DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Salisbury Chamber Hosts Best Candidate Forum I've Seen To Date
Not only did we see all the major players show up at this debate, the questions were excellent and it truly put the candidates on the spot.
Dawn Tilghman celebrated her 29th Birthday last evening and brought up a question that not only threw me for a loop, her question brought up a topic I personally had no idea was going on.
It seems the state of Maryland has hired on several new Inspectors who are now hammering businesses all over the eastern Shore with unbelievable violations. They are fining businesses like there's no tomorrow for very simple items. I'm talking an extension cord plugged into an outdoor outlet. According to them, it's wrong and they're fining them. Another case I heard was the state going after a local roofing company for not having proper restraints on. Here's the catch. The state had allegedly planted themselves on the top floor of the Downtown Parking Garage for three days and took a long range picture of the violation. However, they had completed the work and there was nothing left to attach their harnesses to and that's where they got them.
The charges are not only bogus, they're very trying on the businesses, proving once again that Maryland is absolutely NOT business friendly. O'Malley is really sticking it to small businesses and if you're like me, I just wasn't aware of the increase of 7 new Inspectors throwing out these fines left and right.
Now, as for the candidates. The only candidate that really impressed me with their answer was Dustin Mills. He too expressed his commitment to make positive changes with small businesses in Maryland and this was one of his main reasons for running. Most candidates skirted around any real answer at all. Chris Robinson really didn't answer the question. Rudy Cane was just in left field with pretty much all of his answers last night, (in my opinion). For a guy who stated people should vote for him because of his experience, his answers lacked evidence of such. He seemed to talk more about being the first black to be elected from the Shore. Rich Colburn invited Dawn to come to him after the debate and he would do what he can to help out and place pressure on that department to back off.
All in all is was a well run debate. There were around 50 people there not related to the candidates, that was unfortunate. I'm sure GA Harrison will chime in later with his views and more details. For me, I was impressed, yet felt disappointed that more people aren't attending these events.
In closing, I find it most interesting that while many republicans are stating this is the biggest election year of our lives, I just don't see the participation. We have provided candidate interviews that are not drawing the kind of numbers we'd like to see, especially after so much work is put into them. Not that it's a big deal to me personally, I enjoy the experience and practice. The question remains, are these candidate interviews slowing down these forums and debates?
I personally think people would rather sit at home and watch the candidates platforms at your own convenience. However, we'd like to know your thoughts on this matter.
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having young children keeps us from these functions, but you can bet we'll be participating on election day.
As far as inspections go,
well the only business growing is the GOV, be it local,state and federal. These people have to justify their existance and there is plenty of low fruit to pluck these days. Everyone needs work done and no one is going to pay the 2005 rates. Whats left is broken pieces of good companies and workers trying to get any work available. Once Maryland gets everyone shut down, the state will wonder what happen. We'll need another bailout.
Speaking of which,
Where's the money from the first?
I hear that some said that they would vote to allow local governments to impose new sales taxes on meals and power bills and others were opposed to that.
Please identify who said what about new taxes for towns and cities.
that was Rudy Cane
Don't miss the post about Bubba Comegys -- directly below this one!
You know, with you guys it's only black or white. How about this: the law is the law and it has got to be enforced. You have got to follow the law. If the so-called 'charges' are bogus as you call them, then why didn't these businesses argue them with the 'inspectors' at the time they were approached. To be in business, you have to know the law, understand it, and follow it. If you don't like it, work to get it changed. Noticed you did not mention what state dept was involved. Can you tell us?
The results of the primary were so disappointing as to who lost and who got through. What are people thinking? It is discouraging to those who really care to see such un-informed voting.
There are elected officials who deserve to be re-elected - so I hope the "throw the bums out" mentality doesn't end up costing us dearly.
The fringe candidates who came through the primary will just be hysterical voices in Annapolis that don't garner respect - IF they win in Novmeber.
Please everyone - watch Joe's interviews or go on the candidates' web pages. KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING WHEN YOU GO BEHIND THE CURTAIN!!!!
I, for one, am glad that there inspectors out their DOING THEIR JOB. Are these businesses upset that they got caught, or that they have to pay fines? If they can't comply, they shouldn't be in business, period. This isn't about being unfriendly to businesses, its about upholding the law. Don't like the laws? Work to have them changed.
I'm tired of the Candidates not answering the questions and the old talking in circles routine.That is why I do not waste my time with these events.I'm forced to vote for the lesser of 2 evils anyway with this messed up 2 party system we have. We need to start the realist party. This would be the party of how things really work and affect people not this fantasy world people live in where they think money grows on trees at the White House to pay for all their needy programs.You should only be able to vote if you pay taxes in this country why should people who don't pay in to the system we have, have the right to decide what is done with the taxes!
Perhaps someone can't pay their taxes because an idiot drove this country into the ground over 8 years and they don't have a job. Don't they deserve the right to be in the process that may turn that around?
I really hope you are not implying that Obama is "trying" to turn things around.. Yes I like government mandated heath care!!! I love having the government dictate what we can and can not do!! If that is the case then why did we even have a Revolutionary War, Hell, Britian was doing a great job telling us what to do and how to do it. Lets go back to that, because that is what Obama is trying to do..
12:23 Anon, obviously you're not in business or you would know that you don't argue with these inspectors! If you do, they'll look around a little longer and see what else little petty thing they can fine you for!
OSHA is one of the worst and in fact, they were at the Verizon building the other day and issued some fines because a couple of the guys were "playing around".
In some instances, YES, there should be fines for safety violations. I agree with that. But when you have them sitting at McDonalds viewing a worksite with a camera across and down the street while they're eating their lunch, that's rediculous!
Show up ON the jobsite and do your job not while you're at McDonalds getting fatter because you don't want to get out of the truck!
They nit pick and that's why businesses hate them.
Stupid rules like a shop rag on the ground - $500.00 fine for every rag. That's rediculous!
No hard hat - yes fine!
Yes, It's good to see laws are enforced. They should be! I hope none of them buckle under either.
I bet any of you "the law is the law" types have not had the pleasure of an MOSHA visit. I guarantee regardless of where you work, or what you do, you are wrong about something. Any self respecting business would follow the law. Does that mean a fine should be automatic for the first offense? Some of the violations are awfully petty was the point. Do you expect to get a $200 speeding ticket for driving one mph over the speed limit?
Well, some of you 'business-types' are getting a little testy. Guilty consciences?? So far, I haven't read any FACTS. Did Ms.Tilghman (who the hell is she anyway?) provide any FACTS? Was it OSHA or MOSHA? Were they all fat? What were the specific violations? By God, if they were fat, that explains everything, doesn't it? Obey the law. And yes, if you're a mile over the limit and the law says the fine is $200, pay it and slow down.
many of the laws on the books are antiquated and no longer needed. many of the laws and regulations are just for controling the masses.
maryland has NEVER been a business friendly state; hence the "socialist republic of maryland".
rich colburn has been a good rep. for us but i'm not sure he's as agressive as he should be with making us a more friendly business state. some regs. and laws need to be rolled back or struck down completely. we must have dramatic changes to make our state more competitive.
we need gov. christy for our state and others like him as our reps.
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