors to such as the Gillis's. What a scam at the taxpayer expense! Talk about back room politics and good old boy network.
End of story. Move on.
Good grief, what's next from that bunch of crooks? According to this they gave away property they had no right to give away at this time. Are you going to file for injunctive relief? Good work Joe.
Get the atty general in to invvestigate the shady dealings of our city and county govt. This place is a disgrace.
I saw A picture today of the Firehouse when it was dedicated in 1927. It cost $55,000.00 then. Looks like it would be worth more than $100,00.00 now.
4:18 PM
You may be tired of hearing about this, but I am not tired of hearing about this. And I suggest others are not tired of hearing about this either.
An investigation is needed and possibly a lawsuit. Sounds like this sale needs to be annulled and new bidding should begin with proper procedures followed.
Sounds like a sweetheart deal to me. To best of my knowledge they are illegal.
Everyone should have an opportunity to bid on this property not just the favored ones of city council.
I think the reason the river property was added is because this deal stinks and the closer they can get to the river the better the stink, well I guess it depends on the current from the overflows at the sewer plant. Just my thoughts.
to 4:18 NO we are not tired of hearing about this. Louise doesn't want to deal with the facts--she just wants things done quickly and move on. She thinks keeping things moving will prevent the public/taxpayers from examining the issues and facts. She's so over her head and needs to hang it up--she's not up to the task.
I think all this "deal" should be scrapped and start over! lets have a legal deal. At the council meeting didnt you hear Oldman state that all the paper work was advertized properly and each and everyone of the steps were taken..
Wonder who she was trying to convince? (herself)
Do it over and do it correctly!
Who made the offer of $250,000 cash?
very well writing. thanks for putting that info out there
When I worked for the county, any surplus material or property being the property of taxpayers, was to to sold at auction for everyone to get a chance to participate.
Just watching pac 14 and the Gillis's arrogance trying to justify stealing station 16 . They make me sick. Doing the city a favor my a_ _ .Just lining thier pockets everone's expense. Palmer reminds me of the Treshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland do not trust him.
There's a right way to do things and a wrong way. Seems that this city always opts for the wrong way and tries to get over on its residents. Well, we are tired of it Louise. This all needs to be scrapped and start over again and do it right or don't do it at all. And No, we don't just need to move on and get over it and forget it.
This Town and some of its cohorts makes the Supranos look like angels.
I personally think the whole process stinks and thwarts justice. I also deem the entire transaction, arbitrary and illegal.
4:18 & 4:38- if you're tired of hearing about it stop reading about it morons!! Is that simple enough for you??
Brad, is that you posting from Happy Hour again? LOL
What lawyer in this town will stand up to the city and Palmer Gillis? None have the intestinal fortitude to do so is my bet.
Question.. what can be done at this point?
Has the deed for the property been signed over? Is this deal completed? I mean, this smells so bad, but what can be done at this point?
I'd like to thank Terry Cohen for asking the question that Louise Smith tried to make her look dumb for asking.
What a snowjob by the city staff and the developer too.
I listened to Mrs. Cohen on the radio this morning. She was very matter of fact about some of what was wrong with how this went down.
Did they discuss this at all at today's work session? What else are they trying to ram through? Stay on it, Joe. This is the best information I've seen on this, the Daily Times is so useless as a public watchdog.
Just makes me sick, the lot of them. There are only two people you can trust in Salisbury's government, Terry Cohen and Debbie Campbell. They are also the only two with a brain as far as I'm concerned!
the real shame is the councils Hee Haw drama and reputation keeps people with any smarts from even wanting to run and be affiliated with such a joke
its been nothing but a parade of dim witted clowns for over 15 years now someone should pitch it as reality TV its a never ending source of jaw dropping stupidity
I think what they do isnt even malicious or sneaky as much as its just too much for them to comprehend
Got Freemasonry?
Brad? or Palmer? Is that you??
Guess what Butt Breath I care and we care. We are sick and tired of you non resident thieves making deals with dirty politicians and stealing from us the tax payers.
Jim Ireton needs to leave the GOB in handcuffs!!s
We the people need to band together and file an injunction to stop the sale and make them do it all over again, the right way. The deal is not final until there is a disposition contract and an ordinance passed.
Why is it that when you make a statement, someone gets to post a statement calling you a name on this site? I am not Mr. Gillis. I never attend a happy hour. And, yes, I and many people in our community are tired of the fixation on this subject and don't care to hear about it any more. It is a waste of space on this site that could be used for more useful news. And, the last I heard, Joe allows other opinions on his site. So, here it is and if you disagree, be polite. I don't care if you disagree but you nor anyone else on this blog needs to be ignorant. Joe, how much ignorance do you allow without it getting out of control?
4:35, well obviously quite a bit of ignorance is allowed...I mean, you post on here, right? LOL!!
Fortunately Joe allows us to post what we feel and what we think is important, we may not like your opinion and you may not like ours but deal with it! If what's going on in the center of our town and what's being allowed by a group of crooks isn't important to you than maybe you're the one who needs to examine their priorities.
I will more than volunteer to work with someone to overturn this injustice. What a crock of stuff, other than writing letters to officials outside the local government what can be done that will have a positive outcome?
Joe, The one thing that no one is asking, Is why UMES did not at some point over the space of over a year come forward and tell the public and the City that they were out? Especially with a faculty member in a "good friend" relationship with a City Official. I know that it is Gains Hawkins job to portray the University in the most favorable light but it was often in the news. Something is wrong with this picture?
Everyone knows that Palmer is a thief and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree with Brad.
This was our firehouse....not Louisell's, Gary's and Shanie's!! These people will never see another win in an election and neither will Liarton.
I say sue their butts and oh by the way they didn't make just Salisbury attorneys and quit! There are plenty that would love to take this case.
I disagree, a lot of lawyers will be happy to take this case. Regardless of how they want to be portrayed the Gillis's are disliked by many, many more people than there are ones who like them and more importantly, trust them.
the real shame is this council believes they were elected to make decisions when in fact they are only elected to usher city business through established protocol regulation and LAW
its an ethical conflict of interest to play monopoly with the taxpayers property with associates and established realestate insiders and speculators
I have an Idea that might shut everyone up...that fire house would make a great soup kitchen and get all the riff raft of the library steps that scare off all the people that should be reading about their rights as taxpayers and what is actually the lawful proceedings of an Adhoc council
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