On Friday, four billboard trucks in New York City bearing the message “Stop the Liberal Bias, Tell the Truth!” started circling the Manhattan headquarters of ABC, CBS, NBC, and the New York Times. The trucks will do so for eight hours every weekday for the next four weeks as part of a campaign run by the Media Research Center, a watchdog group that analyzes the media for liberal bias.
Similar trucks are also operating in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area, passing the offices of the broadcast networks, the Washington Post, CNN, the Newseum, the National Press Club and Politico, and ads about the campaign are running on numerous Web sites and on conservative talk radio programs.
L. Brent Bozell III, president of the Media Research Center (MRC), the parent company of CNSNews.com, said the goal of this 2010 “Tell the Truth!” campaign “is simple: to force the liberals in the media to stop pushing an agenda and just tell the truth.”
The “liberal media news networks” need to report the facts about “massive growth in government and its control over our lives, and about spending, deficits and debt,” he told CNSNews.com. “They also need to tell the truth about the efforts to turn our country into a European-style Socialist state.”
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If they aren't circling Fox News as well then they are full of crap. Does anyone out there advocate for academic honesty anymore. Bias is bias, no matter which side it comes from. And it's this bias that is dividing us further.
We are being polarized by the criminals who run our government. They control it with their big money. They have convinced all of us to cheer for them! We "little peole" are busy every day arguing with each other about which elite should decide our future, our dinner, our medicine costs, and how we should live our lives.
Kudos for being the opposite of what I was expecting to read in the comments. You are 100 percent correct.
Fox News reporting isn't biased. Obviously, their opinion-based commentator programs are, but there's a difference between their reporting and their editorials. Their reporting is fair and balanced, and that is no joke. Glenn Beck, O'Reilly, etc are all opinion programs and not news reporting, contrary to popular belief.
10:53, I was home sick about a month ago. While at the computer I had Fox on all morning. Only the hypocrisy of an idealogue would call their news any more unbiased than any other channel.
10:35, you are a loon. What do you think Palin is trying to do when she says Obama wants to kill grandma? What do you think lefties do when they scream Bush wanted to kill Iraqi babies for oil. Dummies like you simply eat up the red meat thrown from your party affiliates then spew out even more crap.
11:58 -- It's only biased to the fact that they report all of the news, without the left-tilt of the other organizations. The stories the other stations won't cover, they cover in detail. Like the black panther case. So is it biased? Maybe to the point where they want to make sure all stories get heard. That the government be held accountable for its actions, like the media is SUPPOSED to do.
11:58....well said! fox always covers stories the other "news" stations won't cover! as for the trucks, too bad we can't have trucks like these in all the cities in America. Maybe then the liberal media would wake up!
yeah 12:42, it's a shame the media outlets actually wait till hard evidence is obtained prior to spouting inuendo.
Kudos for Fox doing all that hard reporting when it came to fact checking claims of WMD in Iraq. Or all these false claims about "small businesses" getting hit with tax hikes.
"The View" need not say anymore.
With the untold numbers of "stories" available to each news organization, the mere selection of which story to cover reveals the bias of any individual group. They are ALL biased in one way or another. The days of Walter Cronkite and Ed Murrow and objective reporting are OVER. The viewer must be able to (YES!!) THINK FOR THEMSELVES and be able to separate fact from subjective analysis/reporting. It ain't easy...critical thinking skills aren't taught anymore in skools.
3:49 you got to be kidding me, Cronkite an objective reporter,he was a border line Communist.
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